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Transcending Reality To Higher Vibrational Frequency

By on November 4, 2018 in Spiritual Awakening

by Angel V. Ornedo Jr.,
Guest writer,

We bring you a very significant development in humanity’s spirituality from Messages from Source. A net covers the whole earth created by bad irrational thoughts of humanity in many forms but all partakes of negative thoughts. In reality we live in a prison and it is difficult or near to impossible to get out. NASA calls it a computer hologram, still is a confirmed prison. The message from Source through Carla Thompson shared with us follows:

We are at a powerful moment where we can all assist in neutralizing this reality-encompassing field of thought, by sweeping it clear with the help of the light rays that are being sent to the third dimensional Earth reality in this final phase of ascension. The Divine Mind of God shared that in this powerful moment, we can sweep away humanity’s addiction to unclarified thought with an alchemical reaction that was shared with us.


The process of neutralizing the net was shared as a gift from Divine Mind, and referred to as the “Crown of Infinite Glory“. It begins by visualizing a braided light of Gold-Yellow Christ
consciousness/Illumination Flame wrapped with the Pink Ray of Unconditional love. “This is a gift of Nous on a carrier wave of Love” As these flames are brought into your crown chakra you will have feelings of calmness, clarity, being centered, love and compassion. Move deeply into a state of meditation in order to receive these Flames. As these flames come into your crown chakra, hold them there briefly as you enter into a state of peace; then visualize these rays moving out into the net of thought forms, first into your own net and then expand the light beyond it to flood the net around the globe.

We were told that this meditation activates our crystalline light body as it creates a huge halo around us and that it actually feeds our own ascension portal. As the Mind of God feeds the energy to us, we shall ultimately transcend this reality completely. (Source, C. Thompson)

It is now a real possibility to assist in the creation of a fifth dimensional platform which resembles the higher realms, a Sacred Land where all negative thought forms no longer exist and only the purest of realities surround us!

As you will notice, meditation and solitude are keys to everything we do to attain oneness with Source. We can now create portals anywhere we desire the moment we neutralize the net that engulfs and imprison humanity on the third plane as we are assisted by Source through the magnetic Sun. Let the golden flame and deep pink flames, Consciousness of Christ and Unconditional love permeate your being and together we create a portal to the Divine Mind and release us from the net, the earth prison. Send golden pillars of light to where you desire it and with the power of trinity of yourselves, you create your portal.

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Light from ANGEL V. ORNEDO JR.

About the authorANGEL JR. shares acts of love, light and unity consciousness. With Capitalist, he had provided livelihood to where he can at PH, SEAsia-Middle East, a concept that a “full stomach learn new ideas.” Healthy body is best. Read Knowing the Infinite Creator by author at Xlibris, or link with him at or listen to you tube,


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