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Why Are We Here?

By on December 5, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Why Are We Here?

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by Teri Wade,
Contributing Writer,

Why Are We Here?

This existence here on Earth we chose for ourselves is incredibly harsh but we chose this existence when we were in our higher, expanded consciousness and I hear so many say “I never agreed to live in this limited state of consciousness” Ohhh but you did! A much more expanded level of YOU chose your life. Now the hard part is understanding why you chose it.


So basically you already made the choice to live in this existence, this 3-D Earth existence, a low vibratory state of awareness now you have to understand why you made this choice. So that’s why it’s so important to expand your consciousness, your awareness in the physical body because then it helps you understand why you made this choice.

So really what you’re doing is you’re starting to connect to that source of YOU that made the choice. All that buried knowledge, insight and information all starts bleeding together from your limited, physical state of consciousness that you are experiencing down here, into your higher self, you’re soul self… where ALL is known. This is Ascension…

Related article: 24 Spiritual Ascension Symptoms

We are here to change the experience of programmed humanity and change the nature of the experience here on Earth for our species. And in this time the Elite control system is going to throw everything at us they got and we’re seeing that now. It’s just a desperate attempt to hold onto power thru fear, war, disease, oppression etc. They’re on their way out, their reign is over.

People who are easily controlled by fear believe they have something to lose. I know I hammer on the heavily religious but their fear of their God and not going to Heaven is a perfect example of controlling their minds thru fear. Like the Caterpillar who thought his life was over then he turn into a butterfly. Fear is an illusion and a brilliant but sinister way of keeping you in control. Sooo, symbolically saying we’re breaking out of that Catapillar state of mind and breaking into a higher state of awareness and we’re beginning to fly.

Related article: The Esoteric Meaning Of The Butterfly


And it’s not that this control system and this Reptilian element is all powerful they’re not! We’ve been so easily controlled because we’ve been kept in such a low frequency we haven’t been able to access that higher state of awareness and all that knowledge and information that goes with it. So basically this Reptilian control system has put humanity in a lower vibrational state of awareness than they are. It’s really quite understandable how they’ve pulled this off. They had to put us in a smaller box suppressing our awareness meaning all knowledge, information and insight. We’ve been kept from it all through a low vibrational frequency they’ve kept us in meaning manipulation of our consciousness.

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So, those who are fearful of losing something are easily controlled so these Elite Off World psychopaths live in extreme fear of humanity waking up, expanding our awareness because they lose everything meaning total control of their entire empire.

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When the human race realizes that we can expand our awareness, insight and knowledge to levels that this elite control system cannot we’re unstoppable this is what they fear. It’s a real testament to our true nature and our power the lengths they have to go thru to keep us in control especially during this Human Awakening that’s going on. It’s absolutely crucial that humanity as a whole and you as an individual wake up. It’s time…

Teri Wade

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