New Earth News
Updates on our transition to the New Earth
The Earth In Transition To New Earth : The Future Is Now
by Celia Fenn, Contributing Writer, Our beautiful Planet is in the process of making the transition to New Earth. This is a major shift that is the culmination of the shifts and energy work that have been done on the Earth since 2011/12 when the Earth first moved into her new 5D crystalline diamond grid. […]
New Earth News – My Experience Of Seeing 5D While In 3D
It is with excitement that I’m writing this article. I have experienced clairvoyance, clairaudience, lucid dreaming, and astral traveling, but nothing compared to what I have seen and felt on April 15th and 16th, 2018.
New Earth News – Dolores Cannon On “The Event”
Candace do you remember in our QH classes that I would talk about how some ideas can bend our minds like a pretzel?
New Earth News – The Gates To New Earth Are Open
As the outside world around us seems to be falling further and further into disarray there is one saving grace to all of this. We are awake and full of love. If we are not laughing at the mainstream media, and the actions of those that are governing, we will crack. Being aware of the misinformation is one thing, transmuting the energy it brings is another. This is where all that we have learned during our life will come in to its own element now.
New Earth News – How Can We Move Into The New Earth Now?
Question #1: How do we collectively manifest or work on remembering HOW we can move forward into the New Earth now, for those of us that truly feel we have put in the work and are ready?
New Earth News – Transitioning From Crystal To Diamond Consciousness
In 2003, I wrote an article called “The Indigo to Crystal Transitional Crisis” which was about the experience of waking up and activating the Light Body in order to embody the Golden Light of Christ Consciousness. For many people this was a very deep experience that went along with a powerful “healing crisis” on many levels as they broke through layers of conditioning and programming to reach their authentic self and to connect with and embody their Soul Power. Now, in 2018, this article is about the completion of this Ascension process as we transition from the Crystal to the Diamond Consciousness.
New Earth News – Update On ‘The Wave’- April Fool’s Or A Starseed Call To Action?
Messages from the higher realms had indicated there was a very high probability that a huge wave of loving and transformational energy would sweep across the planet by the end of March of this year. The increasingly closer possibility was pushing the collective toward high hopes of change soon in our reality. Was it just another foolish prediction, or instead is it a measure of our manifestation capability as a collective?
New Earth News – Prophetic Dreams And The New Earth
Michelle Wolfe has had prophetic dreams her whole life. She has precognition and has dreamed of the New Earth. In a recent interview on Unbiased and on the Fence, Michelle shared her experience.
I Am The New Earth Reality
I am the new Earth reality. What is that reality and how do I know that I am it? From my experiences of the last ten years, I have had great abundance, prosperity, blessings, miracles and synchronicity as part of my every day life. Manifesting what I desire comes easily. That is the new Earth reality, the natural one that was always there and I know that I am it because I am living these manifestations.
QHwC Allison Coe “The Event“ Q&A
Allison and Candace answer questions about “The Event” from what they have learned from QHHT® and BQH (Beyond Quantum Healing) Sessions, and even their own dreams. Stay tuned about a worldwide coordinated Online and In-Person GROUP BQH sessions coming in April. Quantum Healers around the world will gather on a single day to provide sessions […]
New Earth News- Intense Energies And How To Process Them
The energies so far this month have been really intense. Actually, they have been intense for the last 6 years. During these years, most of us have been reduced to our core, to who we truly are within. It has not been an easy process, for any of us. We have experienced at least one Dark Night of the Soul during this time. We have also lived through several Eclipses, which have definitely shaken things up.
New Earth News- How To Prepare For The Wave
In5d has been sharing information through New Earth News on the waves of energy sweeping the planet and “The Event”. The time is getting closer for something to happen that will change everything, and those who wish to move forward into a New Earth reality will have a chance to remember and to finalize what they came here to do. Today we will address how will the physical body handle “the wave” as it washes over the planet.
New Earth News – Creating A New Earth
My first encounter with the term “new earth” was Eckhart Tolle’s New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose. I encountered it again when A Course of Love, or ACOL, came into my life. Aside from A Course in Miracles, ACOL is one of those books that has most profoundly influenced my perspective and guided me to discover my own life’s purpose: advocating for a new earth consciousness. ACOL does not provide a blueprint for the new earth; it doesn’t say what it will be, except to point out that it is new. There are no models in the old world on which to base the new one.
New Earth News – Preparation For The Upcoming Wave
At the exact point of the forthcoming ‘LIGHT WAVE’, certain humans will serve as energetic node points across GAIA. They are positioned accurately. As energetic nodes, their light will link up across the WHOLE of GAIA as a HUMAN GRID SYSTEM. They came in, this lifetime to do this, for humanity, for Gaia, her kingdoms, the solar system and beyond (ripple effect). They know who they are, they serve the WHOLE, period. So this post is specific to those individuals: