Being The Light We Are
by Kara Schallock,
Many judge chaos as something to avoid, including me in the past. Yet when we can move beyond judging something as either good or bad, we enter Neutrality, which is a sacred place and one that is not of duality. When we can be neutral, we transcend duality, which judgment is a part of. Out of chaos comes Balance. It is like a mobile. When one part of a mobile is removed, chaos ensues. The mobile bounces around till it finds its new Balance, and we are the same. If we can remain neutral and observe, we do not attach to one side or the other; we patiently observe and wait till the new Balance is created. In the new Balance, born from chaos, old patterns are dissolved and all rearrange themselves in new ways of being. As we allow all things to shift, we balance. As we detach from judging something as good or bad, we allow Divine Order to create the New.
More and more we are guided to let go of any attachment to a person, a pattern, a belief, or to a celestial event (such as Moon phases or a Solstice or Equinox or gateway). Too often we attach to a person, who we believe has “the answer” or to a particular belief system; even to the word “Ascension.” The person isn’t the one to pay attention to; it is the information that they share and then we either resonate with it or we don’t. As soon as we attach to something, we stop our evolution and place that person or thing we’re attached to in a box, which limits them as well. We are meant to continually evolve. If you find yourself changing and moving away from certain static thoughts, no matter how spiritual or “right” you think they are in the Moment, honor how your Heart and Soul are guiding you. Remember, moments change; what is true for you in one Moment can be an illusion in the next. The message is to keep changing; keep moving as you feel guided forward.
Realize that we each have a life created by Soul
Soul knows what experiences lead us to be fully awakened. Every change we experience is in Divine Order. If we do not resist and instead surrender to everything in life, we can be in touch with the gift within each experience. Every person who comes into our life brings more Awareness. This is true even when that person seems to dredge up pain within us. Often a person runs the other way instead of discovering the gift that the other offers. This is not to say that one should stay in an abusive or difficult situation, but that it helps to understand what is within us that attracted them in the first place or what attracted us to them. It helps to see what lies beneath the pain of one who helps us understand what is within us. Of course, there are those who have not awakened and who project their own pain onto us without taking Responsibility for it themselves. Yet, if they are in your life, they are there for a reason.
By shining one’s own Light, realize it is not for the purpose of fixing or healing another, for that is their job; it simply is for the purpose to shine authentically and what another does with your Light is their choice. Our purpose is simply to shine authentically. We are not here to change another; we are here to be Who we are. If your Light happens to help another awaken, and it really is up to them to awaken or not, then fine. When one is activated, they may discover they are not very happy about it, for then they see themselves in truth and realize that they must change things in their mundane life. It means that they must be responsible for all their thoughts, actions and feelings…so different from blaming circumstances on others. By being yourself (your Divine Self) and allowing others to be who they choose to be is all we are here to do. For in being authentic, your Light automatically flows out and touches all.
Instead of searching for your purpose or labeling yourself this or that, life is to be lived. Personally, I don’t label myself as a lightworker or anything, for then I limit myself and I keep evolving. A label only serves to confine. Each experience is designed to help us evolve. Avoiding life, even the mundane aspects of it, does not help you evolve. If you can see the underlying message in every aspect of life, you are fully awake. Once you receive the message, then you take a step in the direction it is guiding you to go. Everything and everyone has a message for you. If you perceive someone is against you or that life is, shift your perception to Love and you will see that all is helping you evolve.
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Clearing yourself
By clearing yourself, you become more Light and you add your Light, by being yourself, to the evolving New Earth Light web. (I see it as a pulsating web and not a solid grid.) Did you know that all the elements of Earth are within you? Earth and ourselves are not separate entities, nor are we separate from anything or anyone. The more Light you are, the more you shine and thus the higher energies may exist on Earth, when they could not survive before when all was in such duality and darkness. Let go of all the distractions in the world like the election in the U.S; the countries that are transforming and all in your daily life that serve to take you from what you have agreed to do…to raise the vibration of Earth. Realize that all is unfolding in Divine Order.
Being still truly helps, as it is in your Stillness that you can hear your Soul. It is when old concerns can be dissolved into Love. In Stillness, you can remember why you are on Earth at this time. You access the Wisdom of your Soul. This bigger view helps to balance you. Always seek the bigger picture. While there are many very big changes on Earth at this time happening within us and around us, it is important to trust your inner voice, rather than the old thinking that something is wrong. Stand in your Power; the Power of being authentically you.
We are in an acceleration of becoming more Light and more Love
This acceleration can create fear as old layers surface to be released. The fear erodes your Confidence, for what you may have projected that this time would be like…nothing but Bliss and Joy…may not seem like that at all, depending on where you are in your Path of Evolving. Your perceptions about yourself and the world are drastically changing and this is all a part of your evolution. Trust it. Much is coming to Light. You may not resonate with what you have resonated with before this Moment; you may see the deeper Truth of others’ old agendas. Pay attention and do not take anything for granted. Trust your Guidance, even if it seems to go against what everyone else is saying or doing.

Be sure to take your time before making any decision
Choose with great care, while you let go of any impulsivity or old compulsions. Do not make a decision unconsciously and if you are guided to wait, do. When in doubt, wait and always be in your New Integrity, which is different from the old rules, which isn’t Integrity at all. Integrity is following your own Heart; not the rules of your society or upbringing. Realize that your Truth is always shifting alongside of your consciousness. Do not be too concerned if you were so sure in one moment of a direction just to have it shift the next moment. Every choice you make creates your life and creates the New Earth. Choose wisely. If you experience endings, let it be without trying to fix something. That which is aligned with you stays and that which is not leaves.
Remember to stay in the Moment
We simply do not know what the future holds, for it is not Now. I know many speculate; however, it is best to simply live in each present Moment; for it is in this Moment that all our Wisdom is in.
Image: Pixabay
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