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Duality’s Equation In The Matrix

By on November 7, 2019 in Exiting The Matrix with 0 Comments

Duality’s Equation In The Matrix

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Duality’s Equation In The Matrix

Have you ever wondered how the Matrix works? How did things get this way and how do you “unplug” from the Matrix? The self-appointed rulers of the Matrix don’t want you to know the following secret: the Matrix takes advantage of the balancing principle of duality, which is a mechanical law, not an ethical one. By keeping people in ignorance of the way reality truly works, the rulers can manipulate the laws of duality to serve themselves and exploit others.

Here is how it works: duality is an equation that must — emphasize must — balance, or the whole system collapses. If you throw a gross thing like obscene wealth on one side of the equation, it needs something of equal weight on the other side, such as abject poverty. But here is the real key:


The two sides of the equation must be equal in weight but not in size.

On a mechanical scale, a tiny piece of lead can balance a huge sack of feathers. The lead is small and dense, while the feathers take up lot of volume; the feathers occupy more space than the lead, but both objects weigh the same. The rulers of the Matrix use the mechanics of duality in order to maintain their position on the top of the pyramid. In their skewed version of duality’s equation, the extravagant wealth of one man is balanced by a huge amount of people who are dirt poor: the two sides of the equation are equal in weight but not in size.

In fact, in the Matrix, wealth must be contrasted by poverty or it is not considered wealth. In the Matrix Mind, the concept of universal wealth is illogical; it is a contradiction in terms. This is because valuation is one of the guiding principles that supports the hierarchical system. In the Matrix everyone can’t be equally wealthy, somebody has to have more than someone else or the system breaks down.

The controllers manipulate duality by putting extremes on either end of the scale. This trick works with power too: one person with great power is balanced by a large disenfranchised populace. The definition of power in the Matrix is “power over.” The more people the rulers control, the more power they think they have.

Using the simple mechanics of duality, the rulers of the Matrix have maintained their colossal wealth and power for eons. They constructed a hierarchy that puts them at the top. Then they reinforced their rule with a belief system for the masses — a fiction the rulers created to keep the populace from ever discovering the true nature of reality; this is how they kept the keys to creation for themselves. All social structures support the Matrix by promoting the same belief system under different guises, guaranteeing that the ignorant, exploited masses continue to look for some outside force to save them, never knowing that the power they seek is within.

In duality we experience separation — separation from self-knowledge, from the Self, Source, All That Is. This simple fact of existence has been taken to the extreme and exploited by the rulers of the Matrix for personal gain. Their system relies upon the continued ignorance and spiritual immaturity of the populace; the world rulers are betting that you won’t see through their machinations. The Matrix keeps us in ignorance through our beliefs and fears; it tells us that inequality, greed, and exploitation are natural. When we believe that the Earth is a survival-based planet, we fear powerlessness and poverty. As we engage in fear, we reinforce and recreate the Matrix.


All systems can be reduced to a few fundamental principles that guide them and provide stability and structure.

The core premises that drive the Matrix are:




Putting the principles of the Matrix into practice results in the following conditions; they may not be in your backyard but you can bet they exist somewhere in the world:

Valuation produces Inequality

Control produces Exploitation

Profit results in Privation

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Poverty, exploitation, and starvation are the results of a profit-motivated system that allows some people to benefit from the suffering of others. It might look OK on the surface, but the deeper reality is that everyone is affected, no one is exempt from the karma of lower consciousness. If one person is enslaved, the whole world is enslaved; if one person is hungry, the entire world is hungry. When a few people control common resources — when they can drive the valuation of those resources higher by withholding them from the populace — the world experiences scarcity.

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Each one of the principles that support the Matrix can be replaced by its polar opposite:

Valuation is replaced by Equality

Control is replaced by Respect

Profit for a few is replaced by Universal Abundance

The old paradigm of control and domination can exist only when the individuals in it remain ignorant of the greater reality of Love. Once a child learns to read, she cannot unlearn it; she reads wherever she goes. In the same way, once the realization of Oneness and connection is reached, you cannot ignore what you know; you spread Oneness and Love to everyone around you. The Matrix crumbles because its energetic support of fear and scarcity is gone.

— Copyright Aliyah Marr

About the Author: A creative consultant and creative coach, author of 11 books on creativity and personal empowerment, including Unplug From the Matrix, The Tarot Key, and The Avatars of Eden: her mission is to help people achieve the life of their dreams. She uses the Tarot as a tool in her coaching practice to help her and her clients access their intuition.

Image: Pixabay

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