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Signs And Symptoms Of A Spiritual Awakening

By on January 7, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

Signs And Symptoms Of A Spiritual Awakening

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by Natalia Ria

Worldwide, political, economical, environmental and social events are taking place that are changing the way we think, feel and perceive our world as well as relate to one another. Change is in the air, on a collective and an individual level, both of which mirror one another.


A mass spiritual awakening is at hand, as a 26,000-thousand year planetary calendar cycle draws to an end, expanding human consciousness in unprecedented ways. On a collective level, a paradigm shift is under way as we unplug from a fear-based paradigm rooted in separation, control, disempowerment and worthlessness to one of love, integrity and connection with all of life. On an individual level, tremendous inner change is taking place as the higher energy of this shift nudges to let go of anything that is not true to who you are and align with your true Self-the authentic, fearless, creative and unconditionally loving part of you that knows no limitation or separation from creation.

A spiritual awakening is accompanied by great internal change. It may feel like you are losing your mind. In many ways, you are losing your old mind, filled with old baggage in the form of beliefs, concepts, attitudes and emotions from your past that no longer serve you. Although this process creates challenge, it is important to remember that all great change is preceded by a time of turmoil and chaos where the old must break down, before space for the new can be open. Below is a list of typical signs and symptoms of a spiritual awakening that you may be experiencing at this time as well as keys to lighten up the process:

Your Body

Physical manifestation of illness, aches, pains and disease are on the rise and signal where you are resisting your true self and holding on to emotions and beliefs that do not serve you.

Eating habits are changing. As you clear and heal away old energy, your energy field lightens up. As a result, the foods you prefer to eat will change because the body’s energetic makeup is altered. Your food preferences may become ‘lighter’ and you may feel that you are more in tune with your body. You may also experience extreme food cravings.

Energy centers (chakras) are opening up. You may feel various sensations at the locations of the chakras: heat at the top of your head, pressure and tightness at the center of your chest and solar plexus, tightness in the area of the throat. Organs and systems associated with the chakras are affected, causing temporary imbalances and discomfort. To learn more about the chakras and their associated organs, please click here.

Key: drink lots of pure water, spend more time in communion with nature, eat fresh, raw foods to increase the circulation of life force throughout the body. It is important to stay grounded and not ‘leave your body’ through mental distraction. Gentle forms of exercise like Qi Gong, walking and Yoga as well as deep breathing and meditation are highly beneficial for grounding yourself.


Your Emotions

An emotion is energy in motion. All unprocessed (repressed) emotions are stored in the cellular memory of the body. At this time, all lower energies still held within your cells and your energy body are being stirred up for processing and releasing. Suppressed negative emotions like anger, guilt, grief, fear, shame and trauma are being brought up for healing. Emotional overwhelm, higher sensitivity and irritability, extreme mood swings, depression, anxiety, insecurity and self destruction can be experienced as a result.

Key: let go of self-judgement and any feelings of there being ‘something wrong with you.’ Affirm that you are exactly where you need to be on your journey.

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Your Mind

Old beliefs that are rooted in fear and limitation are being brought to the surface to be cleared and replaced with empowering beliefs in resonance with your inner truth. It may feel like nothing is certain anymore, including your identity. This happens when old thinking patterns that no longer serve you, are being disassembled in the mind and re-wired in the brain. Feelings of being stuck and disconnected point to warn out beliefs within the mind that must be looked at, evaluated (as to their origin) and replaced.

Key: practice observing your emotions as they tell you what you believe to be true. Negative emotion/negative emotional reaction = negative belief. When you discover a negative belief, claim your power to choose and choose a belief that you prefer to have instead.

Your Relationships And Social Life

Relationships of all types, including friendships, parents, partnerships, are affected. As you begin to heal and change on the inner level of your being, your energy vibration begins to rise accordingly. Relationship dynamics based in control, abuse, power-struggles and inequality will come to an end as you will no longer be able to tolerate their energy and instead, desire relationships which mirror your inner change. You will be drawn to people of a ‘like-mind.’ In your social life, you may not feel like being  around certain people as well as going to the places you are used to socializing in. You may start to feel discomfort in your original social settings and develop new preferences for company and social gatherings.

Key: honor your desire and feelings for different relationships and trust that you will draw them to yourself when you are ready for them. Allow yourself periods of solitude and introspection.

Your Spiritual Life

With the opening of the major energy centers and the release of old energy, the development of intuitive abilities, extra sensitivity, empathy, telepathy and other extrasensory abilities are very common. You may begin to ask yourself questions like ‘who am I?’, ‘why am I here?’, ‘what is my higher purpose?’, ‘what is my relationship to all of life?’ etc. A spiritual awakening prompts a deeper connection to the heart. As a result, you may find yourself becoming more open and vulnerable with the influx of feelings of love and reverence for all of life. You may be drawn to certain practices like meditation or spending more time with nature, children or animals.

Key: set a specific time each day when you can connect to your deeper Self and your heart on a regular basis. Listen to the guidance and inner knowing of your heart to help you stay connected to your inner being.

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