Disclosure Energies Coming Through
by Jelelle Awen,
Contributing Writer,In5D.com
The waters are receding. The image I was given in meditation today was of each of us being an island whose waters are receding back to reveal more and more of the land mass beneath it. The waters are the veil of amnesia and forgetfulness and unconsciousness that we chose, as a collective consciousness, to place over ourselves. We became like individual islands, or believed that we were, creating an isolated and separate experience of reality. When actually, as we move into 5D frequencies more and more, we remember that we are ALL connected as one, like a piece of land that has no ending or gaps or drop offs. We remember that there is nothing actually separating us from each other and it was only an illusion to feel that we were.
As the waters recede, you have more access to remember, feel, and connect with our soul legacy or what I call our ‘Metasoul line’. Because time in higher dimensions is not linear, you are invited to feel that rather than past lives, you are a fractal from a higher frequency Metasoul source with many projections off this source living out in different ‘eras of time’, dimensions, and even planets. You can gain great information about yourself by connecting with your ‘Metasoul brothers or sisters’ and working toward mutual healing together. In my experience of this conscious connection process with myself and offering this with others, karmic patterns and even very deep soul legacy play outs can be healed in a quantum way with complete resolution and integration.
As the waters recede, you also have more sense of the deeper woundings that been suppressed in your emotional body. In the past, your emotional body may have been largely subconscious to you with awareness coming only in moments of emotional reactivity, crisis, or turmoil. The fluidity of bridging to your emotional body becomes possible through connecting with aspects or parts of you that have solidified into ‘stuck’ frequencies or energies due to undigested emotions.
So MUCH of our 3D world has run on deception, manipulation, deceit, lack of transparency, and non-vulnerability. So much of its manifestation has been fed by fear. These lower vibrational frequencies only sustain when we are disconnected from our soul bigness, our higher heart, our sense of Oneness connection, and our connection with Divine Source. They have ‘ruled our world’ because they were meant to for a phase of time, for the phase of ‘Dark Ages’ that we all signed up to experience, as these energies needed to be purged from humanity’s collective unconscious. We have been collectively experiencing a Dark Night Of The Soul, even as many of us are waking up into a Light Day Of The Soul phase as our next Now.
Your ability to hide much of anything from yourself and from others is greatly being challenged by the influxes of love and light waves flowing in from the Divine. The light invites you to illuminate what has been in shadow within you and bring it into your awareness and consciousness. The PURE love invites you to embrace what has been previously judged, suppressed, and resisted within you to heal the fear-based frequencies INside and transmute them into love.
Affairs of ANY kind become impossible with the high vibrational frequencies that are being offered to us now. Withholding becomes unappealing as the truth wants to just burst through your opening heart and your expanding soul. Self deception and deception of others runs out of ground inside you as the cost to the heart and soul is too great. The games that you could previously play with others (especially those in your birth family) are no longer interesting to you.
This seems to be mostly felt on a personal level in this phase, yet it does feel like it will be a more global experience as well and that it is already in process. Disclosure is happening more and more of the 3D matrix control system that has been in place and the lower frequency energies of deceit and deception that have kept it running. Many Star BEings previously polarized to fear-based frequencies (commonly called Archons) are leaving Gaia and choosing either to BE in love or to BE in fear somewhere else. Much shadow will be coming to ‘light’ and some of it will be potentially very distressing to emotionally digest, especially for those souls who are still very attached and ‘fused’ to 3D consciousness. Some people will not ‘survive’ this disclosure phase and choose instead to leave Gaia and their bodies.
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The more that a personal disclosure has been occurring in your life through the awakening process, the less it will impact you as the global disclosure occurs. The more transparent you have been in your own life, the less it will affect you as the lack of transparency on a collective level is revealed. The more you have let go of 3D conditioning and lifestyle, the less it will rumble through your world when some of the 3D systems collapse. The more you have energized and chosen a love-based life for yourself, so this higher timeline will unfold for you.
Surrendering into the process of personal disclosure is where your empowerment is, rather than focusing too much on the global play outs. Going within to explore the inner terrain that is being revealed to you offers the most opportunity for growth. Surrendering to the bigger container of Divine love that is holding the process allows you to go within, leading with courage the exploration of this new inner landscape that is being revealed to you. You become like an explorer then, seeking out the next and the next NEW terrain inside. You invite then others to do and BE this WITH you as you connect to the Oneness energies of Infinite Love for which we are all connected and BElong and ARE, where withholding anything is ultimately impossible!
About the author: Jelelle Awen is an Emoto-Spiritual Teacher, Sacred Feminine and Sacred Union Facilitator, Soul Scribe, WaySHOWer, and Co-creator and Teacher of the SoulFullHeart Way Of Life. She is author of Sacred Human, Arising Wonder: Ascension Through Integration Of Your Emotional Body And Your Spiritual Awakenings and Keep Waking Up!: Awakening Journeys To Avalon And Beyond
. Visit soulfullheartwayoflife.com for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc.
Image: Pixabay
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