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Exiting The Matrix

How Parasitic Entities Invade Our Consciousness And The Collective Grid

How Parasitic Entities Invade Our Consciousness And The Collective Grid

By on November 14, 2018 in Exiting The Matrix

Energetic exploration and spiritual development is a beautiful process. Once the process begins, it’s an never ending journey of twists and turns with it’s fair share of unexpected experiences.

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The Truth That Is Hidden In Plain Sight

The Truth That Is Hidden In Plain Sight

By on November 7, 2018 in Exiting The Matrix

Did you love the movies Star Wars and Avatar? Have you ever wondered why these movies resonated with so many people? Joseph Campbell said that Star Wars used archetypes that people identified with: the hero and his arch enemy, who is his mirror image. Star Wars was so successful in its time because it used […]

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What The Matrix Doesn’t Want You To Know

What The Matrix Doesn’t Want You To Know

By on November 3, 2018 in Exiting The Matrix

Do you believe the sky is blue? Do you believe that humans are naturally violent and abusive? Do you think that without laws and government that the world would go berserk? All of these ideas are beliefs: beliefs are just concepts that we have thought over and over again; like a path worn in our […]

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Seeing Into The Matrix

Seeing Into The Matrix

By on October 7, 2018 in Exiting The Matrix

by Odette Loney, Guest writer, VOOM! I heard a sound of a power outage in my area. EVERYTHING went completely BLACK. Gone is the physicality of my bed and walls, as well as the gold curtained windows. Instead, there they were, the GRID-WORK of the current Matrix programming which runs our world. Picture a totally dark […]

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Only Nothing Exists – And Then Everything Does

Only Nothing Exists – And Then Everything Does

By on August 21, 2018 in Exiting The Matrix

Our mind is nothing but a beautifully designed code. You are at the front line of this “something” if you already realized that this exact moment you are in doesn’t really exist. Blow up. Vanish and set yourself free from all the storylines, the bonds, the facts.

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Unlocking Matrix Codes While On Ayahuasca In The Great Pyramid

Unlocking Matrix Codes While On Ayahuasca In The Great Pyramid

By on August 21, 2018 in Exiting The Matrix

by Nikki Colombo, Editor ContactOnlineMagazine Guest writer, This is an exclusive report and is the first time anyone has done it, but it will be recognized in the future as a great positive event. The time of this event has been distorted on purpose to protect the people involved. I received a phone call from Chris and […]

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How To Be Woke In The Matrix

How To Be Woke In The Matrix

By on July 17, 2018 in Exiting The Matrix

by Morag, Contributing Writer, We are energy. Our bodies vibrate energetically, this frequency is our signature wavelength. Our cellular vibration rolls out to our energy field. Our energy field extends out beyond our bodies. Our energy field acts like a shield protecting us, it also behaves like antennae or feelers checking out the energies in […]

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Weaponized Hive Minds

Weaponized Hive Minds

By on July 15, 2018 in Exiting The Matrix

by Mike Diaz, Contributing Writer, Have you heard that your mind is more powerful than you give it credit? It is true. Your mind literally has the power to manifest stuff into your life like people, jobs, scenarios, and objects. Imagine what can be accomplished with a hive mind (aka hive mentality) or HM for […]

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11 Shocking Things I’ve Learned Since My Spiritual Awakening

11 Shocking Things I’ve Learned Since My Spiritual Awakening

By on June 9, 2018 in Awareness, Exiting The Matrix with 0 Comments

In this article I will summarize my spiritual awakening path through article references and will talk about the most shocking discoveries I have had yet.

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How To Deprogram Yourself

How To Deprogram Yourself

Society has undergone a mass brainwashing and it is time for us to deprogram ourselves in order to be completely immersed in the evolution of consciousness.

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Lizards Are Fleeing While The Transformation Begins

Lizards Are Fleeing While The Transformation Begins

A couple days ago, Michelle and I went to the beach and a 2 foot snake crossed our path as we were leaving the beach. This morning, after a long right of rain, Michelle woke up around 2AM and saw red and blue lights flashing through my living room window. Around 9:30, 3 Florida Power & Light trucks drove past my house toward the beach.

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How To Exit The Social Media Matrix

How To Exit The Social Media Matrix

By on December 19, 2017 in Exiting The Matrix with 0 Comments

The internet is one of the biggest blessings we have received on Earth in recent memory. It allows us to connect to people from all over the world, to branch out and learn things that would normally be inaccessible to us in our locale. However, I notice that logging into social media accounts is so distracting, that hours can be lost without notice. Why is this?

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Authors and writers: Are you interested in having your original spiritual, esoteric or metaphysical articles published on In5D? In5D has published some amazing articles from authors who have submitted their material to In5D and we are looking for more writers like YOU! In5D receives over 1,000,000 visitors each month, so your article(s) will not only […]

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ENERGY UPDATE: Final Extreme And Brief Purging Before/During The Equinox

ENERGY UPDATE: Final Extreme And Brief Purging Before/During The Equinox

By on March 20, 2017 in Exiting The Matrix

by Anastacia, Australian Correspondent, This may be felt/experienced as needing to ‘throw up’ – and out, residual energies – emotions of the old. It could occur as an intensity of a ‘rush’ of energy of (along the lines of) ‘I don’t want to be here or I don’t want to/can’t do this’ – or […]

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The Veil Has Lifted!

The Veil Has Lifted!

By on March 15, 2017 in Exiting The Matrix, Spiritual Awakening

by Jelelle Awen, Contributing Writer, “The veil is gone,” this is the phrase that my guides and galactic/angelic aspects have shared with me recently. The veil of amnesia that we all placed over our soul memories and link in with cosmic collective ‘knowledge and truth’ has been lifted. It feels like a foggy membrane that […]

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