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Tag: Atlantean

Applying Universal Laws To Everyday Life

Applying Universal Laws To Everyday Life

By on May 30, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Recently, the “if it bleeds it leads” local news led with this – a man ran a red light and struck two people in the crosswalk because he was texting. Then, today I actually watched someone walk into a parking meter because… well, his head was down. I mention these events because it seems that people have become addicted. Addicted to texting. Addicted to Facebook, Addicted to the Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Tumblir and… you get the picture. Even as you read this, our heads are buried in a virtual world.

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More Predictions For 2017 And Beyond

More Predictions For 2017 And Beyond

By on February 21, 2017 in Prophecy, Spiritual Awakening

Here are more predictions given to me by Gaia, soul of the Earth and my Guardian Angel Theo, as I’m a self-trained telepath. These questions were sent to me from all over the world on a wide variety of subjects as you’ll read.

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February Energy Update On Gridwork, Timelines, And 5D Earth

February Energy Update On Gridwork, Timelines, And 5D Earth

By on February 20, 2017 in Energy Updates

The following are February updates that I posted on my Facebook page about Grid Work and portal activation, major timeline splitting toward the 5d Earth, and what you can do during this ascension time to dissolve the old and create the new.

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Energy Update – StarGates Alignment Of The Physical Body

Energy Update – StarGates Alignment Of The Physical Body

By on January 27, 2017 in Energy Updates

by Lisa Brown, StarGates Alignment of the Physical Body/Physical Reality World Continually Synchronizing ALL to Higher Frequency Bandwidth Existences NOW The physical body/physical reality upgrades and re-calibrations shall continue to increase as we go. We are in continual Star-Gate alignment, continual crystalline activations, continual upgrade-mode, continual physical reality alignment, continual physical body upgrades/integration process that […]

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Energy Update – Cellular Cleansing Coming With These Huge Upgrades of Light

Energy Update – Cellular Cleansing Coming With These Huge Upgrades of Light

By on December 24, 2016 in Energy Updates

And the words as I got ready to hit send: “The Final Descent”

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Energy Update – The New Earth And Incoming Energies

Energy Update – The New Earth And Incoming Energies

By on December 13, 2016 in Energy Updates

by Jenny Schiltz, I wanted to take a moment and share some really incredible information that was shared with me. About a year or so ago, at the suggestion of my guides I stopped sending a grounding cord into the earth core crystal. They told me that it was more important that I ground deeply […]

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Hollow Earth, First Contact And Wilful Environmental Pollution

Hollow Earth, First Contact And Wilful Environmental Pollution

By on October 30, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

I argue in this article that the environmental policies of global industrialists, which include the release of GMO fauna and flora, mobile phone radiation, fracking, oil production activities and the wilful release of nuclear and other highly biologically-damaging wastes to air, land and sea have hidden agendas. These hidden agendas include de-population, spiritual nullification, social control via frequency entrainment and manipulation of ‘first contact’ with civilisations that live below our feet within the hollow Earth.

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Manly P Hall – Astrology

Manly P Hall – Astrology

By on May 31, 2015 in Science

33rd degree freemason Manly P. Hall unfolds the true, esoteric meaning behind astrology and how it is used by those in power.

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The Hidden History Of Lemuria

The Hidden History Of Lemuria

By on May 16, 2015 in Awareness, Extraterrestrials

by Germane Through Lyssa Royal Germane, a group consciousness energy, states that “his” orientation is from a realm of integration that does not have a clear-cut density/dimensional level. The term “germane” in the English language means “significant relevance” or “coming from the same source”. Germane therefore chose this term to somewhat personify his energy. Neither […]

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Lemuria: The Hidden History of Mankind’s Motherland

Lemuria: The Hidden History of Mankind’s Motherland

By on April 2, 2015 in Extraterrestrials

Lemuria entered the lexicon of the Occult through the works of Helena Blavatsky, who claimed to have been shown an ancient, pre-Atlantean The Book of Dzyan: The Known Text, The Secret Doctrine by the Mahatmas. Lemuria is mentioned in an 1882 Mahatma letter to A.P. Sinnett.

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The Legend of Atlantis – It’s Time To Wake Up

The Legend of Atlantis – It’s Time To Wake Up

By on January 23, 2015 in Extraterrestrials, Spiritual Awakening

Thousands of years ago the gods came down to Earth from the stars to initiate a genesis. Human civilization was formed and reached a peak with Atlantis. A dark age began and the battle of Atlantean gods led to its fall. A secret brotherhood brought Atlantean secret teachings before the fall to Egypt. Through all […]

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