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10 Keys To Open The Gates Of The 5th Dimension

By on November 21, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

10 Keys To Open The Gates Of The 5th Dimension

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by Morag,
Contributing Writer,

The fifth dimension is closer than we realize. By tuning up the frequency of our cellular vibration we can access these higher wavelengths. Lighter emotions raise our vibration, heavier emotions lower our vibration. Gratitude, compassion, joy, humility, love, peace, emotions of light generate higher frequencies.


The opposite occurs with darker emotions, envy, greed, fear, arrogance weigh down our cellular vibration. We control the tuner, we set the wavelength of our mind body soul system. We can overthink how we do this, instead this little list offers the keys to open the exquisite gates of the fifth dimension. The challenge is the doing, the rewards are infinite.

10 Keys To Open The Gates Of The Fifth Dimension

1. Breeeeeathe, meditate, pray to cultivate inner stillness and soul activation. Build this into your daily routine, let it become an organic part of your existence.

2. Try to keep your diet toxin free and be active.

3. Don’t be hard on yourself. Emotions like guilt, shame, anger and anxiety hold back our awakening, making our energies heavy and dense. Don’t beat yourself up! Release, accept and make peace with yourself.

4. Find the flow, the groove in your life. The more we go with the flow, the more in tune with the flow we are. Listen to and respond to your natural energy levels, tailoring and adapting your day to work with your energy, as much as possible.

5. Being in nature realigns us. Like plugging a phone in to charge, nature resets our vibration, realigning us with the wavelengths of Gaia, of universal love frequency.


6. Gratitude has a high emotional wavelength, triggering algorithms of compassion, kindness and mindfulness.

7. Facing the dark night(s) of the soul. Being prepared to look into our spiritual mirror, release dark, heavy, sticky karma and welcome lighter love vibrations into our lives.

8. Mindfulness, practice being in the present, detaching from anxiety about the past or worries about the future. Experience the moment.

9. Welcome your inner child. Friendship, good books and creative passions are excellent ways to keep us present and imaginative. This activates our upper chakras and clears our root and sacral chakras keeping chi flowing.

10. Set focused intentions, mantras each day. This takes daily practise and progress can be slow at first. Setting focused intentions throughout the day can help with learning to see our own power in manifestation.

Waking up takes guts, courage, a willingness to let go of all preconceived ideas about the world and our place in it. It requires we see the truth. It leaves nothing hidden, no secrets unearthed, we meet ourselves. To fully integrate higher frequencies into our being we get spiritualized. We reconnect our mind body soul system. We remember who we are. We regain our sovereignty. There is love, gratitude, hope and compassion at the heart of most earth religions. Find the heart in yours. Or step out of organized religion and create your own brand of spirituality, of quantum existence. There are no rules, only love, peace, empathy, humility, grace and connectedness.

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Many people can experience a sudden awakening, a bright light, a vivid mind expanding dream, a fluctuation in their surroundings with enough impact to trigger conscious awakening. Some people wake up slowly, often stemming from a political awakening. How we wake up can have a big effect on how we cope. A slow, gradual awakening is best as we have time to adjust, to question, research, reflect, adapt and refine our perception of the world. We can find people to help us along the way, use holistic remedies, sound baths, chanting, yoga to gradually guide us along the path to higher vibration.

The frequencies of higher dimensional planes are reached by expanding our consciousness and living through our heart. We learn we can manifest our own reality, connect to our inner power and co create a better world, a new earth, in our hearts, minds and souls. We are trinity beings, mind body soul systems, seeking each element in balance with the others. This balance comes from moderation, grounding and chakra alignment. Self care. Meditation. Nature. All of these will raise us to the fifth dimension. The lighter vibrations of zen peace and stillness are there for any of us to tune into. Sit still and quiet. Hug your ego when it starts chattering nervously, soothe it. Listen to your heart. And breeeeathe cosmic brothers and sisters ?.



I share love, I receive love, I am love.

I am a sovereign being connected at all times to love light.

I thank my guides and higher self for their ongoing guidance, protection and love.

I will have a calm and efficient/magical/peaceful/empowering day…repeat throughout the day.


About the author: I am a dedicated café conspirator, lightworker, metaphysical explorer, teacher, writer and earth mother. Born and bred in Glasgow, Scotland, I spent time traveling in Australia and Europe before moving to East London. After 15 years as an English teacher and head of year in comprehensive secondary schools I left teaching to become a stay at home mum. I retrained as a meditation teacher and reiki energy healer, using crystals and starseed tarot cards for healing and channeling. Between night feeds and school runs I have been writing and blogging about life, the universe and everything. You can find me on Facebook, wordpress and youtube at awakening5dhealing. Much love and light beautiful people.

Image: Pixabay

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