Ascension Symptoms: Eating Habits
The following is part of a series on ascension symptoms extracted from a PDF by Humanity Healing and is not to be interpreted as medical advice. In this segment, DNA upgrades will be addressed.
by Humanity Healing
Contributing Writer,
People are already finding a desire to eat in a different way. They are seeing a great shift away from the denser foods (i.e. meats and heavy proteins), and from foods that are heavy and will stay in the body longer and will create greater density in the body. During cellular transformation, your sustenance will be coming more and more from the light or energy vibration and less and less from physical sources. This light pervades the universe and also affects changes in body cells during transformation. This can result in changes in eating habits and changes in your appetite. There can also be a completely new arrangement of your intake of nourishment.
Heavy or greasy foods cannot be digested because the body is functioning with heavy foods that don’t vibrate with your changing body vibration. You will be drawn to the foods that best harmonize with you as a being of Light. This means for some people, sustaining yourselves with very sparse diets which will make them feel terrific. For others, the intake of food may be different.
You will probably notice physical changes in your body that ultimately will lead to physical healing. Eat as many raw and pure, unprocessed and uncooked foods as you can. This means mostly fresh fruits and vegetables which results in a basic detoxification diet. You must listen to your own body and eat what is right for you. Your body’s needs will probably change rapidly during these times. You may have weird cravings for foods you don’t normally eat. You may have a huge appetite one day and hardly be hungry the next. You may experience intense cravings for certain foods, some of which you may not normally eat. What’s more important is to stay in touch, moment to moment with your body as it guides you to the foods and support that it needs. All you have to do is to listen to your body.
In addition, you may occasionally experience disruption to the digestive system, resulting in stomach ache, gas, or bloating partly due to the increased intensity of energy in the third or solar plexus chakra. The fifth, or throat chakra is also a very powerful energy center, and it’s physical counterpart, the thyroid gland, is particularly vulnerable to changes in electromagnetic energy. This gland regulates the metabolic processes of the body, and in many cases is trying it’s hardest to keep up with the increasing vibratory rates. Some of the transmutative symptoms that commonly result are unexplained weight gain or loss, sluggishness, altered sleep patterns, and, again, feeling more tired and fatigued than usual for no apparent reason.
More fruits and vegetables will be extremely important to your diets. You will find that many fatty foods will not work in your bodies during these changing times of cellular transformation. Many people have been eating meat which will still be of some importance to them. However, many people will be start to let go of these denser foods during cellular transformation. Some heavier grains may be too dense for your bodies as the inner body changes occur.
There are some very good nutritional substances that are from nature, that create a balance in the amino acid tract. For instance, your food called spirolina is one of them, foods that are now coming out that are termed cell foods. These are foods with a high degree of life force and they are very good on an overall general level. We suggest that using these new foods or any types of supplements be done directly through accessing one’s own body wisdom.
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By eating differently, you are also helping to detoxify the Earth, it’s surface and it’s atmosphere. As you do this, visualize a white light pouring through your body and the Earth, lightening the dark spots, and loving all your parts. Cleansing your body will result in a cleansing of the earth. Honoring your body with pure and natural foods (as nature intended) is honoring the Earth and the Earth’s offerings in a way that is without equal. After you cleanse your body, you will begin to strengthen and to heal any of the body parts that were weak or tired. During cellular transformation, the body may require certain nutrients that it didn’t need before (i.e. fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and hormones).

We would recommend that each one learn to go back inward and to reconnect to the body wisdom and learn to ask and receive from moment to moment as it changes constantly. Then one day you might have needed to have a great deal of carbohydrates, in one form or another, on another day you would need to take quite another kind of food supplement, when your body has, for instance, balanced itself with one type of food, chlorophyll or green food. We would then move your focus to another to create another overall balance. Generally it is important to listen then to the body and to keep current with that information so that you are working on a moment– to-moment and daily level.
We encourage each person, and would suggest that you encourage each person, to come into a greater connectiveness and awareness of their own individual body by learning to ask the body and then learning to open to the body wisdom. You should ask your body directly, What on this day to I need to operate at a high level of balance. What on this day can I do to create a sense of flow in my life? If we would give out formulas, people would tend to hold onto that formula and would create a series of boxes as to what they should do. We tend to avoid this type of advice because each person is so unique and what may work very well for one would not create the openness or the flow for another.
Image: Pixabay
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