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Enduring Energetic Bodily Upgrade

By on May 10, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Enduring Energetic Bodily Upgrade

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by Tiara Kumara,
Contributing Writer,

This is an excerpt from Skillsets of EvolutioN
A 4 Month Training of Advanced Spiritual Development


Expanding into multidimensional consciousness has a great affect upon the body and will initiate many changes in the energetic system. When these instrumental abilities come online, it is compared to a new living light system is being installed inside your physiology.

Scientific research is now discovering that as our perceptions expand, cell biology changes. From personal body prototyping and testimonials from numerous people, it does seem like the human blueprint certainly gets an upgrade to reconfigure into a new multidimensional operating system complete with expanded circuitry. Our energy matrix starts to function just like an instrument and a channel for higher light intelligence.

It makes sense that the neural network and its trillions of connections would endure many levels of upgrade in order to integrate greater levels of vibration. The energetic shifts can be very subtle or it can be quite noticeable with a lot of vibration raising symptoms such as headaches, dizzy spells, body aches and noticeable biological shifting. Many people refer to these body changes as ‘ascension symptoms’, and often, are rarely medically diagnosable.

You will notice your upgrades when you catch yourself in old feedback looping patterns and find that you can instantly self-correct. You start questioning everything and begin to see more of the façade of a glamorized world that surrounds you. The ‘game’ of life is more easily cognized. You begin to perceive more and more from a bird’s eye view instead of being caught up in the constant drama.

It feels like the brain goes through a gradual ‘re-wiring’ with expanded circuitry to make it ready to receive higher knowledge. Neural synapses and synaptic connections are strengthened to receive and transfer new perceptual encoding. Eventually there will come a point where you no can longer hold onto thoughts of limitation or negative perception of any type.

Once you can perceive the game, you learn how to play it to your advantage instead of suffering all the way through. This is indeed a game of great challenge to master the self.


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Tiara Kumara
I AM Avatar & The Institute of Divine Potential

Tiara is a multifaceted facilitator whose humanitarian work has profoundly assisted countless lives in consciousness awakening and transformation. Her accomplishments include several dedicated years of planetary unity grid activation and the training of tens of thousands of people in remote energy transference on mass scale. She is the founding producer of I AM Avatar and several educational experiences purposed to initiate and empower the soul’s evolution. Website:

Image: Pixabay

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