Tag: ascension

Awakening To Your Cosmic Nature
This writing is an embodiment of various complex concepts. At the end of this article, you will have obtained a greater understanding of your cosmic nature.

3D, 4D, or 5D – What Dimension Are We In?
Some say we are in the 3rd dimension, some say we are in the 4th, some say we are in the 5th. Why is this? Where do you think we are frequency wise?

Mandela Effects, Ascension Flu, Nothing but LOVE is REAL! In5D FB Live w/ Gregg Prescott Ep #14
In5D Founder Gregg Prescott talks about the Mandela Effects, Ascension Flu, and the nature of our own “reality”.

5D Here And Now
When we are contemplating the past or the 5D future, we are in our heads. When we are within the now, we are in our hearts. For the heart is from the octave of here and now, or no time. Whereas the mind, works within our 3rd/4th density perceptions of time; by design.

Ascension – The Biology Of Altering Perception
On the 11/11, I received a large download of cosmic information related to ascension as I was falling asleep. It was a long stream of images and concepts – I hope I can do justice to translating this amazing 5D language of light into the limited 3D language of words.

Ascension Symptoms: DNA Upgrade
The tissue of our bodies is made up of cells. The cells are made up of molecules and this goes on and on until the subatomic level is reached. At the subatomic level, the templates or blueprints are formed for our bodies. The probabilities of what we can do are created at the subatomic level. There are changes being made at this level as the Earth Changes occur and as the axis shift occurs on the planet. These changes are due to occur very soon. During this period of an axis shift, past types of behavior and past ways of arranging matter will not be available.

Ascension Symptoms, Vertigo, The Event – In5D FB Live w/ Gregg Prescott Ep. #10
Feeling dizzy lately? You’re certainly not alone!!! On this video, In5D owner Gregg Prescott talks about ascension symptoms, vertigo, the event, & what it all means!

Transmutational / Ascension Symptoms
by Sabrina Reber Ascension is the raising of our personal energy frequency. It occurs when we bring our layers of “light” from our Spiritual Body or Multidimensional God Self down into our physical form. As we integrate more of our true spiritual essence into our being we expand our auric field, chakra system and activate […]

The Cycles Of Consciousness
by Ælee, Contributing Writer,In5D.com Now from what I’ve experienced myself so far and how our consciousness will expand. I’ll label the different levels of consciousnesses as such: First is simply unconsciousness. This stage stage where you decided to “restart” could’ve been at any time. In a linear time perspective. This stage can last for an […]

Fear – An Enemy To Ascension
Most people would say that they are not afraid of anything . If you ask them twice they would repeat it with such resolve. So, can you believe that we have lived such fear based lives for so long, even though we have said we aren’t afraid of anything?

A Nutritional Awakening For Ascension
Have you been bogged down by ascension symptoms? Do you have low energy, lack motivation and focus? If so you’re not alone and perhaps my story can help you.

QHHT Session – Trump, Ascension, And The New Earth
by Marilyn, I was very much looking forward to this client’s session, she had made it quite clear that she does not like vague or cryptic answers, does not like to have to guess at the meaning. The reason she is asking the questions is because she REALLY wants answers and she is not willing […]

5 Ways DNA Upgrades Change Our Bodies
DNA upgrades trigger activation of dormant DNA strands. As each wave of higher frequencies move through us, more dormant DNA strands are activated, reunifying and bringing our mind body soul system online.