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New Moon In Pisces – Mastering Your Intuition

By on March 6, 2019 in Astrology

New Moon In Pisces - Mastering Your Intuition

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by Matthew John,
Contributing writer,

Happy New Moon in Pisces!

This Pisces New Moon becomes exact on Wednesday, March 6 at 11:04 AM EST (16:04 GMT).


If you’re reading this then it means that you’ve survived the massive influx of Ascension energies that took place with the coronal hole on the Sun facing the Earth last week. Congrats, it was a doozy!

This Pisces New Moon invites us to really honor the types of individual upgrades that are happening on an energetic level. Not only can these Ascension energies cause physical symptoms, but they can also bring up emotions that need to move through.

We all have a reservoir of unprocessed emotions within. These emotions are the leftover residue of traumas experienced earlier in life, as well as past-life traumas and, yes, even our parents’ and ancestors’ traumas!

These stuck emotions can remain buried for years, decades, or even lifetimes—that is, until something like a healing session or a massive influx of gamma rays from the Sun shakes you up energetically and the emotions start flowing through.

This type of thing is likely to continue through this month of March. The most supportive and nurturing thing that you can do for yourself is to really honor all of the emotions that come through you, and to let go of the illusion that you should be feeling good all the time.

Being in 5D doesn’t mean feeling good all the time, and not feeling good all the time doesn’t mean that you’re not living in 5D. This is a journey from 3D to 5D and it is totally normal to oscillate between periods of bliss and depression and everything in between.


There will be periods of time on the Ascension path when the path levels out for awhile and you feel like you are cruising. There will also be periods of time during your Ascension journey when you feel confused, lost, and like you’re just hanging on for dear life. Neither means your succeeding or failing. You’re just surfing the waves of this Ascension path that has already been laid out for you.

So during this month of March, work on really honoring whatever you’re feeling. Pisces is the sign of duality, and the shadow side of Pisces is judgment. When you consciously work on letting go of judgment of your journey—including how you compare or line up with others who are on a similar path—you are transcending this Piscean duality and elevating more into the Unity Consciousness of the Aquarian Age.

Judgment of anything tends to hold it in place. Although this can sometimes seem like a cruel twist, it most certainly has a positive intention. This Law of the Universe gives you continued opportunities to see what that judgment is pointing to within – aka which types of outdated or misaligned beliefs are you still carrying?

Some great questions to ask yourself during this Pisces New Moon are these: What am I still holding against myself? What am I still holding against the world? What have I not yet been willing to forgive myself for? What have I not yet been willing to forgive others for? What on the outside causes me to feel revulsion? If I was really honest, what might I be dishonoring or pushing away on the inside that is somehow relevant to those things I see in the world that disgust me?

Just having the courage to ask these questions of yourself can be very healing, as Awareness is always the first step to healing anything. The next step, then, is to make a commitment to shift that something within. To shift it, you need to set the intention to do so: that in itself is a powerful act. But then, the more important part is following through. You will literally have to become a different person to let go of a pattern that’s been with you for awhile. It can feel as if you are faking at first. But with practice, you really can let go of self-judgments, grievances, and regret—permanently.

It isn’t the easiest thing to all of a sudden become a totally different person, but it is doable. I know you can already think of at least a few ways that you have become a different person now than a year ago, 5 years ago, or 10 years ago. However, if you’d like some support with this I am here to help. I invite you to check out my Spiritual Mentoring Program or my individual Intuitive Healing & Coaching Sessions on my website


The two fish of the Pisces sign can also be seen as representing the yin and yang or the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine within. Over the next 28 days, we will likely be asked to renegotiate this relationship within each of us.

Nearly all of us carry some sort of inner imbalance in regards to this relationship. Perhaps the most efficient way in which the Universe assists us in renegotiating this balance is through romantic relationships. The Universe will show you where and how you are dishonoring parts of yourself quite clearly during and and after any intimate relationship.

Are you still finding yourself stuck in shadow feminine themes like sacrificing the self to please another; or feeling obligated, bound, or indecisive? Are you still finding yourself marred in shadow masculine traits like overaggressiveness, jealousy, or power struggles?

The journey to a healthy balance between the masculine and feminine within takes many lifetimes to consummate. In that time, you have surely played every side of both the shadow and Divine sides of the masculine and feminine energies. The Soul always desires to experience all sides of things. You may have even experienced many sides of this play in this current lifetime.

Ultimately, regardless of our sex or gender, we want to become equally advancing as we are receptive; logical as we are intuitive; and structured as we are spontaneous. As we harmonize the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine within, we become vibrationally ready to meeting our Twin Flame.

As I have been saying, many Twin Flame couples shall be coming together in 2019. It is a big part of the energetic template for this year. If you haven’t already, I recommend reading my 2019 forecast here:…/2019-a-breakout-year-f….

If you are awaiting the Divinely Orchestrated reunion with your Twin Flame, as I am, the absolute best thing you can do is to work on becoming the absolute best version of yourself. What type of life would you want to be able to proudly tell your Twin about when you do finally meet him or her? Start creating that life, now! If that isn’t some major motivation to kick you in the butt a little bit and get you going, I don’t know what is.

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Pisces is a deep, emotional sign and it is the sign of intuiton. One of my favorite things to coach other Lightworkers on is developing their intuitive capacities. What I have found is that we are all inherently intuitive beings—it is more a matter of removing that which prevents us from accessing or trusting our intuition.

The one thing that will really hold you back from developing your intuition is lack of trust in yourself. If you don’t trust yourself, then how can you trust your intuition? Oddly enough, this can also manifest as being too trusting of what you believe to be your intuition, but is really only ego coming though the ‘back door’. Either way, the underlying issue is actually a mistrust in one’s own ability to successfully navigate one’s life.

Each and every one of us has different intuitive mechanisms. By becoming aware of your specific intuitive mechanisms, you are able to feel much more confident about your intuition. How do you get confirmations of a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’? What happens in your body? What happens in your mind? Which feels more trustworthy: your body or your mind? What if you could trust these mechanisms just 10% more?


This 28-day moon cycle is an especially fun time to work on developing your intuition, as Mercury is in Retrograde. There is absolutely no reason to fear Mercury Retrograde, as the mainstream junk astrology articles might tell you; rather, it is an opportunity to really improve your communication skills—and yes, your intuition, too! The uncertainty of communication and messages during this time makes it the perfect time to explore and refine your intuitive skills.

If developing your intuition is something that interests and excites you, please join me for a 90-minute #webinar called Mastering Your #Intuition this coming Saturday, March 9 at 3 PM EST/noon PST/8 PM GMT. Advance registration required. Sign up here:…/mec-with-matthew-john/. If you can’t make it live, no worries as you’ll receive the link to listen to the replay in your inbox. If you sign up for one of my Spiritual Mentoring Programs before Saturday, you’ll receive a free ticket to the webinar!

Wishing you Blessings of Growth, Expansion, and Peace on this Blessed Pisces New Moon!

With Love,

Mathew John

About the authorMatthew John is an internationally-known Spiritual Teacher, Spiritual Mentor, Intuitive Healer & Speaker. He offers inspirational and educational articles and videos on his website and Facebook page. He also offers powerful private sessions worldwide via phone and Skype, including Intuitive Healing & Coaching Sessions, Soul Plan Readings, Spiritual Mentoring (Awakening Coaching) Sessions, Starseed Coaching Sessions, Intuitive Nutrition Readings, and Chakra Scans. You can check out his work and book readings and sessions at

Additional In5D Mercury Retrograde Resources

What You Need To Know About MERCURY RETROGRADE!


TOP 10 Things NOT To Do During A Mercury Retrograde!

How To Reprogram A Mercury Retrograde

Why I Love Mercury Retrograde And Why You Could Too!

Mercury Retrograde – The Planetary Transit We Love To Hate!

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