Rising Up As An Energy Master
Kim Semetis,
Contributing Writer, In5D.com
Rising Up As An Energy Master
As we embody more light, hold more love, we release all lower vibrational realities/timelines. All will simply fall away as our frequency rises, as we tune ever higher.
This is a gradual occurrence as we release our density and emotions tied to the lower frequencies. Emotions such as fear, anger, anxiety, and sadness will begin to dissipate. Karmic ties and cords of attachment and cellular cleansings will occur all along the way and we will notice that opportunities will present for this release as it occurs for us, not to us.
As this occurs we must keep in mind that all is an illusion and our vibration dictates our reality here. We must feel these emotions fully, sit with them, sit in them and honor them, speak them aloud for release, reminding ourselves never to repress them again, knowing that all is held within each cell, nerve and very fiber of our being. As these words are spoken the energy dissipates, and we honor this. We have a peaceful knowing that all is well.
All new higher timelines are being rewritten for us when this occurs. Whatever presents/occurs for others has nothing to do with our reality. For we are each our own creators, each in his/hers own multiverse, our beautiful creation in each now moment.
Related article: The Mandela Effect – PROOF That Negative Timelines Are Collapsing!
When we feel the fear arise, we must realize that our heart has closed and we do whatever it takes to open it back up. Spending time in nature, playing with crystals and andaras, with children, learning how to play again in our own hologram. Creating in any form (art, writing or any creativity) that moves us, shifts us back into love fully. We can shift our energy in an instant and we must realize that we can get back to this place anytime that we wish. New Earth is a feeling that is held inside, where magic, peace and love reside.
As we learn to stabilize our energy, we become the stabilizers for the New Earth 5D template, gridding system. We will notice that others fall away as all of this occurs, as we are no longer vibrating at the same frequency. This is the natural evolution and progression of our souls. Here we learn to take nothing personally, as we begin to see everything from a higher plane of existence.
Karmic cellular cleansings will occur to assist us all along the way too. Freedom codes will be activated after each cleanse as will template wipes and death of the ego. Some will be small (perhaps an hour or two) and others may take days, weeks, months and perhaps years. These will assist with the integration of the freedom codes to integrate more fully. This is where we begin to experience freedom as a sovereign being of the light.
Also see: How To Find Your Life Purpose
Freedom codes activate on the inside and then materialize within our world/universe as we begin to see it in our reality. Freedom to work in service, freedom to integrate more light, more love, all held within at first and then radiating out as we share our light, our love, with all of those that we encounter.
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Our field expands and all who enter can feel this love and are privy to being in our hologram, our frequency. We no longer are affected and get pulled down to lower energies again, as we release all dramas from our field. Our energy is precious, and as we pull away and spend much time alone, we master our energy. This is an ongoing process as we level up in increments as an ascended master.
Also see: 5d Earth: Will Some People Get Left Behind?
We see and realize our power as a master creator and are here to show the way as we live it fully by the way that we live our life as a christed being, living in love as unity consciousness flows through us/is us at all times. Living as an example for all to see how unity consciousness really works in purity and love.
I send you all the purest of love,
About the author: Kim is the Author of “Divine Warrior Goddess “Step Into Your Power” (link below) , WayShower, GridKeeper, Gatekeeper, Ascended Master of the NEW EARTH. She has studied, practiced and taught spirituality/metaphysics for twenty years and served as a co-founder and ordained minister of a spiritual church for many years. She has dedicated her life to service of all of humanity. Kim no longer “channels” as she once did as we integrate all of our aspects, we merge those aspects within as all of the universe is held within.
Transformative/Empowerment Energy Sessions, Activation’s, Andara’s, Crystals, Sacred Oils, Mastery Courses, Live Events and her book can be found on her website. Her book is also available on Amazon.
Light encoded art now available on Fine Art America. Each work is available in a wide array of products including wall art, yoga mats, coffee cups, throw pillows, greeting cards, tapestry, tote bags and many more items. Each item will activate/radiate the space that it is in.
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