Tag: golden age

Full Moon In Sagittarius: Let Yourself Be Free!
Happy Full Moon in Sagittarius! This Full Moon becomes exact on Monday, June 17 at 4:31 AM EDT (08:31 GMT).

Incoming Transformative Energy!
There are many Astrological Shifts going on and many Portals opening up to us right now. We have NOW stepped into a New Golden Age. We are NOW Activating Adam Kadmon, our Seventh Root Race.

Saturn – Why Are We Worshiping The Cult Of EL?
The Saturn cult is ingrained into nearly every aspect of our life, yet the true significance of Saturn can be found within secret societies and in the deepest underpinnings of religion.

Human Protection And Casting Off Dark Beings
One of the most difficult trials to men is realization of truth as we have been brainwashed by beliefs of our ancestors implanted and controlled by alternating Archons and dark beings for a million years. The reason is simple, we have the gold, silver and earthen materials these beings desire and need for their planets.

Dreams Of The Crystalline World
I’ve heard we are given information from the next dimension when we are ready to receive it. And we don’t get to decide when we are ready. Lately I’ve been wondering how much longer it will be before I’m ready to receive more information. That question was answered recently and I’m so grateful as I feel like I’ve been on a plateau for a very long time.

Experiencing 5D Energies With Gaia And Your Star Family
Lifting of the veil to remember…. the earth’s magnetic fields are calibrating UP lately in response to energies from the galaxy. All is going up to facilitate our remembrance of WHO we are as multidimensional beings. All is going UP so that we can be fast tracked to remember this. All is going UP so that we can heal our pain bodies, our emotional bodies that can be heavy with heart stuff at times.

From De-construction Of The Physical To Creating A Whole New Earth Foundation Of Stability From Within
7 years ago I found myself in the “Expedited Great De-Construction phase” of my own Spirit’ual/Soul awakening, yet was not aware that this was what it was.

Which Pluto Generation Are You?
Pluto is known as the ‘Destroyer’ and will tell you what life challenges you will have. Each generation has a different location for Pluto on their birth charts along with corresponding energies that create generational effects within each one of these astrological signs.

Age Of Aquarius and 5th Dimension Trivia
Check out some fun trivia about the Age of Aquarius and the 5th Dimension! For example, it is quite ironic that the name of the band that sang “Aquarius” is named “The 5th Dimension” as many people believe that this is our next level of spiritual vibration. Read on!

Provocative Interview With Alleged Ruling Illuminati Bloodline Priest
by Edward Morgan, PrepareForChange “Remember, always, that this is a beautiful game that we are playing here and co-creating together with our Infinite Creator. And that off stage (between lives), we are the very best of friends. No one really dies and no one really suffers, except in the game. The game is not reality. […]

New Earth Ascension
Here is the story of Earth ascending from 3D life into the 5D dimension. The Earth herself, is a great spiritual being in her own right, she is going through an enormous transition and evolution phase to Fifth Dimensional Consciousness (this is a more advanced level of living). This process is being done so Earth can realign with the rest of our Solar System in her ascension. Conditions facing humanity are going to change out of all recognition as a result of this transition.

VISION: Crystal Tidal Wave
Many people are stepping forward to talk about their dreams of tidal waves. In most of these dreams, there is an absence of fear and an overwhelming sense of peace and serenity. What many people are interpreting these waves to is a transformational wave of galactic energy… Gregg by Amy Schabot, Contributing Writer,In5D.com Lately I’ve […]

What Would People Think If You Instantly Disappeared Into A Higher Dimension?
It is also possible that we can make a transition into a Golden Age for humanity through various programs such as the Venus Project, where everyone can live in abundance, health, and prosperity without the need for money or the Ubuntu program, where everyone would only work three hours per week and could use the rest of their free time to pursue whatever interests they desire.

WE Will Rewrite History! A Lightworker’s Perspective
While the global elite continue to suppress technologies that will benefit mankind while keeping us in conditions of tyranny and oppression, their main agenda is backfiring on an awakening planet. In the future, how will history record these events?