Deep Bonds Of Love Coming To The Surface
by Deane Thomas,
Contributing Writer,
The intensity is off the charts, and what ever the universe is trying to show us, for many, there is a tremendous deep connection with our core. A connection that is undeniably real, and in some cases overwhelming to the point of emotional breakdown. There is something incredibly unique about the sensations we are feeling, as they stem from our inner being, our soul, our truth and our destiny. New encounters with our soul perhaps, or final completion of the deconstruction of our ego?
Fresh seeds of love and love are coming to the surface, as it appears we are reacquainting our self with a delightful offering of succulent energies. Certainly love is key to all that is, and the basis of humanity and the reason for our own creation. On the surface there does appear to be a love revolution, or maybe the correct way to describe it is a Love evolution! When we look back at the past few decades, particularly the 60’s and 70’s we remember the messages that were promoted by many. Unfortunately this was at odds with the various establishments and systems, and were very quickly quashed.
As we see the collapse of the illusions we have created for our own life and self, more and more souls are waking up to witness the sham. We see the desperate running around by the power players who only wish to increase controls and limitations. They are unable to fully control the way we communicate, and with the development of newer technologies, man is as the forefront of change.
We, yes, YOU and I, are making the change, so that we can claim back ourselves, our freedoms, and our right to do and be what we feel inside. We are nomads by nature, we are free spirits, there should be no need for increased controls and checks. As we ascend we dissipate the illusionist restrictions, as we no longer see them as a hurdle. We imagine a world of love and peace, and this is now at our fingertips. The ability to manifest our deepest wishes and desires, as they are for our highest good. We have no boundaries within, therefore we are breaking those that appear externally, to create a “free space”.
Face To Face With Your Soul!
An ego deconstruction, allows us to finally “meet face to face”, our true core self, and that is a shock to the mind and body. It defies all we have ever been shown as true – we are finally getting the bigger picture! This can only lead to an exciting new relationship with our soul, perhaps one we have never had in any previous incarnation. Everything that has been written is the tip of the iceberg, for there is so much that we have never seen or witnessed. Deep inside there is a knowing or feeling of having done this before, and that is our driving force.
Nothing is impossible; those warriors of love and light continue each and every day to transcend lower vibrations. New Earth energies are most definitely in the air, and whilst many want to know what is coming or going to happen, it does not matter. We have been walking this planet blindly for eons, being guided by the stars and planets. In some way we still are, and we are being shown how much astrology/astronomy defines the cycle of humanity.
Remaining as balanced as possible is important right now during this transitional phase. The sensations may feel so deep they hurt; more so than when we went through the dark night of the soul. What ever it is, I personally have never encountered such a diverse range of feelings. It is the core of who we are, that is beginning to come to the surface. It is intentional and an inevitable reality of our journey, and one which we fully embrace; for we are the creators of our own destiny. We stand strong and united on our quest for love, peace and truth in all that is and ever will be.
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You Are Pure Source Energy!
We are one pure source of energy, that is so powerful; together we remain committed to prepare the planet for the younger generations. One day we will be remembered for the work we have done. It is us, the few, that are leading the way to New Earth. Our soul intention is pure, real and true – and now we have reached the core of ourselves, we can help others achieve the same. We are driven by the love within, as well as all that it means today. Perhaps in a way we have reached the pure essence of our existence and that of Gaia. As we continue our journeys, we are creating magic heaven on earth. There is a reasoning behind everything we do, and those we come into contact with.
We are flying on a magic carpet, in the higher dimensions, whilst it may feel completely uncomfortable, believe in the love that you are and represent. Allow the energies to flow through, and wherever possible try to stay grounded as much as possible. Stay strong, and know that you are protected, loved and honoured for reaching this plateau. We are creating a historical moment for all of mankind, be proud, for you are an instrumental and integral part of New Earth. You are love in its purest form – now you can feel it at your core. Embrace it all, and feel the powerful essence growing within, for it is growing each and every day.
About the author: Deane has created unique personal development programs for those who are awakening and wish to make a smooth transition to the new templates. He has a passion and in-depth understanding of past life memory, its interpretation and how to address this in current life. To understand who we are today, we need to get to grips of who we have been – through unraveling the truth within, we can create a new template for the way we live our lives – in truth!
Image: Pixabay
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