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Search Results for 'kundalini awakening'

Mayan Prophecy Connection To Kundalini Awakening

Mayan Prophecy Connection To Kundalini Awakening

By on January 15, 2018 in Prophecy, Spiritual Awakening

In many religions they speak of an apocalyptic end of time or the day of judgement. The ancient Mayan civilization had an accurate calendar that prophesied that the end of time would be in 2012. (Note: the Mayan civilization used the same calendar as the Ethiopians, in which it currently is 2010 instead of 2017.) We commonly imagine this apocalypse to be something physical like a massive global destruction. Perhaps the end of time described in religious scriptures shouldn’t be interpreted literally but rather esoterically.

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The Path Of Kundalini

The Path Of Kundalini

By on October 17, 2019 in Meditation with 0 Comments

At the base of our spines it lies sleeping and dormant, curled, and coiled around Muladhara. It is Kundalini, the great and powerful serpent of Shakti. It lays waiting either for grace or for the being that it is in to awaken it by becoming conscious of consciousness.

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Kundalini And Cerebrospinal Fluid Breath – How To Ground And Balance Your Energy

Kundalini And Cerebrospinal Fluid Breath – How To Ground And Balance Your Energy

By on August 17, 2018 in Meditation with 0 Comments

I have been drawn to write about the Cerebrospinal fluid breath which I have been receiving details about over the last few weeks.  In short, we all have fluid that is held within our spine.  This travels from the brain all the way down the spine within the column.  It interacts with our body in a unique way in that it touches and channels energy through the centre of the body which in turn will affect our whole-body system.

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19 Things That Can Help With A Spontaneous Spiritual Awakening

19 Things That Can Help With A Spontaneous Spiritual Awakening

By on June 15, 2018 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Have you or some you know experienced a spontaneous spiritual awakening? by Michelle Walling, CHLC, Contributing Writer, More and more people are having spontaneous spiritual awakenings than ever! Many are experiencing paranormal or metaphysical experiences that are surprising and are seeking answers about these things. Many people are awakening to a sudden realization that they […]

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Enlightenment And Full Awakening

Enlightenment And Full Awakening

By on May 15, 2018 in Spiritual Awakening

by Angel V. Ornedo Jr., Contributing Writer, Look, see, feel and gaze around you. Are you still hanging on something dear or mighty in this physical world that you cannot leave behind, power over others, monetary control, relief from dark beliefs, partner, lover, child, parent, pet to care and endless illusions. Darkness fill our lives […]

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Spiritual Awakening Symptoms – How Do I Know It’s Happening To Me?

Spiritual Awakening Symptoms – How Do I Know It’s Happening To Me?

By on June 19, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

by Morag, Contributing Writer, When you Google ‘awakening’ you are quickly taken down the rabbit hole of signs and symptoms, spiritual ideology and karmic teaching. The bible and quantum mechanics come up.  But what does awakening actually mean? The word ‘awakening’ is contentious. There is a language of separation perceived in spiritualism. Awake implies asleep. […]

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4D Consciousness: Alchemical Purgatory, Dark Nights, And Profound Awakenings

4D Consciousness: Alchemical Purgatory, Dark Nights, And Profound Awakenings

By on February 21, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Ascension is the increasing connection to other worlds and dimensions, the lift UP, the sense of I am HERE yet NOT HERE. I am THERE and HERE….this is arising now, coming now, available now. Merging worlds and dimensions as you are letting these multiple realities into your NOW moments.

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What A Gift To Experience This Mass Awakening With Front Row Seats

What A Gift To Experience This Mass Awakening With Front Row Seats

By on November 9, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

by Amanda Gauci, Contributing Writer, It truly is an amazing time to be incarnated on Gaia (Earth). It truly is a gift to be alive! Those of us who are awake, what a blessing it is for us to watch this awakening unfold before our very eyes. This is what we’ve all be preparing for. […]

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14 Unique Symptoms Of A Spiritual Awakening

14 Unique Symptoms Of A Spiritual Awakening

By on October 14, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Have you experienced any symptoms of a spiritual awakening? Chances are, if you are reading this article, the answer is “yes!”

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The Time Is Upon Us – Three Easy Steps To Do Your Part In The Awakening And Ascension Of Earth

The Time Is Upon Us – Three Easy Steps To Do Your Part In The Awakening And Ascension Of Earth

By on October 8, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

by Amanda Gauci, Infinite Flow As you ALL may or may not be aware, OUR Great Mother Earth (Gaia), has gone into a new Earth cycle this year.  This is a scientific fact and occurs approximately every 27,000 years.  This year has been quite a ride for all of us, with shift after shift occurring […]

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Awaken Your Kundalini In 3 Easy Steps

Awaken Your Kundalini In 3 Easy Steps

By on July 13, 2016 in Meditation with 0 Comments

Many people want to know how to awaken the Kundalini. And as there are techniques for Kundalini Awakening, most of the techniques are kept secret by masters until the student is ready to receive them.

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What Happens In Meditations After Kundalini And Third Eye Activation

What Happens In Meditations After Kundalini And Third Eye Activation

By on September 18, 2015 in Meditation

Many forms of meditations are offered these days all targeted towards achieving the same exact thing: connecting to Source and our True Selves. I’ve been meditating steadily for about 5 years now; experimenting with different ways and styles. About a year ago through the teachings of one of the great present day masters I learned specific pineal gland and Kundalini activation technique that took my whole meditation experience to an entirely different level.

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This Man’s Spiritual Awakening Was Labeled As Psychotic By A Psychiatrist

This Man’s Spiritual Awakening Was Labeled As Psychotic By A Psychiatrist

By on April 2, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

Imagine having a kundalini awakening and having the gift of literally seeing the connection of all human beings, then being diagnosed as psychotic. That’s what happened to this man after his spiritual awakening! by Paul Levy, In 1981, I was sitting in meditation when, just for an instant, a bolt of lightning flashed through my […]

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Extraterrestrials, Implants, Kundalini, And Spiritual Ascension

Extraterrestrials, Implants, Kundalini, And Spiritual Ascension

By on January 15, 2015 in Extraterrestrials with 0 Comments

I was abducted by extraterrestrials, who implanted me with bio-genetic implants that grew inside my body, feeding off any low vibrational emotional responses. I remember in the beginning thinking I was absolutely losing my mind, and I was terrified of losing my children and being sectioned into some mental institution.

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Doubting Yourself And Your Spiritual Experiences?

Doubting Yourself And Your Spiritual Experiences?

By on October 24, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Doubting Yourself And Your Spiritual Experiences? There is something about us lightworker’s that makes us continuously stall. Continuously worry, doubt, fear and re-think what our gut is telling us. Has this been your experience? If so, lets all put down our tarot cards and astrological charts and see where the answers lie; within our bodies.

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5 Signs In Recognizing Your Twin Soul

5 Signs In Recognizing Your Twin Soul

By on June 6, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening, Twin Flames with 0 Comments

5 Signs In Recognizing Your Twin Soul – Twin souls have gone through many reincarnations and lifetimes on earth and throughout the universe, so when they do meet again, the soul recognizes and the synchronicities light up, just like spark and passion combined, a feeling of familiarity. If you need insight and direction to know if you have come across this person, here are some tips.

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ENERGY UPDATE – DNA Upgrade, Portals, Ascension Symptoms

ENERGY UPDATE – DNA Upgrade, Portals, Ascension Symptoms

By on April 4, 2019 in Energy Updates

ENERGY UPDATE – DNA Upgrade, Portals, Ascension Symptoms – We have finally moved past the intensity of the first three months of 2019. Opportunities for lightbody activation, spiritual growth and DNA upgrades were paired with hard core karmic clearing. Ancestral traumas attached to our lineage have been recognized and released.

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New Earth News – Twin Flames And The New Earth

New Earth News – Twin Flames And The New Earth

By on March 4, 2018 in New Earth News

I spoke to Allison Coe recently about Twin Flames—recounting the fascinating way in which we’ll all interact with each other once we bridge into the New Earth. I asked about it because it’s something that’s never been mentioned in any of her videos—and because this is brand-new information that Allison has allowed me to share with all of you.

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The Strongest Psychic Protection You’ll Ever Need

The Strongest Psychic Protection You’ll Ever Need

By on July 26, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

Why Personal Integrity is your best form of Psychic Protection – Eliminating Fear Based Consciousness by Naomi Cook, ‘Nurse Naomi’ – Founder of Project Starseed Contributing Writer, As a Registered Nurse, I was surrounded by Germophobes, and I was the proudest, most obsessive Germophobe of the lot, my alcohol gel scented handshake was proof […]

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Why Coming Out As A Starseed May Be Healing

Why Coming Out As A Starseed May Be Healing

By on June 7, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Coming out’ as Starseed is the new Gay – loads of us are doing it and it can be a healing process to do so, here’s why

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Diagnosed With An Incurable Medical Condition – Turns Out I Was Just Waking Up!

Diagnosed With An Incurable Medical Condition – Turns Out I Was Just Waking Up!

By on May 22, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Read the story of how this Registered Nurse and Energy Healer’s ‘Visual Snow’ – a newly discovered, incurable medical condition – turned out to be the onset of a Spiritual Awakening and Clairvoyant abilities.

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It’s Time You Knew Who Our Real Guardians Are!

It’s Time You Knew Who Our Real Guardians Are!

By on January 29, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

If you have had dreams, visions or meditative flashes of what looks like the Australian Borealis or Aurora Borealis, but these colors look pastel but bright, combined with what may look like a burst of fireworks, sometimes followed by an Armada of vastly different size Spaceships but cant recall the exact details of what those ships look like, you have been contacted!

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True Signs Of Illumination

True Signs Of Illumination

By on December 30, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

by Nikki Colombo, Editor – Contact Online Magazine This is my daughter, first thing you notice in this photo of her is her eyes! The reason I chose this photo is because blue predominantly pops out in photography! She is in a state of Illumination or aka Ascension. Theses States are not permanent yet but […]

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Hollow Earth, First Contact And Wilful Environmental Pollution

Hollow Earth, First Contact And Wilful Environmental Pollution

By on October 30, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

I argue in this article that the environmental policies of global industrialists, which include the release of GMO fauna and flora, mobile phone radiation, fracking, oil production activities and the wilful release of nuclear and other highly biologically-damaging wastes to air, land and sea have hidden agendas. These hidden agendas include de-population, spiritual nullification, social control via frequency entrainment and manipulation of ‘first contact’ with civilisations that live below our feet within the hollow Earth.

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Ascension Stages Initiation, Absorption And Integration

Ascension Stages Initiation, Absorption And Integration

By on August 30, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Inner Sustainability is Integrated Spiritual Ascension and is the ultimate energetic sustainability when we self source from within our Soul and Monad connection, our personal spiritual source field connected directly with God. As we progressively undergo Expanding Consciousness through the activation of internal Kundalini energies traveling up the spinal column and into our Chakra system, we end consumptive modeling and vampirism of other people’s energies.

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