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Free Your Mind – Dropping All Labels

By on August 30, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

Free Your Mind - Dropping All Labels

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by Vera Ingeborg,
Contributing Writer,

The world is full of labels to define what something or someone is or not. It helps the human mind to sort things and people into boxes and to differentiate. And… to separate…. Although it is not always obvious…. the spiritual world is also full of labels. And yes – Labels are important on our journey to help us to understand where we are in our process and what is happening with us, to then drop them again, detach and move on. Yet, that is where many of us remain stuck. By developing and identification with and attachment to a certain label.


It is not easy to admit that one to ourselves. That we are still attached to certain beliefs and concepts: Labels. Because we think we have evolved so much, grown so much and now we are eager to change the world. Often, we don’t realize that we are repeating the past. Before we had our wake up call, we were the CEO, the Head of, the President, the Doctor, the MBA, the Jew, the Muslim, the Christian, the Buddhist etc. Now we are the Lightworker, the Indigo Child, the Twin Flame, the Ascended Master, the Guru, part of the 144.000 etc. Yet, none of this says anything about who we truly are. We are labeling ourselves and others again and…. are taking or giving away our power and are creating separation. That leads us away from true oneness and takes away our freedom. True freedom means to be free from all conditioning, all beliefs, all attachments, all identification: All labels.

The (Spiritual) Ego

The (spiritual) ego is a tricky one. So often we think we have overcome it, and yet we end up in attachments and beliefs again, without even realizing that we are trying to change the other/outer by imposing our knowledge and belief onto people. Or we drop into following a teacher or guru again, taking everything for granted an individual is saying. It is a fine line to walk to be of service, stay in self-love and self-respect and yet share with others to inspire without any attachment / expectation / condition. The ego loves to create stories. To every label, there is a story attached. So that we can identify or misidentify with them.

“The ego mind needs identification. It cannot stand the idea of just being and doing without a label or role. It loves to define what we are and what we are not.”

Because: The ego mind needs identification. It cannot stand the idea of just being and doing without a label or role. It loves to define what we are and what we are not. Who is part of our tribe and who is not. Who I identify with and who not….And that is exactly what keeps us from being free: The attachment to identification: To labels.

We will never have all the answers while we are in human form. That is not the point either. The point is to trust ourselves and our interdependence with all there is, and yet being free and our authentic self. The point is to take in the experiences we move through, integrate them and grow even further, sharing them with others without identifying with them or seeing them as the only truth. We are always teacher and student at the same time. Only then there is balance. The point is to see that there is no right or wrong, there are no dogmas or rules or routines to follow. We are learning to understand and listen to energetic impulses. What feels right in one moment and then follow along with it. We have a perfect inner guidance system that does not need any confirmation from the outside world.

Just because someone claims to know it all and talks about love and light, does that mean they are truly coming from an open heart? No certificate, no track record can prove that, although the ego loves to buy into these. We can only feel the truth with our heart. In a world where we rely on our inner guidance, no certificates are necessary as we trust what resonates without making ourselves dependent or develop an attachment.


3 Ways to detect Spiritual Labeling

So how do we detect spiritual labeling, if we use it ourselves or if we follow the labeling of others?

The ego pushes, authenticity pulls

The ego loves to push itself onto others and into the world. It makes a lot of noise, says, buy this program, do that and sells its knowledge as the only way. It tries to convince, control, manipulate by using labels to create some illusion of authority or qualification.

The authentic self on the other hand knows how energy works and relies on the pull effect. It knows that everything comes to you when you follow the impulses and the flow. It knows that those that need information at a certain point in time will find it. It knows that there is no need for big marketing machineries. The authentic self acts out of purpose, not out of a need for recognition or reward, be it monetary or non-monetary as it knows that when coming from the open and balanced heart space, the balance of giving and receiving is always granted.

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The ego loves to compare. And by comparing, it creates separation. Be it through comparing how far one is in their process in comparison to others, how much more someone has to learn in comparison to others etc. It creates the illusion, that we need to reach a certain state or goal to be spiritual enough to earn a title (label), as it comes from a place of lack and the fear of not being good enough. The ego does not understand the concept of oneness, and that we are all part of the whole, that we all have our talents, gifts and tasks that are serving the greater good. The ego does not understand, that we are already whole. Instead it keeps distracting us from our wholeness within. Pure freedom is also being free from the need to compare. Everything just is.


The ego talks separation. It creates a difference between self and others. It addresses people with “You are this”, “You are to do that” etc. It distracts from self and own issues by focusing on others. This way, it is trying to take the power away from others and trying to have control over others. It commands, telling people what is right or wrong. It misidentifies with the whole.

The authentic self sees itself as part of the whole. It shares own experiences and wisdom without any shame or expectation. It is not afraid to change its perspective, when new learnings are integrated, as it is not attached to any rigid beliefs.

To summarize: The ego preaches and creates a feeling of being incomplete, minor and rebuked, while the authentic self inspires, motivates and creates the feeling of wholeness.

“The ego preaches and creates a feeling of being incomplete, minor and rebuked, while the authentic self inspires, motivates and creates the feeling of wholeness.”

Being in the flow is surrendering and accepting that nothing is constant. There are times we stand still, and times we move, times we hold on, times we let go, times we know and times we do not know. There is no right or wrong, just gateways we pass while we grow and expand. When we use our inner guidance and feel into the energy of what is shared and/or going on, we know what resonates with our inner truth: No story, no label attached. No identification necessary. We just are. That is true freedom and self-empowerment!

The texts I share are always based on my intuition (“downloads”) and/or on experiences of clients and my own. I do not claim what I share to be the ultimate truth. I encourage you to only take what resonates to find your own truth and wisdom. As this is universal wisdom, I do not claim any copyright. Please feel free to share this content as long as you keep its message complete so that the meaning does not get twisted.

Thank you.

With lots of love,

Vera Ingeborg

About the author: Vera Ingeborg is an intuitive writer, energy coach and gridworker, traveling the world as a digital nomad to anchor, connect and work with the higher frequencies all over the planet and with people that are ready for exiting the 3D matrix. You can learn more about her and her work and services here:

Image: Pixabay

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