Do You Really Understand These Waves Of Energy?
by Jude Fullmer,
Contributing Writer,
If you’re reading this, then I’m sure that you’ve heard of these magical waves of energy that have been gracing our planet with their high vibrations lately. This is no coincidence, because they are FROM us, FOR us! I’m going to explain what they really are.
If you’ve been following along enough to know about these energies, then you should be aware that they are bringing high vibrations to us which is ‘raising’ the vibration of both Earth and ourselves. Many people may think this is coincidence, or even that it’s too coincidental to be true. But they have come because we have called. Look in your hearts, and you will remember! We have forgotten how to access our inner selves, and forgotten that we are in control of everything around us. As more people prepared for something to change, we actually created these ‘waves of energy’ in order to give us something to believe in that would help us raise our frequency. We just needed something to believe in!
If you haven’t figured out that we are all co-creators by now, well guess what? WE ARE ALL CO-CREATORS!:) As this world slowly conditioned us to subconsciously release our control and to forget that we create everything, we have become superstitious, we have worshiped, we have avoided even numbers, etc. We’ve done everything we can think of to try to create and give power to our own subconscious figures (inner self). We do this because, ultimately, we aren’t willing to accept responsibility for our fate. At the same time, we don’t want to give power to someone else so we create blame for our acts that were influenced negatively, and praise for acts that are influenced positively. It’s now our job to realize that both are still giving away all of your power!
Once these waves “pass by,” it will be up to us to keep ascending and keep raising the vibrations as much as we can! It will be up to us to realize that we have been ‘enlightened’ all along, we simply forgot how to access that part of ourselves. We have simply slowly given away bits of our power throughout this life to undoubtedly leave us powerless, and this journey is really just slowly regaining your power! Many agree that awakening begins with losing big parts of your life, which eventually you’ll laugh at! You’ll realize that you didn’t lose power, you were saved from being deceived into giving away your power any longer. But doesn’t it make sense that when you lose your perceived power, that you’d remember and hear your all powerful self inside telling you to get up off your ass and question everything until you figure out where your real power has gone?
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If you haven’t heard, everything happens for a reason because you create the world around you. You create all the love and happiness in your life. You create all of the misery and hate in your life. You can choose to remember who you are and remove all negative energy from your life immediately. We are very powerful beings, as we are from the source of all that is. There is absolutely nothing, not even each other, that has access to more unconditional love (power) than we do. As more and more of us wake up and take back our power, the more we can truly regain the forgotten power of our collected consciousness.
It’s funny, the ‘ego’ of our mind is obsessed with making itself stand out in order to feel special. Yet, it’s the fact that we’re all so similar and CONNECTED to each other that makes us truly special. We need to use these waves of energy to help us remember who we are and to regain control of all our power, and we will do so much more than awaken the Earth, we will begin to believe in ourselves again! And that, my friends, is the beginning of heaven on earth. I hope that all of you will choose to stand up and take back all of your power.
Best wishes and love for all,
Image: Pixabay
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