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Mayan Calendar Prophecy – May 2017 – Enlightened Unity Consciousness

By on May 22, 2017 in Prophecy, Spiritual Awakening

Mayan Calendar Prophecy - May 2017 - Enlightened Unity Consciousness

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by Morag,
Contributing Writer,

The Age of Aquarius, of Awakening, the Return of the Divine Feminine, the apocalypse, all have been predicted on planet earth for many eons. That time is now. Planet earth circa 2017 is transitioning, it is experiencing all of the above.


Ancient wisdom, teachings of Da Vinci, Einstein and Tesla (among others) and modern technology should have prepared us for the quantum spiritual evolution of humanity and Gaia. Liberation, awakening, enlightenment has been suppressed by the elite. As a global population we are largely ignorant of the process we are all embedded in.

Ancient cultures like the Mayans link our past with our future. Celestial knowledge equipped them with the tools for dowsing Gaia’s future. Whilst 12.21.12 was the big date MSM pounced on to try and own, subvert and control. The date itself is largely meaningless in the Mayan calendar. The Mayans believed 2011/12 were the trigger years, the kickstart of global waking up, activated by cosmic waves of higher frequencies.

May 2017 plays an important role in Mayan predictions concerning the Ninth Wave. A new ‘Day’ begins within the Ninth Wave triggering Enlightened Unity Consciousness. It seems we are reaching a huge timeline shift, a cosmic crossroads of consciousness.

To manifest a better world we dim the red alert lights of the matrix and turn up the emerald green lights of heart led Gaia healing. We are being asked to return the heart to Gaia, to heed our grandmother’s tales, the ancient ripples of truth, of enlightenment. To disengage from the darkness of the third dimension. Battle lines drawn. Service to self or service to others, our core truth, determine the frequencies our cellular system vibrates at. The point of critical mass is being reached.

We can all feel the density of the energy. The conflict, the chaos and the control of the elite is creating a build up of tension, of energetic weight to be released. We know the barbarism going on. We can see, smell and revel in the beauty of nature, the wonder of soul tribe nourishment and the magic in mindful existence to counteract this pull, this separation of dimensional existence.

These next few weeks and months our challenge is to integrate, attune our mind body soul system to higher frequencies on Gaia. To prioritize self care. To manage stress. To simplify our lives. To seek stillness and calm within. To believe and vote for a better future, a future where people take care of each other.


This is our mission as lightworkers, earth warriors, teachers and healers. To raise the vibrations. To be heart led.  To send ripples of emerald heart energy out into the world.  May 24 may or may not be the catalyst, but it certainly confirms a feeling many of us have shared these last few weeks, the time is now.

There will be fluctuations, blocks and flow for many years. This is not instant, this is not a one day ascension drama. This is ongoing, riding the waves aligned and balanced. Connected and part of everything. Committed to change. To improvement. To creating a better world.


Resonate Enlightened Unity Consciousness in the face of fear. Get to know the ebb and flow of higher consciousness awakening. Be the change we want to see in the world beautful people.

Mantra: I am a sovereign being connected at all times to universal love light.

I see a better world, I believe in peace, I am love.

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I anchor my light to Gaia’s grid. I send healing love light to Gaia and her people.

In gratitude with grace and humility.



Link to the Ignite the One Heart Fire ceremony 24 May 2017

About the author:  I am a dedicated café conspirator, lightworker, metaphysical explorer, teacher, writer and earth mother. Born and bred in Glasgow, Scotland, I spent time travelling in Australia and Europe before moving to East London. After 15 years as an English teacher and head of year in comprehensive secondary schools I left teaching to become a stay at home mum. I retrained as a meditation teacher and reiki energy healer, using crystals and starseed tarot cards for healing and channeling. Between night feeds and school runs I have been writing and blogging about life, the universe and everything. You can find me on Facebook, wordpress and youtube at awakening5dhealing. Much love and light beautiful people.

Image: Pixabay

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