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Fruit On Top – Raising Your Vibration Through Less Dense And Lighter Foods

By on August 20, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

Fruit On Top - Raising Your Vibration Through Less Dense And Lighter Foods

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by Vermeir Hannelore,
Contributing Writer,

Is our common energy source, namely food, draining our energy? How can an optimal diet lift our frequency and alter our awareness?


Quantum physics teaches us that our physical world is not solid, but in fact a vast field of differentiating energy. It is our consciousness and attention that manifests and holds together fluctuating energy, letting us perceive things the way we see them. Corresponding, food is also a form of vibration.

Kirlian photography made it already possible, by capturing energy patterns, to visualize subtle energy fields around living and non living objects: e.g. the differences between organic and mainstream foods. Because every pasteurized, processed or cooked food has a diminished or deformed energy field, it points out visible evidence to the science of ‘living foods’.

Raw or living foods are defined by food that contains all enzymes. The act of heating food above 116 degrees F. destroys the enzymes, changes the molecular structure, and is thus categorized dead or toxic. The experiments of Japanese researcher Dr. Masaru Emoto also show how vibrations (i.e., thoughts, words and music) have an effect on the molecular structure of water, and thereby he also states water has a memory.

Fruits, in its botanical definition, and green leafy vegetables are the highest water-content living foods, with most of them containing water amounts over 85%. If we simply look at the first three basic needs for human life – oxygen, water and food – it makes sense that fruit (and green leafy vegetables) are essential in an optimal diet to keep us hydrated. Furthermore they hold structured water, a crystalline H3O2 (not H2O) found in all living organisms, which embodies stored energy from the sun and earth converted by the tree or plant. So it’s easy to understand the superior quality of organic and sun ripened fruit vs. non organic and GMO’s. Therefore we can also see that by eating meat, we step further away from this structured and stored energy. Because the animal eats the plant and transmute the energy to a less desirable form for human beings, which I believe are frugivores in essence. And needless to say the stored fear and negative emotions of mistreated or force-fed animals will also contribute to low vibrational ‘food’.

Fruit on the other hand is a perfect living structure, without any need for preparation. Additionally glucose is the key source of energy for the human body and brain, obtained by the breakdown of carbohydrates and most easily metabolized. Proteins, fat, and complex carbohydrates must be broken down to simple carbohydrates in order to be used as fuel. So why make our body lose energy by this often energy-intensive operation, while the purpose of food is to obtain energy? Why not receive it effortless from simple carbohydrates such as fructose/fruit sugar? And perhaps sometime we can bridge the spiritually gap to breatharianism and sungazing, when we are able to get all needed energy from breathing or looking at the sun alone? Even the famous physicist Nicola Tesla thought this was possible when he said: “Why should a living being not be able to obtain all the energy it needs for the performance of its life functions from the environment, instead of through consumption of food?”

Interesting to remark is that many spiritual truth-seekers ‘upgrade’ their diet from omnivore to vegetarian, vegan, raw foodist, fruitarian to even liquidarian. And this leads us indirectly to the law of attraction: like attracts like. If we as human beings vibrate at a certain frequency, and we attract whatever that frequency holds, this applies also to food. Note that if we are in love or simply feel positive, we are naturally drawn to higher vibrational foods or aren’t even hungry.


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Trough my personal journey experimenting with diets due to digestive problems, I noticed I cannot tolerate cooked foods anymore. In the beginning this arose a lot of fear-based questions within myself that something had to be very wrong. After researching and learning from raw food pioneers, I started trusting and listening to my body again. By eliminating and simplifying my diet stepwise towards fruitarianism, my body had the opportunity to cleanse and heal itself (from previous toxic accumulation). And as a result I believe that when your body becomes more pure, it simply cannot hold lower vibrational foods and rejects it. Every symptom is also a wake up call for the body, telling us something is going on. And holistic health learns us to look at the cause instead of suppressing symptoms with common drugs or medication.

I also want to relate this to the metaphor of ‘peeling the onion’: peeling away all outer layers, makes it able to see the core. These layers can refer to certain belief systems, toxic relationships etc. but also buildup from ‘dead’ or acid foods. Referring this also to the ‘boiling frog anecdote’, where the premise is that a frog put suddenly into boiling water will jump out, but if put in cold water slowly brought to a boil, it will not perceive danger and be cooked to dead. Although several experiments on this anecdote contradict each other, I believe our body is smart and always adapting for the best. When toxins (of any kind) cannot be eliminated by our body, it produces mucus (or protective layers) to secure itself. And as natural hygiene teaches: toxemia is the cause of any disease.

So let’s wonder if we raise our vibration, maybe we can be sustained by less dense and lighter foods? And reversed: maybe we can alter our frequency not only by holding positive vibrations but also by slowly going up the higher-vibrational foods scale?

Vermeir Hannelore About the author: Vermeir Hannelore is a specialized classical musician. She graduated as a professional clarinet player with the highest distinction. Since then she has been working as a freelance musician and performer. She also started a band called “Travalone”, that fuses acoustic and electronic music. The first EP is available on Spotify as “Homegrown”.   Guided by her own health issues and due to her interests for holistic health and natural diet, she has been researching and learning about these topics for several years. She also started a new education as a natural health therapist because she feels the call for helping and educating people about alternative and healthy lifestyle.

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