What We Can Learn From The Original New Agers
by Jennifer Moreau,
Contributing Writer,In5D.com
Trust is from the heart
Charles Bukowski wrote about intelligent people being full of doubt and stupid people being so sure of themselves. I think we all contain a bit of both. The difference would be allowing and incorporating new information into your own personal story.
Osho said something that has always stuck in my mind when he said, “Belief is from the mind, and trust is from the heart. “Belief is a poor substitution for trust”.
As we begin to bring more things from the unconscious to the conscious, we open more of our inner knowing. Our inner knowing or our truth is continually changing as we evolve. Sometimes it happens quite quickly….you may not be same person as when you got up this morning or even 5 minutes ago before you contemplated some new theory. Sometimes it may take a bit of time to have that ah-ha moment that breaks us through to a new perspective. It just might take 3 people explaining the same thing in different ways but you all of a sudden get it. I remember taking a behavior modification course for a whole semester in College ( I did get a B) and it wasn’t till I heard a 20 min lecture on the subject in University and the 4 months just clicked in my head…Ah-ha!
I have been thinking a lot about the resources for spiritual growth I found when I began researching. I went through my “bookmarks” and I have found that the links to a lot of the websites no longer exist. A friend of mine recently said to me that the ancient knowledge still holds true today. Which I agree. Ancient texts still do contain a road map for spiritual evolution.
I am feeling more in alignment with the New Age thinkers and information from 20 to 30 years ago and even before that. I feel they were authentically bringing forth information for the good of humanity and spiritual evolution. They weren’t trying to get followers (some were) or subscribers. They weren’t looking to be the next big thing, or a millionaire. We all need to use our discernment skills when seeking information.
Discernment comes from trust, from the soul, from how it feels. If something doesn’t quite feel right, then it probably isn’t. But, if the information comes into your awareness down your path again then it might be worth taking another look. Maybe, just maybe it needs more attention….maybe from another source, maybe the explanation will be different or you may read the same thing again and this time you get it. Doesn’t matter what “it” is. Always be open to seeing things from a different level of understanding. Some things may require an understanding of some other things before the ah-ha moment.
Maybe the world is ready to hear what you have to say in your own unique and authentic way. Maybe your own unique and authentic expression has not found it’s way to the surface yet. Trust me when I say there are folks out here that are all doing their best from their own level of understanding. There are just as many levels of understanding as there are perspectives and you just never know who may need your kind of authentic from the heart explaining.
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Jennifer Moreau
About the author: I have been doing intuitive readings for a few years as well as one-on-one teaching and alternative perspective guidance. Studying Ascension and putting it into practice has given me a practical knowledge for others who choose to follow the path of higher growth. Energetic work has become a huge part of my journey since everything is energy. I use many different tools in my work from oracle cards to energy clearing and healing to soul activations and even the pendulum. https://spiritlovestudio.wordpress.com/service/ and reallifehealing@gmail.com.
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