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10 TIPS For Creating Heaven On Earth NOW!

By on April 8, 2018 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

10 TIPS For Creating Heaven On Earth NOW!

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by Susan Vivyan,
Contributing Writer,

Creator/Source/God is…


1) Everywhere and in everything. Not confined to space not time. Timeless and eternal. Gender encompassing; loving, embracing all. Parts of Creator/Source/God are visible EVERYWHERE. In you, in a blade of grass, in the sky, in the homeless person on the corner asking for change. EVERYWHERE, EVERYTHING.

2) You, yes YOU are a piece of Creator/Source/God…timeless, eternal. A part of Spirit’s creation. Each breath a gift; each thought your choice.

3) If Creator/Source/God is everywhere and in everything there is not a box big enough to contain the eternal spirit.

4) Human beings have tried to put Creator/Source/God in a box. Churches, religion are too small and oftentimes separate instead of embrace oneness.

5) Much has been written about man’s injustices yet the focus now should be on Creator/Source/God’s vastness and loving support, guidance and all-consuming energy of acceptance, tolerance and self-love.

6) Move beyond the focus on self-denial. Heal the many wounds from centuries of abuse via many gifted healers now visible, supported and finally able to practice their craft.


7) Be vigilant in your choices. Daily thoughts which lead to actions can be more discerning. Think of embracing the goodness within. Display this outwardly. Brush aside judgment, intolerance of ANY DIFFERENCES. Accept those who disagree. Stand and honor your own boundaries. Accept those whose opinions are polar opposite to your own. Accept the person, not their ideas. Because a person differs from you because of their outlook, income, appearance does not make them separated from the ONENESS OF ALL as WE ARE ONE.

8) Keep your safe boundaries as one does not have to engage to love. Practice discernment and self-care. Boundaries are for your own self-protection. Use them for your own self stabilization. Yet you may…

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9) Donate change to the homeless, if you so desire. Stand up for what you believe by supporting a cause or vocalizing your opinion, if you so desire. Become engaged in programs which heal our planet & our souls, if you so desire. Be active in showing others a way of life that can be fluid, dynamic, breaking the 3D paradigm of rigid control. Be quiet in your actions for change, mirroring acceptance, tolerance, love. Choose your way of expressing. There’s room for all in a myriad of ways to show their piece of Creator/Source/God’s spirit. No one is confined to any expression, box, program, script, and religion, political or sexual persuasion.

10) We have eternity yet let’s start now in becoming the paradise we so longingly desire. Be the Oneness that surrounds you. Embrace diversity, change, and your gifts.

About the author: Susan Vivyan is an artist, former educator, intuitive who has learned and is learning how to embrace life moment by moment.

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