Uplifting Supermoon In Sagittarius: Liberating Yourself
by Matthew John,
Contributing writer, In5D.com
Happy SuperMoon & Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius!
The Super Full Moon becomes exact on Wednesday, May 26 at 7:13 AM New York time (11:13 GMT). The Total Lunar Eclipse reaches its apex approximately 5 minutes later. As a reminder, a SuperMoon occurs when the moon is physically closer to the Earth than usual, thus amplifying its effects.
We have our first eclipse of 2021, and the third consecutive one on the Gemini/Sagittarius axis. This is a Total Lunar Eclipse, meaning the moon will disappear completely in the sky for those who are able to see it. This Full Moon is also Vesak, celebrating the birth, enlightenment, and death of the Buddha.
This eclipse aligns with the South Node of the SuperMoon, meaning that this eclipse helps us to let go of and release patterns and belief systems from the past (including past lives) that no longer serve us. This letting go process will open the way for us to download new codes during the upcoming Solar Eclipse in Gemini that will pave the way for us to step into a ‘brand new self’ that will become a reality over the next six months (and beyond). (Eclipse energies last for approximately six months.)
This Eclipse occurs in the sign of Sagittarius, as the Full SuperMoon occupies ‘The Archer’ and opposes the sun in Gemini. Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign. It is represented by a centaur who is ‘the learned healer’. A centaur is strong, noble, and totally unafraid to go after what he wants in life. Being half horse, he is also free to move about as he wishes, quickly galloping to his desired destinations.
Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter and also rules the 9th house in astrology. The 9th house is the house of higher learning, philosophy, adventure, long-distance travel, luck, and more. This eclipse brings with it the themes of expansion, freedom, and higher knowledge.
If you’ve read my articles before, you know that I like to use these lunar events as opportunities to examine your life and become conscious of where you need to make shifts and changes. I would like to invite you to ask yourself this simple question on this SuperMoon/Eclipse: in what ways do I feel stifled, stagnant, or trapped?
We have a T-square between the sun, moon, and Jupiter—which has just ventured into Pisces for the time being. The orb of the squares is just over four degrees—so not particularly strong—however being a Supermoon and an eclipse, everything is amplified more than usual, so it’s best to discuss this T-square.
We may feel restricted and frustrated with our lack of progress in certain areas of life (the sun here is illuminating all aspects of our life to see). We may feel a call to expand (Jupiter!) but yet brood over the stuckness (SuperMoon stuff) rather than do something about it. The empty leg of this T-square lies in Virgo, meaning that the solution is to put aside our brooding and emotions and take positive forward action in a practical, logical way.
Ask yourself or journal on these questions around this Full SuperMoon/Eclipse:
- In what ways have I been feeling stifled or stuck in life? Take into account all areas of your life: relationships; career; finances; and your inner world. How do I feel like bars have been placed over me? (The reality is that these bars are almost always self-placed.)
- What parts of me feel old and need to ‘go’? Have I been playing an old character? Is there anything stopping me from letting these aspects go and stepping into a new recreation of myself?
- What triggers me into anger? (Anger is a sign of repressed passion.)
- What gives me a feeling of fire and passion? How could I structure my life in a practical way to allow more time to pursue my passions?
- What if my desired future reality was really there waiting for me already, and all I needed to do was have a little bit more faith, confidence, courage and passion in order to make it manifest?
- What if I had no fear of any obstacles that were placed in front of me?
- What if I tore down any false limitations I have imposed on myself?
EMPOWERING Supermoon In Sagittarius: Liberating Yourself By Letting Go Of Old Beliefs
Once you have become conscious of the ways in which you are feeling stifled, naturally the next question is what to do about it. Sometimes the answer lies in making a big change–perhaps in taking an exceptional Leap of Faith–while other times the solution is to change the way you have been looking at something.
The Universe will often keep us in a situation where we feel stuck and stifled so that the frustration builds up so much that we finally take a Leap of Faith and make a big change in our lives. It could mean changing careers, ending a relationship, diving into a new one, or relocating. Undoubtedly, there will be choice points in your Life Plan where your Higher Self will nudge you to take a Leap of Faith. Courage generally pays off.
Here’s an example: let’s say you’ve been working in the same field for a number of years, and although your business was once thriving or doing well enough, you’re no longer getting enough clients. You can’t pay all your bills, you’re in debt, you’re frustrated and confused. I’ve seen this happen so many times with people, and often it’s because their Higher Self is asking for them to grow and expand. There is something bigger that needs to unfold in their career.
Perhaps they take a Leap of Faith and decide to change careers completely and pursue one of their passions as their career. Or, perhaps they change their target market or change the type of services they provide to something that feels more aligned with who they truly feel they are, and BOOM! their income doubles or triples in a short period of time and they feel more satisfied than ever with their work (and with their life).
It doesn’t always take a huge change in your life to shake off that sense of stagnation (but if you are feeling the call to make those big changes, then do put the wheels in motion in a practical, logical manner). For many of us, though, the best way to utilize the Sagittarian energy of this eclipse is to add spontaneity into our lives in little ways—to shake things up energetically. Here are some suggestions:
- Wear some clothing you haven’t worn in awhile or thrift shop for clothing in-person or online
- Take a different route on your daily walk
- Plan a trip
- Change up the furniture in your home (or repaint the walls)
- Create something new in the kitchen
- Change up something about your look
- Get a new pet (but make sure you’re committed)
- Go on a date with someone new
Life is meant to be an adventure, although it’s easy to forget that, especially in a time like this. From the perspective of the soul watching you from Heaven, all of the trials and tribulations of your life–including the things you have taken most seriously–are an adventure.
Yes, life is painful at times, but the more we can remember that life is an adventure, the more we are going to enjoy the little things in life. And furthermore, when we view life as an adventure, we are then able to let go of holding onto needing any particular outcome to manifest, because we know that no matter what happens the adventure will continue.
This Sagittarius South Node Eclipse also begs the question: what beliefs about life have you latched onto that in fact are holding you back?
So much of this Full SuperMoon chart is about the mind, with it occurring on the Gemini/Sagittarius axis and the Gemini stellium (more about that in the next section). Our mind is the most powerful tool we have; it literally has the power to make us well or ill. The vibrational quality of your beliefs and thoughts determines the quality of your experience of life. If you live by the motto that ‘Everything happens for my Highest Good, always’, then you can’t go wrong!
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The small ego-self often likes to believe that it is a victim of circumstance. The ego often comes to view the Universe as a malevolent force out to get it. This couldn’t be farther from the truth, of course. The Universe is the all-knowing Godsource energy that always gives you the exact experience that you need, even if it’s not the one you want.
Sagittarius (ruled by Jupiter) is all about opportunities and optimism. If we can remember that everything always happens for our Highest Good, then we can’t possibly ever be a victim of circumstance. We will always see opportunity in the face of difficulties. If the centaur rolled an ankle and had to slow down for a day, he’d likely thank God for the reminder to take his time with life.
Likewise, anytime life doesn’t go as planned or desired, you can remember that this event or circumstance must be here to help you in some way!
We also have a stellium of planets in Gemini, with the sun, Mercury, and Venus occupying the mutable air sign of Gemini. Gemini rules the mind, and with Mercury slowing down prior to its station on May 29, communication is a big theme this week.
Mercury’s influence is felt most strongly (and miscommunications are most likely to occur) in the few days prior to and the few days following Mercury’s Station on the 29th. Also, Mercury is squaring Neptune in its own sign of Pisces. This makes this Mercury Retrograde extra potent and it makes miscommunications much more possible than usual during a normal Mercury Retrograde. So, heed this advice lest you suffer Mercury’s wrath (LOL):
- Make sure that all the ‘I’s & T’s’ are dotted when signing any contracts. Consider holding off on signing contracts until after June 5 (if possible), or even until after July 2 (when Mercury is exiting its post-Retrograde Shadow Phase), if it’s something that isn’t time-sensitive.
- Be extra clear in your communication with others. Give others more leeway than usual. Inquire to clarify what someone means by something if you’re unsure, especially if it’s via text message or e-mail.
- Avoid purchasing big-ticket items (e.g. a new car) until after June 5 (or if possible, after July 2)
- Back up all of your computer files and your smartphone!
- Triple-check travel plans and appointment times. Verify times with others.
- Release expectations of others, especially when it comes to people responding in a timely fashion. Give people the benefit of the doubt. Expectations of others may go unfulfilled.
- As always, use Mercury Retrograde as a time to refine your communication, rather than to be afraid of miscommunications, or electronics breaking down, or travel plans getting interrupted.
Mars roughly opposes Pluto, currently traveling Retrograde in Capricorn, and more precisely trines Neptune in Pisces. With Mars in Cancer, the Retrograde Pluto energy may cause you to feel overwhelmed by the responsibilities, obstacles, and disappointments of life sometimes. You may feel like you just want to crawl into a shell at times, especially when you’re feeling bombarded from several angles at once.
When this happens, remember to utilize one of the higher aspects of Mars and move your body. Go for a walk, a hike, a jog, or dance or play a sport! It will allow the energy to move through you and afterwards you’ll feel much more able to handle whatever’s on your plate.

With uber-masculine Mars’ trine to feminine Neptune imprinted in this eclipse chart, you will have the opportunity to merge your intuition and logical minds over the 28 days (and more broadly, over the next six months). You might find that intuitive answers come when you are moving your body!
Wishing you an exciting and healing SuperMoon and Lunar Eclipse!
With Love,
Matthew John
About the author: Matthew John is an internationally-known Spiritual Teacher, Spiritual Mentor, Writer, Speaker, Starseed Guide and Energy Healer. He offers inspirational and educational articles and videos on his website. He also offers powerful private sessions worldwide via phone, Zoom and Skype, including Angel Energy Healing and Soul Retrieval Sessions, Soul Plan Readings, Spiritual Mentoring (Awakening Coaching) Sessions, Starseed Discovery Sessions, Medical Intuitive Readings, Past Life Regressions, Future Self Progressions, and Chakra Scans.
You can check out his videos and articles and book readings and sessions at: https://www.youareadivinehuman.org/. Please note that the author is a contributing astrology writer to In5D.com. He does not necessarily endorse any information, views, or opinions expressed on In5D.com (or any of the In5D social media platforms) other than those expressed in his articles.
Additional In5D Mercury Retrograde Resources
What You Need To Know About MERCURY RETROGRADE!
TOP 10 Things NOT To Do During A Mercury Retrograde!
How To Reprogram A Mercury Retrograde
Why I Love Mercury Retrograde And Why You Could Too!
Mercury Retrograde – The Planetary Transit We Love To Hate!
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