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Law Of Attraction Basics: 9 Steps In The Art Of Joy

By on October 10, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Law Of Attraction Basics: 9 Steps In The Art Of Joy

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by Zachariah Bourne & Andrilisa Read,
Guest writers,

Learning to use the Law of Attraction has changed the lives of countless people. From Andrew Carnegie, who at one point was the richest person in America, who commissioned Napoleon Hill to write “Think and Grow Rich” in 1937 to celebrities today that credit their success to Law of Attraction. Will Smith, Jim Carrey, Oprah, LMFAO, and Big Sean are a few among many who have spoken out about the success of using the Law of Attraction. The basis of this law is as follows:


Your reality is created by your thoughts, beliefs, and expectations. Your emotions are there to guide you and they are an indicator of what’s to come. Your thoughts and feelings are connected completely. When you think about what you want and expect it, it feels good. Be sensitive to your emotions. Whether this is something that you are trying out for the first time or whether you have been using this information for years, the following steps can lead you to a vastly improved life. With practice and a bit of focus, you can have the greatest skill a person can have, the Art of Joy. This is the most beneficial and rewarding endeavor you can undertake.

1. Feeling Good Is And Will Always Be Most Important

Make how you feel your number one priority. You want to get exceptionally good at feeling good. You do this by choosing the best feeling thought you can access at that moment. It doesn’t matter how frivolous the subject seems. If it gives you joy to think about that funny YouTube video, then start with that! The goal is to feel as good as you can, for as long as you can, as often as you can, no matter what.

2. Set Your Day Up For Success

The first 5 minutes are the most important part of your day. Train yourself to feel good upon waking. This takes some practice and focus, but is essential and will give you the most bang for your buck out of any time of the day. It’s much easier to start the day on a positive track and maintain it than it is to pull yourself out of a downward spiral. You want to focus yourself into a feeling of happiness. Here are a few suggestions that can help you achieve this:

  • Put your phone away for the first 30 minutes
  • Find comfort and solitude
  • Think about your life the way you want it to be
  • Meditation and stretching
  • Repeat affirming words in your mind

Also a great way to set yourself up for success the following morning is to set an intention to feel good right before going to sleep.

3. Appreciation is King

Look for the silver linings every day, as much as you can. Whatever you focus on you create more of. When you express appreciation for the things you already have, your abundance will multiply and the things you want will appear. Recognize the amazing blessings that are already around you.

4. Do What You Love

When you do the things you love, you feel happy and you project that feeling into the world. In turn, you attract more things into your life that give you that enlivening feeling. Haven’t you ever heard people say they’ve had a “streak of good luck?” You start off feeling good for no reason and this creates a positive experience. Which then you observe and feel great about and it calls forth even greater positive circumstances. It is possible to live in this perpetual “streak” of amazing things. You just have to do the things you love.


5. Follow Your Inspiration

There are times in our lives when we get an impulse to do something. You won’t always know why, but it feels like an instinct kicking in pointing you in a particular direction. You have to trust that feeling. It is a push guiding you toward where you want to be. Realize that there is a purpose to every great idea that comes to mind. When every inkling of your being tells you to do something, run with it! It might be for you to take a certain route or talk to a specific person. Know that it is all part of the puzzle of a path that is unfolding before you towards the things that you want. Follow your inspiration.

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6. Only Make Decisions When You Feel Good

When you feel good you allow the clarity and emotional intuition to guide you toward the best outcome. The better you feel, the more clarity you have. This will allow you to be decisive, bold, and daring in the best possible way. It will give you the courage of a lion to make the choices you were once afraid to make.

7. Guide Your Mind

You want to be the captain of your thoughts and gently steer your mind toward things wanted. Train your brain upward into thoughts of things that allow you to feel better. When your mind is still, it is pure and you are in alignment. Develop an unwavering faith. Allow the vision that you see in your mind to be the only thing that you see in your current circumstances. Make your dream louder than your current reality.

8. Surround Yourself With Things That Bring Out The Best In You

Make time for you. Immerse yourself in nature, happy people, meditation, furry animals, and wonderful experiences. Anything that gives you that feeling of connectedness with your soul. You need to make your happiness a priority. It’s about perpetuating the goodness. That’s why it’s important to gravitate towards those things that will enhance your positive feelings.

9. Purity Over Quantity

When creating your intended goal, it’s important to maintain a stream of positive thoughts about it for as long as possible. If you think about something desired and you keep it pure and happy for 5 minutes straight without wavering in any way, it is much more powerful than thinking of it for only 30 seconds 50 times. The more time consecutively spent reveling in that purity, the faster things manifest. Even 90 seconds at a time can have an exponential impact!

Image: Pixabay

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