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The Integration Of Cosmic And Solar High Frequency Particles

By on June 6, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

The Integration Of Cosmic And Solar High Frequency Particles

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by Paul Dobree-Carey,
Contributing Writer,

The Integration Of Cosmic And Solar High Frequency Particles

The integration of cosmic and solar high frequency particles increase the range of the energetic spherical bodies around you. Expansion around the heart center influences your perceived awareness of higher and lower frequency energies beyond your own localized feelings and out towards other aspects of Self (others) and into the collective consciousness of All.


The increased inputs can be greater than the physical mind can accept and can feel overwhelming leading the body to extreme tiredness and shutdown. At this time, there may be periods of great discomfort and unexplained anxiousness that occur.

Observe the thoughts that are coming forth and you will understand that your experiences from the past are parading in front of you for a final review. Simply watch and allow and acknowledge that these experiences help you to get to the point you are now at. It is at this time that you are truly learning who YOU are.

The saying ‘know thyself’ has great significance now and will shape your path towards becoming your future Self. Know what you want and do not give thoughts to what you don’t want or you will manifest this instead. Believe in a world in which YOU are all you want to Be – not by what you do to get there. This world reflects your current thoughts and beliefs.

Gender does not predetermine your role or your behavior. Conditioning and expectation does that. Your Spirit is All because Source is all. Act out the role you have chosen to be rather than direct Others how to be. You choose as do ‘they’.

YOU are the White Knight Warrior and the Prince Charming, the Princess Bride and the Goddess – All is in YOU.

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With Loving Blessings to all Brothers and Sisters of Light,


Paul Dobree-Carey / polaris ab messages, events and articles –www.Polarisab.Com

Online sessions – Paul is available for soul guidance consultations to assist with connection to higher dimensional aspects of self, manifesting and understanding life purpose events, establishing and maintaining higher expanded consciousness states of awareness.

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In5D Quantum Tie Dye

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