Search Results for '"by yolanda arenas"'

Connecting With Your Spirit Guides
There is a lot of information out there on Spirit Guides. Everyone is always looking to connect with some form of a higher power. No doubt, with all the chaos that surrounds our world and planet, people find themselves with the urge to seek some form of understanding to the ills that we all seem to be face in our lives today.

Exclusive Interview! Conversations With A Walk-In Soul
What are ‘Walk-Ins’ and have you ever met one? Who are these Entities? Perhaps during your Metaphysical Journey or Spiritual Path you’ve been close to one or perhaps just never been aware of their existence.

Dr. Ed Group – Genetic Blueprint – A Seed Plus Saliva Equals Miracle Health
What if you could place a seed under your tongue and the seed could recognize what your body is nutritionally missing? What if this same seed could provide those missing nutrients?

Ley Lines In Need Of Healing
The following article is reflective of the ley lines that are in need of healing. By healing one area’s ley lines, you create a positive affect on all ley lines. This particular ley line is by the Mississippi River which, by no coincidence, has cities named after cities in Egypt, such as Memphis and Cairo. The Mississippi River is viewed by those in the esoteric circles as America’s version of the Nile River.