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What Lies Beneath The Reaction: Why Do I Feel How I Feel Right Now?

By on November 11, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

What Lies Beneath The Reaction: Why Do I Feel How I Feel Right Now?

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by Katie IndiCrow,

Beautiful souls. We are going through a lot right now, indeed. Many are feeling disappointment in the world they see around them and with it a loss of hope, a sense of betrayal, and/or indignance at the corruption of systems. If you are feeling these feelings – this post is for you.


Dear friends, I ask you to take a moment and look at what is going on beneath that reaction (or at its root). Somewhere deep down inside, are you having it because these actions go against the core values and ideals you hold for humanity? For our societies? For the ways that we believe people should treat one another?

If the answer to that is yes, and I suspect in many cases it is, I ask you to shift your focus to that level of feeling for a moment. Breathe with me here. You are feeling a lower vibrational reaction because something is negatively impacting the ability of others to lead higher vibrational lives. You’re no hate mongerer- NO! In fact, you’re a person who really loves people and you’re losing your mind a bit right now because you’re viewing what appears to be utter chaos and disaster unfold in front of you. Your beliefs about what constitutes a fair and just world are being thrown into what feels like a blender and you’re not happy about it. That’s ok. But let’s not get stuck here.

Why don’t we take a moment to return to that base set of feelings/beliefs, the one that holds values like love, freedom, and equality at its core. Let’s feel these feelings for a moment. Let’s ask ourselves, if we were creating a world around us that took these factors into consideration, what would it look like? Would people live with dignity? Sit with it until you feel the hope and love for the possibilities for humanity. Can you find it within yourself? I think you can.

Now dear friends, I ask you to take that feeling of hope and add to it love, joy, and any other high vibrational quality that you would like to experience as/with humanity. Let the warmth bubble into you, warming you in all the places pain and fear have touched. When it is strong, project that love into the creation of our reality and the new earth. Use your power of intention fueled by love to create the energetic space of the new world. Let it guide you in your actions and thoughts, which then ground it into this reality creating a trajectory point into another.

I’m not one to disallow anger or pain for after all, it led us to this beautiful place, didn’t it? It was part of our journey just now. But it wasn’t our end point, oh no. Rather, it was an opportunity for us to grow, both in terms of how we understand our own feelings and in recognizing what we want as a collective. We are at a stage where we now realize that the vibrational contributions we offer the world around us shape our realities. We also understand that everything is made of energy. and because of that, we are able to make dramatic shifts by using tools that every person can access like focused intention that we can change earths very energetic structure. The thing about chaotic situations like death, elections, and disaster is that they have the power to create strong reactions which bring us to spaces where we really have to re-evaluate who we are, what we’re participating in, and where it’s all going. Sometimes we see we need to make maaaajor changes. Thankfully the malleability of energy allows us to create shifts relatively quickly once we realize that we are not doing this (whatever ‘this’ is) any more.

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So I encourage you dear friends, to examine the roots of your reaction in this and all situations, for within them lies great truth that can positively fuel our action. ***Also remember that activities like projecting love described in this post are excellent ways to contribute to lightening the energetic vibration around tough situations/fosters the creation of better ones. When I do it, my intention is usually to support the highest good of a situation (which I leave up to divine order). Today is 11/11. If you’re so inclined, why not take a moment and use the power of this day to help co-create that very earth we’re dreaming of. **


I love you and I believe in us.

Katie IndiCrow

About the author: Katie IndiCrow is an energy teacher, aligner, and ‘healer’ (though really, it’s aligning. You heal yourself). She is a dedicated gridworker, tree lover, and crow enthusiast. For more information on her current offerings and access to her larger body of work see her fb page: and her shiny new website:

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