New Earth News – 5 Crucial Things To Do To Assist In The Shift To The New Earth
by Michelle Walling, CHLC
Contributing Writer,
Many people are seeing the evidence that we are undergoing the shift to a New Earth right now. Since we have never done it this way before in awakened consciousness, it may not seem like you expected it to. In order to bring the final shift closer into our reality, there are some important steps you can take to assist in blending the two realities for Earth and humanity.
New Earth News – 5 Crucial Things To Do To Assist In The Shift To The New Earth
As the old matrix crumbles and we bring in the New Earth energies in to merge with our reality, we want to focus on:
1. Ground in the new energies with your body
Being in nature and doing conscious grounding techniques are essential to the process of merging the two realities. THIS is what many of us came here to do!
2. Be aware of your thoughts and actions
There is a whole new layer here that hasn’t been brought to light before. The dark forces are playing our old song over and over to us like a broken record in the matrix. Most of the time at the point we are at right now, it doesn’t mean you haven’t dealt with it. It is more like a groundhog day illusion and if you can recognize that, you can move those thoughts out of your head easier.
3. Be in love as much as possible
This means doing things that you love, being around people that you love, and staying in a high vibration.
4. Integrate parts and pieces of you
This includes “frozen” aspects of yourself that may have jumped outside of yourself with traumatic experiences in this lifetime and others. Because of the help of the quantum energy fields that we are being bathed with at this time, the intention and action to clear that energy and integrate it back into our hearts is all it takes. Continue to do this ritual until you feel like there are no more parts of you that are not integrated.
5. Activate your DNA
You have the power to bring the white light from the center of the cosmos into your cells to activate your DNA. You also have the ability to talk to you cells and tell them that you want all of your 12 strands of DNA to be healed and turned on. You can make this a part of your daily meditation and/or forgiveness and self love ceremony.
This shift from one reality to another has been a slow process but is showing signs of culminating right now, as evidenced by many things. The Mandela Effect has shown that our timelines are shifting. Many “seers” are able to report that the new reality is here, and the Earth they have seen has a whole different look to it. Akashic record readers are able to look outside of linear time to report what is unfolding on a Universal scale. There are also many reports about the “honey trap” that was laid for the darkness on Earth has been a successful plan. There is no escaping this shift and this is the “back up plan” for a Universe completely out of balance.

The new reality is sandwiched over this one and we are connected to it. Many people have moved through the membrane between the two and have brought all of their pieces and parts through, and feel like they are more whole and light at the same time. It is shocking how seamless it is happening for some people, as they are still “here” but they are vibrating at a different frequency. Others are absolutely struggling to even exist one day to the next because they do not know how to put all of their pieces back together again.
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As the New Creation template is integrated, the next big step will be a separation of the old reality. Everything that no longer matches up with the new template will dissolve away. Beings that do not match on a vibrational frequency will get a one way ticket back to Source to be reformed into something that will once again be harmonic with the Universe. Everything is happening on a fractal level, with a person’s mind/body/soul template representing the Universe. Not all of the soul fractals will be able to do the level of work that is described in this article, but the more people that do this work, the more it will compensate for those who do not know anything about the work. Eventually there will be a tipping point that will finalize the integration and then split the two realities apart once again.
Please do not limit yourself with linear terms and numbers and details of what dimension we are in, what dimension we are going to, or what level we are at right now. Many people are holding energies from the 12th dimension and higher, however some people are holding the 4th and 5th dimensional Earth energies for those who have been stuck in the 3rd dimension for far too long as a bridge to the higher dimensional realities. For some people, baby steps is going to be the best way to make the shift. 5d is almost beyond most people’s imaginations, however where we end up will be connected all the way up to 12d. People have different needs and jobs and will experience this shift differently because of that.
About the author:
Michelle Walling, CHLC is a Holistic Life Coach, international public speaker, writer, webmaster, and radio show host. In 2013, Michelle started her public career as a spiritual, metaphysical, and esoteric contributing writer for Michelle is the webmaster for,,, and, and is the co-creator of Michelle is the host of In5d’s Cosmic Awakening Show and In5d Network. Her personal Facebook page can be found here.
Image: Pixabay
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