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Tag: matrix

Spiritual Lockdown

Spiritual Lockdown

By on July 19, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Some lightworkers remain in spiritual lockdown, engineered by the Anunnaki using quantum technology. The binding of DNA receptors has ensured a spiritual headlock for many empaths, volunteers, starseed. This lockdown has taken casualties across Gaia.

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Backdrop People: The Role of Non-Source Players or Soulless Ones

Backdrop People: The Role of Non-Source Players or Soulless Ones

By on June 11, 2019 in Exiting The Matrix, Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Dolores Cannon popularized the idea of backdrop people as, essentially, “extras” within the Earth experience. The notion that some people aren’t “real” might be a sensitive idea for some, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t reality. I should preface by also mentioning that, on some level, it kind of doesn’t matter — you should always treat everyone as you’d want to be treated, with love and kindness. That being said, this article will explore my evolving understanding about extras in the matrix.

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5 Signs You Are Experiencing The Shift

5 Signs You Are Experiencing The Shift

By on May 11, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

What is the Shift? The The Shift is our collective shift in perspective from primitive drives to a higher state of consciousness. The Shift occurs for all species, all multiversal populations in this rich and vast tapestry of existence.

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50 Quantum Blood Moon Upgrade Signs

50 Quantum Blood Moon Upgrade Signs

By on July 21, 2018 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

The Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse Lightwave is well underway. Expect fluctuations in the fabric of our reality as we pass through an intense electromagnetic portal of Light.

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50 Signs Of Quantum Upgrades

50 Signs Of Quantum Upgrades

By on January 30, 2018 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Enough people have woken up, changed lifestyles, habits, thought and behavior patterns, embracing expansion of consciousness. A tipping point has been realized. What does all this look like? Feel like? How are others experiencing this recalibration of our mindbodysoul beings?

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Disclosure Energies Coming Through

Disclosure Energies Coming Through

By on June 4, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

The waters are receding. The image I was given in meditation today was of each of us being an island whose waters are receding back to reveal more and more of the land mass beneath it. The waters are the veil of amnesia and forgetfulness and unconsciousness that we chose, as a collective consciousness, to place over ourselves. We became like individual islands, or believed that we were, creating an isolated and separate experience of reality.

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Earth Warriors, The Frontline, And Trusting Our Instincts

Earth Warriors, The Frontline, And Trusting Our Instincts

By on May 25, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

What do we do when the danger gets close? When the unraveling of matrix controlled society comes knocking on our door? Psycho manipulators revealed in our lives, violence on our streets, confrontation and conflict in our communities?

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New Earth News – 5 Crucial Things To Do To Assist In The Shift To The New Earth

New Earth News – 5 Crucial Things To Do To Assist In The Shift To The New Earth

By on April 28, 2017 in New Earth News, Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

by Michelle Walling, CHLC Contributing Writer, Many people are seeing the evidence that we are undergoing the shift to a New Earth right now. Since we have never done it this way before in awakened consciousness, it may not seem like you expected it to. In order to bring the final shift closer into our […]

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I’m Not That Kind Of Lightworker

I’m Not That Kind Of Lightworker

By on April 11, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

Earlier today, as I stepped outside to enjoy a very rare treat of warm sunshine, I noticed the chemtrail thugs were at it again.

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Light Is Life, Energy And Information

Light Is Life, Energy And Information

By on February 24, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

We have understood and remembered light is more than electricity generation, it is life provider and information.  It is a mode of knowing what has been known before as there is nothing new in the universe and without it you do not exist. It is the language of the crystalline light beings.

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ENERGY UPDATE – Waves Of Higher Frequencies

ENERGY UPDATE – Waves Of Higher Frequencies

By on February 13, 2017 in Energy Updates

by Morag, Contributing Writer, Waves of higher frequencies are flowing all around and through us. Realignment of our heart and throat chakras is occurring daily. Time slippage, erratic sleep patterns, persistent coughs, heart palpitations and headaches can be experienced during these waves of recalibration. Reduce matrix toxins in or around your system. Avoid fake foods, […]

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Energy Update – StarGates Alignment Of The Physical Body

Energy Update – StarGates Alignment Of The Physical Body

By on January 27, 2017 in Energy Updates

by Lisa Brown, StarGates Alignment of the Physical Body/Physical Reality World Continually Synchronizing ALL to Higher Frequency Bandwidth Existences NOW The physical body/physical reality upgrades and re-calibrations shall continue to increase as we go. We are in continual Star-Gate alignment, continual crystalline activations, continual upgrade-mode, continual physical reality alignment, continual physical body upgrades/integration process that […]

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Are You BEing Your Ascended Aspect You All of the Time?

Are You BEing Your Ascended Aspect You All of the Time?

By on January 23, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Okay loves. We had a huge blast of PURE SOURCE LIGHT earlier (not the biggest we’ve ever experienced, yet powerful non-the-less. Seems this huge upgrade lasted 3 days thus far. Anytime we have PURE SOURCE LIGHT it activates dualistic human’s stuff to trigger to come up. There have been reports lately of many going through deep Atlantean cleansings, well…… here comes a huge one…

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Consciousness And Shifting

Consciousness And Shifting

By on October 26, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

I wonder often where everyone is consciousness-wise these days. To me, it seems there is so much variety in where one is. Some seem to be flying high, while others appear to be floundering. Some seem to be ignoring everything, pretending, it seems, that nothing at all is occurring within and then some are so entranced by outer life that they are attached to the old matrix.

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Intense Eclipse Energetic Upgrades Occurring!

Intense Eclipse Energetic Upgrades Occurring!

By on September 16, 2016 in Astrology, Spiritual Awakening

by Meg Benedict, angeltoyou Intense Eclipse Energetic Upgrades Occurring Coming this Friday, September 16th will be the final event of the eclipse season, a Total Lunar Eclipse at 24º Pisces. Full Moons are powerful ‘course correctors’ that provide new solutions to outworn situations. Since August 18th, we’ve been moving through an intense global upgrade that […]

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