Tag: lightworkers

Peace Can Solve The Problems Of Earth
by Angel V. Ornedo Jr. Contributing Writer,In5D,.com “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.” One of Sananda-Christ Beatitudes is a secret of graduation of earth to galactic partnership with our spiritual guides. When we think and work for PEACE and we can attain this everlasting desire of man on earth […]

2017 To 2025 – What To Expect In This 9 Year Cycle
Humanity has entered a most pivotal period in Gaia’s history. The earth year of 2017 is known to many cross galaxies to be the pedestal of change.

False Light And Living Light – How To Tell The Difference
Some of the visuals us lightworkers receive are so explosive, I woke up this morning STUNNED!

Starseeds – Awakening The Divine Blueprint
4 Universal Laws That Make or Break Your Manifestations by Melissa Blue Ray, Contributing Writer,In5D.com Many of us starseeds and lightworkers have incarnated here from higher realms and ascended planets to assist humanity in this time of change and transition. As this awakening has started to unfold, we have felt a calling to discover a […]

Mayan Calendar Prophecy – May 2017 – Enlightened Unity Consciousness
The Age of Aquarius, of Awakening, the Return of the Divine Feminine, the apocalypse, all have been predicted on planet earth for many eons. That time is now. Planet earth circa 2017 is transitioning, it is experiencing all of the above.

444 Lightworker Activation Upgrades
444 Lightworker activation is being triggered. Lightworkers, volunteers, earth warriors embrace, activate and integrate upgrades. Its time to lose the avatars. Ditch the masks. Embody truth. Buckle up we’re in for a big one friends.

Polarity Chasm, Cabal Chaos, And Cosmic Flow
by Morag, Contributing Writer,In5D.com The polarity chasm is being stretched back further, like elastic, we feel the tension build. Exposing fundamental differences in people in our lives and on the world stage. As the elastic stretches, the chasm widens, we are being compelled to expose, release and eliminate pollutants in our mind body soul systems. […]

The Future Plans Of The Malevolent ET’s
by Nikki Colombo, Editor – Contact Online Magazine Contributing Writer,In5D.com What saddens me so much is our world is in such peril and so many don’t give a damn, they just go about their unawakened little lives drinking their zero coke aspartame and junk food, fighting their petty differences for these elites and the cabal, […]

Is There A Dark Side To Reiki?
Recently, I read a Facebook post from a healing colleague about the hidden dangers of Reiki. I was surprised by the assertions which basically said that Reiki energy was from a lower vibration and that it harmed, rather than healed, people.

It’s NOT That Complicated – The Journey To Your Purpose And Passion In Life
The two greatest days of your life is the day you were born and when you finally find your true purpose why you are here. Many go through the struggle and often play the victim or walk around feeling lost in this world. How do you keep going and what’s the purpose of all these; spiritual awakening, to believe, wish, or dream?

Energy Update: Securing Dimensions, Providing Passage, And Anchoring Upgrades
by Katie IndiCrow, Contributing Writer,In5D.com Beautiful angels of earth. Woah. What a week. So much has happened in the past 7 human days that my mind and heart are both blown! Though many of us don’t need ‘proof’ that ascension is happening, the widespread impacts of energetic shifts are now being recognized (and felt) by […]

8 Steps To Practicing Light Magic
The time we have all been waiting for has arrived, and we can now take off the training wheels. We are basking in the waves of energies of the magic of instant manifestation and creation. Mastering magic through the use of the waves of light energy is the next step in our quest for morphing into a 5d “New Earth” reality.

Is This What The Sirians Look Like? Sirius Spaceship Appears On Bimini Island
by Nikki Colombo, Editor – Contact Online Magazine Bringing more light to a special Lightworker 777Alaje from Pleiades, there is more going on in this video if you have the eyes to “see”. Light beams of pale pastel violet and dark and light green show up as these lightworkers are charging themselves up in the […]

33 Quotes From Great Ascension Teachers
With so many wonderful ascension teachers from the past, here are 33 quotes that will resonate with many people!