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Spiritual Lockdown

By on July 19, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Spiritual Lockdown

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by Morag,
Contributing writer,

Spiritual Lockdown

The dark web is being weaved into the fabric of our perceived reality. The Shift is humanity dreamweaving a new reality based on love, joy and compassion. Light and dark operate energetically with the natural and holographic world.


Lower realms foster dimensions of lost souls. Addiction and possession go hand in hand. One is the other. We can walk the lower dimensions anytime, we go to where the homeless are hidden, their shadowy spaces are where the astral is at its most visible. We catch them in irises, shade, glints, growls. We can see the damaged aura of a place and understand what roams its halls. We can counteract the darker planes of existence present on Gaia by consciously clearing our energies, connecting to divine Light. We can walk a beautiful walk of surrender, allowing the Force of Love to guide our every movement, thought, act and deed.

Related article: The Dark Night Of The Soul

Recognizing what is synthetic, supernatural and energetic is becoming easier for those fully engaged in this frequency level up. We are becoming aware of different levels of astral entity. From the lost and lonely who leap at the chance to escape, to those who have no intention of leaving. We see tortured souls hide from daylight, victims of hostile soul take over. Matrix toxins curse human souls, draining vital chi. Eventually corrupting their soul self to host status. The dark goes for the throat first. It wants our voice. It wants to speak its words through us. It seeks to use us as its channel.

Send it out, block it, order it out. No messing about. The dark is scared, fear is their core coding. They scare in the fire of divine source Light. Often employing all kinds of tried and tested tactics to remain. Their screams of fury and fear don’t phase us. We are Warriors of the Light and will clear all of darkness that crosses our path.

Also see: 2 Oversouls Describing The Upcoming Spiritual Transformation

Astral combat is ongoing on several dimensional frequencies. Mergence means injuries can traverse dimensional lines. Assimilation of Higher self with Lower self consciousness is leveling up. Intense waves of karmic excavation, lightbody activation and divine connectivity are propelling Light Warrior upgrades. We are downloading training manuals for astral light warrior combat. We have weapons, skills, lightbody abilities, we are learning to use them. Let nature speak, accept the light and observe the dark.


Dark portals have been activated. We are learning how to clear every corner of our homes, our friends and families homes. We are expanding our Light. As we clear our space we learn how to release more and more entities to the light. We will be operating in Teams, throwing our Light Nets wider each time. Creating Light Vortex to expand the light matrix deep into Gaia’s vibratory field. All of darkness will be redeemed. Traveler teachers are making themselves known. Know all is happening in divine alignment.

Soul synthesis is the name of the game. Dreamstate integration with awake state. Embodying each elemental transformation. Soul Retrieval on a grand scale. We are assimilating light codes, anchored to the material plane in mindful meditation. Memories of sleep activity increase, we are aware of experiences on alternate dimensions in dreamstate. Remote viewing, astral travel, geometric patterns, faces, vivid Kodak moments, blazing then gone. Integration of our Higher and Lower Self will gently take us through the assimilation of memory process. Don’t rush it and take extra care during this time. We are working hard in all our realities, take it easy when you can.

Also see: 5 Signs You Are Experiencing The Shift

Some lightworkers remain in spiritual lockdown, engineered by the Anunnaki using quantum technology. The binding of DNA receptors has ensured a spiritual headlock for many empaths, volunteers, starseed. This lockdown has taken casualties across Gaia. Lone wolves are ready to come in from the cold, others remain cloaked in their undercover avatars, preferring to remain stealth. Warriors of light are stepping up, hearing the call from each other on the astral and connecting on the material plane.

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Follow guidance from Higher Self and spiritual soul tribe for timeline connectivity. Be stealthy. Know all is in disarray in the darkness. The Anunnaki underestimated the Force present in humanities soul. They underestimated the concerted effort of the Intergalactic Federation to work in alignment with Gaia. The Angels and celestial forces to break the parasitic chains on humanity. Archons feed using matrix algorithms, these are breaking down. The numbers are shrinking, clones disappear, whole programs crash, commuters gone, talking heads glitch on live tv, it has all changed. Separation has occurred. We are all moving through fluctuating dimensional realities, interacting with each other. The fourth realm is SMART.

Related articles: This Is How The Anunnaki Took Control Of Humanity

What The Church Isn’t Telling You About Nibiru And The Anunnaki

Allow the process of assimilation to take root gently. Maintaining higher vibratory spaces enables downloads. Downloads come though in high frequency cosmic spaces like full moons, planetary alignment, retrogrades and solar events. We can consciously align, release, recalibrate and expand into the Light. Realities still fixed in matrix collective algorithms glitch.

Fewer people in the lower and higher planes. In 5D consciousness nature is interactive, the light nourishes and the air cleanses. Heighten our awareness of transdimensionality by detaching and observing our environment and how it interacts with us. We are learning to interpret our world in a whole new context. A quantum leap in collective evolution. Take it one step at a time! Use breathwork, music, meditation and healing practice to maintain a healthy mind body soul balance as we learn to exist and manifest in our new paradigm.

Protocol 5 with added spice. We are waking up and we are walking on the beat. Soul synthesis in divine sovereign Love.

In light and love cosmic surfers ???


Image: Pixabay

About the author: I am a dedicated café conspirator, lightworker, metaphysical explorer, teacher, writer and earth mother. Born and bred in Glasgow, Scotland, I spent time traveling in Australia and Europe before moving to East London. After 15 years as an English teacher and head of year in comprehensive secondary schools I left teaching to become a stay at home mum.

I retrained as a meditation teacher and reiki energy healer, using crystals and starseed tarot cards for healing and channeling. Between night feeds and school runs I have been writing and blogging about life, the universe and everything. You can find me on Facebook, wordpress and youtube at awakening5dhealing. Much love and light beautiful people.

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In5D Quantum Tie Dye

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