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Tag: aura

13 Signs You Are Ready To Go Home To The New Earth

13 Signs You Are Ready To Go Home To The New Earth

According to late Dolores Cannon’s hypnotherapy research, a New Earth is being formed where many of us will go in the near future.  Much of this is based on vibration, not only of our planet, but each individual on this planet.

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How To Develop Psychic Abilities!

How To Develop Psychic Abilities!

By on February 18, 2022 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Many people have innate abilities that they were born with, such as the ability to have out of body experiences and psychic abilities.  In this article, we’ll discuss ways to develop these abilities in which you should start seeing immediate results within your first week.

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Spiritual Lockdown

Spiritual Lockdown

By on July 19, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Some lightworkers remain in spiritual lockdown, engineered by the Anunnaki using quantum technology. The binding of DNA receptors has ensured a spiritual headlock for many empaths, volunteers, starseed. This lockdown has taken casualties across Gaia.

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A Major Energy Shift Is Here!

A Major Energy Shift Is Here!

By on May 27, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Highly Charged G2 and even G3 Level Solar Storms are Now occurring. Due to a Huge crack in our planet’s Electromagnetic Field, High Speed Solar Wind (Magnetized Plasma) will flow directly into Earth’s atmosphere, bringing with it major turbulence.

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How to Read Auras – What is the Meaning of Each Color?

How to Read Auras – What is the Meaning of Each Color?

Learn all about auras, how to read auras, how to see your aura, aura colors and what each aura color means.

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How To See Your Inner And Outer Auras

How To See Your Inner And Outer Auras

By on December 20, 2017 in Enlightening Articles, Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Have you ever wondered what color your inner and outer aura is? Everyone has a specific color to their aura and it is pretty easy to see once you know a few tips.

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The Amazing Power Of Quartz Crystals

The Amazing Power Of Quartz Crystals

By on August 23, 2017 in Health, Spiritual Awakening

by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, Quartz crystal is one of the most powerful gemstones on the planet and is ideal for healing, chakra clearing, enhancing psychic abilities, emotional clearing, meditation, astral projection, lucid dreaming, dream enhancement and opening the 3rd eye. The double terminated quartz crystal is even more powerful because […]

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Expanding Your Magnetic Aura

Expanding Your Magnetic Aura

By on May 27, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

Big acceleration can happen when you build your magnetism consciously. Your magnetic aura will continue to expand the more that you acknowledge and accept it as a very real, living part of you.

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The Dangers Of Evoking  ET C5 Contact Without Protection

The Dangers Of Evoking ET C5 Contact Without Protection

By on April 21, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

by Nikki Colombo And Jojo Seebacher, Guest writers, After much communication on groups, Jojo and I agreed to write this article and offer our experience to a growing issue that is becoming exponentially problematic. Many inexperienced people are initiating contact with ET’s of the 5th kind known as C5 (and charging cash) without protection […]

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How To Heal And Protect Yourself From Negative Influences & Electronic Harassment

How To Heal And Protect Yourself From Negative Influences & Electronic Harassment

By on February 26, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

1. Clean and Clear your fields, forgive everything! 2. Shield up!!!!! using The 12d Shield video 3. Educate, Research and Share your knowledge Ref;Becoming Gods 2, James Gilliland, August 2007

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Love Bubble Meditation

Love Bubble Meditation

By on February 9, 2017 in Meditation with 0 Comments

The following is an easy love bubble meditation that anyone can do, any time!

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Your Aura And How It Affects Others

Your Aura And How It Affects Others

By on February 4, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, Have you ever noticed people who simply make you feel good by just looking at them? Have you ever observed someone for the first time and knew there was something off with this person, even though that particular person never said a word to you? As more […]

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It’s Time You Knew Who Our Real Guardians Are!

It’s Time You Knew Who Our Real Guardians Are!

By on January 29, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

If you have had dreams, visions or meditative flashes of what looks like the Australian Borealis or Aurora Borealis, but these colors look pastel but bright, combined with what may look like a burst of fireworks, sometimes followed by an Armada of vastly different size Spaceships but cant recall the exact details of what those ships look like, you have been contacted!

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5 Crystals For Indigos

5 Crystals For Indigos

By on December 12, 2016 in Indigos, Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Discover five crystals for Indigos. Tap into the supportive power of these stones that work with your Indigo vibration. Balance your energies, shield yourself and align with your soul’s mission.

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How To Break Free From The Spell Of Fear

How To Break Free From The Spell Of Fear

By on December 10, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

Society nowadays is very much accustomed to the feeling of fear. We believe it to be a natural phenomena throughout the learning process. Almost all educational systems and most working environments are based on fear and the general motive and drive in the western as well as most of the eastern countries is one of fear. It is this artificial archontic force, which is determining the life of most people

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