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Energy Astrology Forecast For September Through 2018 Year-End

By on September 12, 2018 in Astrology, Energy Updates

by Aleiya Hunter,
Guest writer,

In the last month or so we have had the vast majority of planets and their energies that surround us in retrograde.  As those planets now shift into direct profiles, it’s good to understand the “gifts” they handed us, though for the encounters themselves, many of us might cringe at the thought of calling them that.  The deepening of energies required us to directly face some things from our past.  And you can count those elements as coming from not just this lifetime, but from the echoes of past lifetimes as well.  Time moving in a spiral always brings back these opportunities for encounter, finale and healing.  Again, when expanded on the canvas of many of our lives over the last 12-months, it may have left you feeling bottomed-out.  There is so much shock on our consciousness now from global events, interactions and realizations; that the combined overwhelm can make dealing with one personal issue feel incredibly more daunting than it would have 7-10 years ago. So, what to do with all of that now…?

Mars going direct in the last week can be seen as the ambassador for a discussion that includes September and the rest of 2018.  Through what may have seemed like a never-ending trend of shocking upheavals and life changes that were required of you, there will now be light peeking through and you will have a definite “Christmas morning” feeling.  These moments of enthusiasm and excited anticipation will come in a flash and without you being able to put your finger on what is causing it.  You might assign it to something you saw or did, or the fact that the year-end holidays are approaching, but it’s good to realize that you are tuning in to the higher vibrations at play on the planet.  It’s equally as important to allow them to come and go without expectation or assignment.  You are learning to recalibrate to a new pattern and different frequencies.  And this can be a full-contact sport that requires absolute dedication to stopping and resting frequently.  You might have been able to push through 50+ hour work weeks and family stuff in “the good old days” while conveniently compartmentalizing a relationship issue or putting off dealing with subtle health issues; but that’s not going to work anymore.  And that is also the good news if you realize how it connects to the last potentially shocking and difficult 12-months.


If you clairvoyantly and energetically look at this most recent of extended time period and the pattern inherent in it for lightworkers, it’s good to recognize that we couldn’t take the last of this darkness with us.  Many of us consciously hold the goal of “ascension” to the highest capacity to channel and hold light in physical form on the earth plane.  I’m not a fan of the “bottoming-out” that many of us have felt and experienced in the last year (and some still ongoing); but we also know that in the middle of this giant “experiment” on earth to raise the vibration of everything possible, the last of the big stuff has got to go.  We know that holding on to narcissistic partners and rancid or even subtly abusive relationships can’t continue.  Chemicals in the body and food patterns will hold us back or increase to full-blown health crisis.  Past life timelines crashing together in the subconscious are surfacing to be dealt with.  The point of all of this in large part is that our decision now and opportunity is to claim our body and space.  If we want to walk the earth as balanced, peaceful, powerful healers, then it’s not an option to ignore the dark parts and negative pieces in our energy, bodies, behaviors and homes.  No matter how well-meaning our justifications may be.  The law of attraction is simple and scientific.  Like attracts like.  The planet raises her vibration with the assistance of those working with the light of the universe to kick the darkness out.  If you want to go with her to the new planes of more peaceful existence offered, even through the chaos that will continue, then the pieces of ourselves that don’t fit the new light pattern will need to be left behind.  Now let’s talk about a formula for this month and the rest of the year to do that in practical application.

Energy ups and downs will mix in strong peaks and valleys; and it’s good to remember that this isn’t all about you.  The earth plane is a war zone right now as the light and love flood in and the darkness does what it can to try to hold on to control.  This means that sometimes the wave of nausea you feel or fear may or may not be your own.  It also means that what might have been a simple concern within you can be amplified to a frightening and gut-retching panic attack.  Get it into your pattern to do a “full stop” at any point in your day to deploy self-care.  Arrange your world with “safety corners.”  A comfortable chair surrounded by crystals to “hug” yourself for a few minutes.  Turn off the fluorescent lights in your office and bring in softer lighting lamps.  Put a salt lamp where your intuition guides you to in your office or home.  Take the time to put a guided meditation or high-vibrational music on your phone that can be pulled out at a moment’s notice.  This isn’t about everyone finding the time to take week-long yoga retreats anymore.  This is pointedly about recognizing what being and acting as a light warrior really means now.  Similar to a military-trained Navy Seal that has taken the time for intense training; much as we have similarly done in our own metaphysical mastery; it’s good to remember that they carry a go-bag, and then gear with them for every mission.  So, no matter what comes up they are ready to travel, respond, defend themselves.  They know it takes mental and emotional calm under fire to make decisions.  And metaphysical practitioners are now experiencing nothing short of battlefield live-fire and impacts from all directions.  This is why it’s not all solved with a casual weekend retreat option anymore.  It’s quick use of meditation; kinesiology for in-the-moment higher self-connectivity for decision-making; complete ending to negative patterns such as relationships, emotional eating, and other symptoms of anxiety.

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Besides the obvious things such as health, job, or relationship issues, it’s worth noting how the undercurrent behavior patterns are being literally forced into focus and ending in the last 15-months.  One huge example is a requirement to break the “Action-thru-Anxiety” patterns.  This is any time we react or set a plan in motion while running anxiety and fear as the unspoken or unacknowledged actual base reason behind it.  We do it because we think we must.  And being forced into a ‘full stop” in any area may have been necessary to dial-down a lightworker who is intensely mission-based.  Many of us have an incredible list of abilities and past life crossovers as mystics, healers, scientists and more.  Our dedication when mixed into the human necessity of linear time and the heightened fear levels on this planet can take us sideways.  Though our intent is pure to uplift and assist, the toll that continually throwing ourselves into the next project, job or plan from our visioning has been taking on us, is also something that needs to be changed.  And with so much to do in our lives, exhaustion can blind us in knowing how to slam on the brakes.  Especially since 2016 when we have become more aware than ever of the things on the planet that need new solutions.


All of this is being pointed out to you to give you a wider viewpoint as to some of the reasons why you have been encountering such potentially shocking hardship.  Consider that a full-stop was the only way your soul could get your full attention and bring an absolute halt to break the action-thru-anxiety momentum each of us was likely running.  And now the formula is also very direct.


  • Be ready, willing, and able to come to a full-stop at any moment, even if it is for 10-minutes.
  • Put the safe-corners in place to deploy immediate self-care. This may include assistance with childcare. The ingredients always in the refrigerator (or your purse, car, etc.) for a truly organic fruit smoothie once per day or healthy sugar as-needed.
  • One room in your house or chair that is dedicated to total peace, meditation or to simply sit and release your emotion.
  • Guided meditation on your phone.
  • Uplifting music to listen to via headphones or in the car or office.
  • Extra crystals on the perimeter walls of your house.
  • Art store supplies of paint or markers or colored pencils to use to channel and shift energy with through color and creativity.

Yes… if you are going to stay here and you want the “hell,” overwhelm, noise and chaos to be replaced with peace and the ability to see clearly what the universe and your higher self is telling you is the very next step to get out of the woods so-to-speak; then you’re going to have to put your mission into a new perspective and methodology for taking action.  No giant expectations or plans that include the next 200 steps you intend to take.  You’re going to have to surrender to in-the-moment absolute flow in the next few months and beyond.  Stop, listen, take just one step as guided.  Then try the next one.  Be ready to listen, hear, and course-correct.  Be willing to wait it out for an extra day to rebalance and release pain and listen again.  It will be faster and you will be supported.  You are well past being able to tell yourself a situation or avoidance is healthy when it’s really procrastination.  But you also are required to stop instantly and rest for 10-minutes, an hour, or a weekend.  You wanted to be in a higher vibration with greater intuitive ability and capability to merge with the new earth.  Well, this is the battlefield we’ve chosen.  And this is how to navigate it.

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About Aleiya Hunter: As an intuitive channel, instructor, and communication specialist, Aleiya has more than 25-years’ experience and an extensive foundation in the primary areas of metaphysics.  Working at the planetary level with a diverse team of non-physical guides, her goal is to demonstrate the positive outcomes that can occur through the use of intuition, and elimination of fear-based practices in practical decision-making.  Aleiya is additionally an award-winning international communications consultant, and provides expertise in the areas of human resource management, operations, security, product development, public relations, marketing, new business development and child protective services.  From website building to international hostage crisis/search and rescue, Aleiya’s intuitive abilities provide her with unique awareness and foresight. She acts as a consultant to evaluate situations and decision-making to aim at the most positive outcome based on understanding of not just the human-world, but also the factors of metaphysical universal law, global energetics, and the personal dynamics of the individuals involved.  For more information visit:

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