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New Moon Solar Eclipse In Gemini Conjunct Mercury Retrograde

By on June 9, 2021 in Astrology with 0 Comments

New Moon Solar Eclipse In Gemini Conjunct Mercury Retrograde

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by Matthew John,
Contributing writer,

Happy New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Gemini!

This New Moon becomes exact at 6:53 AM New York Time (10:53 GMT) on Thursday, June 10, which is approximately 12 minutes after this ‘Ring of Fire’ Solar Eclipse reaches its apex. It is called a ‘Ring of Fire’ because for those who are able to view the full eclipse (Russia and Northern Canada) will see a ring of the sun’s light around the dark new moon at the eclipse’s apex.


This eclipse aligns with the North Node of the new moon, meaning during the days before and following this eclipse, we will be downloading and receiving codes that will place us in the path we need to be on for the next steps in our soul’s evolution. Solar eclipses can also tend to mark major endings and new beginnings. This is the first North Node Gemini eclipse since the lunar nodes entered the Gemini-Sagittarius polarity in May of 2020.

This powerful New Moon/Eclipse marks new beginnings in our personal lives and in society. It will birth some really great technological innovations that we will see manifest later in this Saturn/Jupiter 20-year cycle that started with 2020’s Great Conjunction in Aquarius.

This New Moon and eclipse also aligns with Mercury, which is currently going through its Retrograde phase through Gemini. That means that the focus of this astrological event is on communication and the mind.

Astrologically speaking, this is the strongest Mercury Retrograde that I can personally remember. On the most recent Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius, Mercury’s Station in its own sign of Gemini squared Neptune during the eclipse, imprinting the next 28 days (and beyond; eclipse energies last for six months) with the themes of difficult and interrupted communications (both interpersonal as well as technological); as well as the importance of honoring intuition and the dreamworld; and also the public becoming aware of the illusions/falsities of the world. Now, in this eclipse chart, Mercury, now Retrograde in its own sign, conjuncts the sun and new  moon, forming a strong Gemini stellium.

There’s a lot going on in this chart, as we also have Mars opposing Pluto; and Saturn squaring Uranus and sextiling Chiron. This is an explicitly tense chart, bringing attention to mental chatter, social matters, personal connections, athletics/physical matters, and communication in general.

Neptune in its home sign of Pisces also squares the new moon and sun, adding the elements of mystery, intuition, and the dreamworld to the energy of this lunation as well. Your dream world may help you to unravel the mysteries of your life and to make peace with your past by bringing a deeper level of understanding to it.


Let’s dig deeper into discussing how to better understand and utilize the mind on all levels, since mental matters are at the crux of this New Moon/Eclipse chart.


The mind can either be your worst enemy or your best friend–it all depends on your relationship with it. It’s interesting to even contemplate what the mind is to you? If I am saying that you can have a relationship with your mind, then it implies then perhaps you are not your mind. What an interesting thought!

It is my belief that you are consciousness using the mind as a tool to navigate experience. Buddhists and meditation experts know that the mind is intended to be a tool but not a detriment. This is why mindfulness meditation practices, such as becoming the observer of thoughts rather than being the thinker, are very helpful exercises to assist in your spiritual evolution.

Let’s chat a bit about different levels of the mind and how you can better utilize them:

– Conscious Mind: This is where you actually do the thinking from. Believe it or not, this accounts for only about 5% of your thoughts. To become a more awakened being, it is necessary to use this portion of the mind to drive your actual experience in the direction of your desired experience. This is the realm of willpower.

– Subconscious Mind: This is essentially the software program for your life. Your outer reality will be a reflection of what is going on here. The patterns built into this software program are written before you turn 7 years old (basically you absorb the patterns of your parents and/or those who raised you). The internal scripts that run (in your voice) inside your mind are created from things your parents (or those who raised you) habitually said to you when you were young. To live your desired life–and to achieve your full potential–it is imperative to become aware of and then shift the negative subconscious patterns in your life. This can be achieved through therapy, energy healing, hypnosis, affirmations and subliminal audios.

Unconscious Mind: This is where traumas are stored, including birth traumas such as being born in a cold hospital room, being delivered by unfamiliar hands, having the umbilical cord cut, and circumcision. The subconscious will create your life circumstances with the intention of making sure that you don’t have to feel the traumas of the unconscious mind.

Collective Mind: We are all connected into one another through the existence of The Field. There is a Conscious Collective Mind—which is the amalgamation of the experiences, thoughts and emotions of all eight billion humans–and an Unconscious Collective Mind, which is the part of The Field that is wounded through trauma (and karma) and thus ‘asks’ for certain collective experiences to occur through the Law of Attraction (this is the part of the Collective Mind that will ultimately ‘ask’ for Full Disclosure when the time is right). Oftentimes, when Lightworkers/Empaths are feeling down, they are really just empathing the Conscious Collective Mind and need to disconnect from it and return to their own center, where the natural state of peace and joy can be found.

Superconscious Mind: This aspect of the mind is connected to the Infinite, including the Akashic Records. Anything from the Mind of God can be accessed. This is the realm where we access the perspectives/memories from the Soul Aspect, Higher Self Aspect and Christed Extraterrestrial Aspect (aka your true galactic or intergalactic self, if you are a Starseed). This is the realm of intuition. To use this aspect of mind consciously and intently, it is necessary to be relaxed.


With the huge emphasis on the mind that this Gemini New Moon/Eclipse brings, it also has a crucial connection to our collective journey as a human race. We entered a 20-year cycle of massive technological innovation beginning with the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius on the December 2020 Solstice.

This Gemini Eclipse will serve as the launching point for a massive amount of innovation to occur, propelling us forward into a brave new world of information, automation and Artificial Intelligence.

For the healers out there, you might find yourself downloading some pretty amazing new healing technologies over the next few months! Keep your ears and mind open!


The two most aggressive planets in our solar system (astrology-wise), Mars and Pluto, oppose one another in this eclipse chart, creating a burst of energy and aggressiveness that will be felt by all.

People are going to feel called to be outdoors and to move their bodies! It’s a great time to play sports with others, to compete in races, or to start a new workout routine with a personal trainer or gym buddy. We may feel bursts of physical energy at random times, making us want to do something athletic or to get some much-needed things done!

With Mars being in Cancer and Pluto being in Capricorn, people may be more emotionally-triggered than usual, especially when they feel like they are being pushed or forced in a direction.

It’s also a great time to contemplate your relationship with the masculine or yang aspects of life. People’s tendencies to try to control or manipulate life or others may come out at this time. Solar eclipses mark beginnings and endings, and thus force us to let go. Contemplate or journal on these questions around the masculine/yang energies:

  • In what ways am I trying to control life too much?
  • How could letting go just a little bit more ease my mind and perhaps open new doors I wasn’t even anticipating?
  • Am I overly-competitive or not competitive enough?
  • Can I accept that competition can be healthy sometimes?
  • Am I willing to stand up for myself?
  • Am I willing to stand up for what is right?
  • Am I willing to stand out from the crowd?


We are counting down the days to the second of three exact squares between Saturn and Uranus (June 14). Saturn is currently Retrograde in Aquarius; while Uranus is in its home sign of Taurus. This aspect is one of the main underlying themes of 2021. Saturn is the planet of restriction and Uranus is an oft-troublesome planet that causes unexpected and often uncomfortable experiences. These exact squares cause an immense amount of tension to be felt throughout the collective.

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Mixed with the other aspects of this chart, the astrology is dangerous for civil unrest and international conflicts (again, this is not guaranteed; astrology is not necessarily predictive). It’s also an astrologically dangerous time for major natural disasters to occur. The energy of the eclipse chart lasts most strongly for 28 days following the lunation, however its effects are felt in some way for a full six months. It could be a rocky year as far as natural disasters go.

On a personal level, the Saturn-Uranus square highlights inner tension. In whatever ways you feel stuck in life, you’re going to be feel even more stuck this year. In the days around this aspect, people will tend to act rashly, irresponsibly, and erratically.

Here are some core wound healing questions to ask yourself and journal on around this lunation:

  • What is my deepest core wound?
  • Where do I feel this wound in my body?
  • How does this wound relate to my parents and my relationship with them?
  • How might this wound relate to my ancestors?
  • How does this wound relate to how I was treated in school?
  • How does this wound relate to how I am currently seen/treated by others?
  • How does this wound relate to how I see myself?
  • How does this wound cause me to self-sabotage?
  • Can I think of some situations/periods of my life when I have overcome this core wound and chosen differently than the trauma from this wound normally allows me to choose?
  • Who do I want to become for my kids (or future kids) so they don’t have to repeat the same bullshit I picked up from my parents?


With all the difficult aspects in this New Moon/Eclipse chart as well as the huge emphasis on the mind and on communication, I want to present a teaching on learning to listen better.

The mind tends to be constantly overactive and overstimulated. We’re all living in our own internal worlds, understanding one another just enough to live in somewhat of a functional and cohesive society (with much improvement to be had yet). With all the mental chatter, most people tend to miss the details of life.

One of the things that I’ve always prided myself on is attention to detail. Spelling errors bother me to no end (I’m sure there’s ironically one somewhere in this article). I especially like to sit in my backyard, or walk somewhere in public and observe the details of life. I like to spot the different types of birds, all of the different colors of the flowers, and the chemtrails in the sky.

I also listen to detail. I hear all the different sounds that birds make. I listen to the subtlety of the wind rustling through the trees. When I’m watching a soccer game, I listen to the chants of the supporters in the background.

Learning to listen better will make you a much better communicator. Inexperienced interviewers really bother me. You can tell that they’re not actually listening to what the interviewee is saying; they’re just waiting until they stop talking and thinking of the follow-up question. A great interviewer listens closely to what the person is saying and asks spontaneous follow-up questions.

Here are some other tips for practicing being a better listener:

  • Listen to a song several times and focus on a different instrument or voice each time
  • Sit outside late at night and listen to far-away sounds
  • Listen to a podcast in one sitting and then tell someone your main takeaways from it
  • Make a new friend (super easy to do during Gemini season) and ask them compelling questions; try to understand what it’s like to be in their shoes


This Solar Eclipse energetically lights up the earth grid; just as each of us are downloading new codes during this time, the earth herself is also downloading new codes for the next six months and beyond of her journey. During the three days before and after the eclipse, a portal is open to connect deeply with the earth grid through meditation or by physically visiting ley lines or sacred sites.

No geomagnetic storms are expected during this eclipse portal, however there have been several solar flares over the past few days and I would anticipate a strong possibility of more over the coming days. Ascension symptoms may be heightened during the portal, so stay very hydrated and put your bare feet on the earth as much as possible.


Many of us in the Ascension/New Age Spirituality and UFO communities were hopeful that the release of a much-anticipated report to Congress on UFOs (slated for June 25) would finally be the disclosure to the public that aliens exist that we have been hoping for for decades. Unfortunately, according to the New York Times, the report is vague and noncommittal but doesn’t rule out the existence of extraterrestrials.

So, I guess collectively speaking, we are not quite ready for full disclosure, but I do believe it will come before the end of the decade (likely in 2025, I predict). However, the good news with this happening during Gemini season is that it greatly opens up the UFO/ET discussion on mainstream media and in the general public. This is the first step toward full disclosure that we needed to take place.

Wishing you a Happy and Healing New Moon and Solar Eclipse!

With Love,

Matthew John

About the author: Matthew John is an internationally-known Spiritual Teacher, Spiritual Mentor, Writer, Speaker, Starseed Guide and Energy Healer. He offers inspirational and educational articles and videos on his website. He also offers powerful private sessions worldwide via phone, Zoom and Skype, including Angel Energy Healing and Soul Retrieval Sessions, Soul Plan Readings, Spiritual Mentoring (Awakening Coaching) Sessions, Starseed Discovery Sessions, Medical Intuitive Readings, Past Life Regressions, Future Self Progressions, and Chakra Scans.

You can check out his videos and articles and book readings and sessions at: Please note that the author is a contributing astrology writer to He does not necessarily endorse any information, views, or opinions expressed on (or any of the In5D social media platforms) other than those expressed in his articles.

Additional In5D Mercury Retrograde Resources

What You Need To Know About MERCURY RETROGRADE!


TOP 10 Things NOT To Do During A Mercury Retrograde!

How To Reprogram A Mercury Retrograde

Why I Love Mercury Retrograde And Why You Could Too!

Mercury Retrograde – The Planetary Transit We Love To Hate!

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