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Untethering From 3D To Let In 5D

By on March 6, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

Untethering From 3D To Let In 5D

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by Raphael Awen,
Contributing Writer,

There is nothing ‘wrong’ at all with the kind of time and space orientation that we all know in 3rd dimensional reality that we all share. In fact, there is actually so much ‘right’ about it, that if anything, we’ve been unable to really handle its magic, so we’ve had to dull it down in an attempt to make it manageable.


Many of us have become so skilled at this dulling down that we find ourselves stuck in ennui and boredom, seeking some kind of external change in our time and space circumstances to shake off the doldrums.

But from the beginning, ‘getting stuck’ in any dimension was only and ever meant as a process for us to bake in order to lead us onward.

3rd dimensional time and space, and us, as aware beings within that, were imagined up from the creator as a way to have an experience outside of the timeless-allness bliss that it was. In fact, the divine actually got tired and bored of this bliss and reached outside of itself for something more. Boredom preceded creation. So it remains.

If that’s true, and I believe it is, then even our admittedly medicative and harmful distractions we seek from our boredom are a divine similarity in us. We seek freedom from boredom.

This week, where we live in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, there have been 3 guys vacationing and sharing a suite just across from the deck where I like to sit out on and gaze and meditate, taking in the ocean. They’ve been given to lots of beer and giggling with one another and their own kind of nervous explorations in camaraderie. It was touching for me to feel at times, even in my annoyance at them, that they are actually no less ‘the divine, out divining’ than I am seeking to meditate and travel with star beings and archangel guides. They will ascend when they are ready, and in the larger picture, they are ascending every bit as much as I am. Did I not need similar experiences in density to arrive at where I am today?

We are all in such deep sacred journey that it is inescapable. We are hopelessly ‘the divine out divining’, all of us…., you, me, and any and all ‘others’, including many kinds of beings and consciousnesses that are off our radar, awaiting reconnection with us.


If we can see this utter reverence for every kind of dimensional experience and experiment, we are then so primed in that kind of reverence to let in other dimensions. When the divine, divined out of itself so called ‘others’ who felt individuated out of itself just enough to provide an ‘otherized’ experience of itself, the divine considered this dimensional experience we know as 3D time and space reality to be nothing less than supernatural. So that means, we, living in 3D are nothing less than part of the divines’ cosmic wow expression and experience. Right now, already, you can’t actually become more God than you already are, except in your awareness of that reality. You only and ever only become something ‘more’ in the discovery of what you always were and never lost.

The only thing on the downside in all of this though is for us to get so captivated by this dimension, that in our forgetfulness of other dimensions, we suffer in a sticky stuckness that can’t seem to find our way out, able to only check out, but unable to leave, and explore beyond. Our souls certainly can get stuck for painful times and be suppressed in our awakening.

We however, like the divine, become more and more, when we are ready, simply bored and tired of locked-in 3rd dimensional living. A holy dissatisfaction begins to ebb more and more into our being. The enjoyments, pleasures and deep meaning found in 3D living simply dries up. Now, we are straddling more and more into the 4th dimensional place that is a bridge to the 5th dimensional reality known in our souls (by one description) as the Golden Earth reality. This is not an easy dimension and it is not for the weary, or weak of heart. Here, in 4D we literally burn up many of the comforts and super things of our super-natural lives, in order to reach for a dimension that we know is there, but vulnerably, we don’t experience much of it yet. Here we become a different person and feel intense shakedowns in all of our relationships.

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Truly gaining more and more access to this so called 5th dimension, that our hearts tell us is possible, is firstly about completing and fully inhabiting the 3rd dimension and learning all we were meant to in that dimension. Our planet, Gaia, is currently going through its own ascension into the 4th dimension, and so it is a pressure that all of her inhabitants are feeling, and it makes for a big support structure for those ready in their soul journey to make the ascension with her. There is nothing wrong with any being or consciousness who needs to complete a phase in a so called ‘lower’ dimension and isn’t ready to ride the ascension wave many of us are feeling called to embrace.

We need to feel this same way towards parts of ourselves who need to be felt in this way for where they are at. Not all of you may be on board with this ascension process that a soul part of you is so excited about, and egging you on with. Feeling a part of you still attached to 3rd dimensional reality will be necessary to integrate in order to ascend. This is a ‘none left behind’ kind of deal. As a soul fragment being birthed out of God, we were only willing to be participants in this ‘god-otherization’ project if we were given the assurance that we would never be ultimately left behind, regardless of the necessary level of forgetfulness of our actually being a part of God.

With these kinds of feelings and reassurances, the kind that color our hearts with love, we are enabled to much more so open the portals of our imagination to begin having real experiences of Golden Earth to call us forward and beyond…

This is the untethering into 4th and eventually 5th dimensional experience, loving and feeling and completing all the goodness that the 3rd dimension had for us, and will continue to as we incorporate 4th as a path to 5th, more and more.

Raphael AwenAbout the author: Raphael Awen is a heart and soul guide, spaceholder, group facilitator, and co-creator/teacher of the SoulFullHeart Way Of Life. Visit for more information about sessions, online group calls and circles, community, videos, and more.

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