A Call To ALL Starseeds! Hourly Starseed Global Alignment
by Kyle Wells
Contributing Writer, In5D.com
I have been called repeatedly to write this article, but I kept putting it on the back burner, until the timing was right. That timing has come, Dear Ones!
I wanted to bring our attention to the Starseed Connection, in regards to X:44, which is any hour at the 44 minute mark, or the 44 number/144,000 number sequences themselves.
Anytime these number sequences appears, or you catch yourself checking the clock and it is on a X:44, then you, my friend, are a Starseed, and are connecting to other Starseeds globally!
First of all, what is a Starseed? This article is not necessarily about Starseeds itself, so I will keep it brief, and highly suggest researching articles on the subject. Starseeds are individuals who have taken upon themselves the task of bringing in their light, in order for others to see how it’s done. They adopt a more ‘Teacher’ role in their relationships (although we are ALL always learning!), they tend to incarnate in the darkest places/ways to ‘realize’ their own light, and they often tend to feel out of place. Starseeds are rumored to reach 144,000 activated and aware before “The Event” happens and the ‘scales of collective consciousness‘ are shifted. Even Jehovah’s Witnesses (Branch of Christianity) believe in this number, although they believe ONLY these 144,000 souls will enter Heaven (“Chosen Ones” Theory).
My initial reaction to the Starseed concept was one of suspicion… 144,000 only? Is this another label aimed to promote Egotistical pride? Is it attempting to separate individuals from the collective humanity? Although this concept may very well be abused and twisted, (this is natural for the human condition- do not feel guilt or shame if you catch yourself) this concept actually aims to differentiate only TWO things…. The Timing of Personal Awakening, and the Tasks that one performs to MAINTAIN this higher vibrational awareness in this world.
If you are reading this now, chances are, you are a Starseed. So, now that we know who is a Starseed, we can continue this article’s main purpose: X:44 !!
This timing is related to a very awesome, very special phenomena between Lightworkers/Starseeds/Trailblazers. It is a phenomena that we are given access to 24 times a day, once an hour. We all tap into it, consciously or unconsciously. Every hour at X:44, all Starseeds connect and align GLOBALLY! We are given this opportunity to be enveloped by the New World we are Co-Creating!!
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I intuitively sense this moment as a “pulse”, then a “pull” as all of us connect and light up during this minute.
The second layer of this Hourly Starseed Global Alignment, is that this connecting and aligning is ‘Hosted’.
What am I talking about?
Every hour, at X:44, there are TWO time zones on Earth in 10:44. 10:44am and 10:44pm. The Starseeds in those time zones ‘Host’ the global alignment. They embody the connection of us all! It is the Light Center of Starseeds (10:44am) and the Dark Center of Starseeds (10:44pm). Light/Dark can be interchanged with Masculine/Feminine, Yin/Yang, etc.
There is a unity of souls globally that are ‘hosted’ 180 Degrees from each other on Gaia. It is like a Ring of Unity that the Earth rotates inside of, and we all have an opportunity to join in.
The Pulse is sent out from both 10:44’s, and then the Pull is returned by all of us Globally <3
Every Day, we are given 24 opportunities to globally connect. We are also given 2 opportunities to Host and Anchor each other’s Dark/Light centers.
What a divine way to say, We Got Your Back! We really do have each other’s back… So next time you see X:44, you can now be aware of the pat on your back, from your fellow light team…
About the author: Kyle Wells is a young, licensed Medical Radiologic Technologist with a hobby in painting, crystals, playing music, and getting outdoors with the dogs. He is hard of hearing in both ears since birth, and this has helped add to his love for language and playing his violin, ukulele, and piano.
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