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Black Invisible Super New Moon Update

By on August 30, 2019 in Astrology with 0 Comments

Black Invisible Super New Moon Update

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by Morag,
Contributing writer,

Black Invisible Super New Moon Update


The ascension field we are moving through is a maelstrom of conflicting energetic frequencies. The black invisible super new moon is the black portal the dark lords have been preparing for. They step up their assault to meet the oncoming waves of 333 cosmic light frequencies. Gaia rises from her core to her crust. The threads holding the old 3D matrix together, competition, hate and fear, are splitting, tearing, snapping under the pressure of Christ consciousness anchoring on the material plane.

We are living through a momentous time in the multi verse, rare, profound, accelerated and divine. Outdated versions are running on overdrive, clinging to archetype algorithms of envy, greed and entitlement. The patriarchy is malfunctioning before our eyes. Fake news, forgotten in a few days, fake policies thrown around. Fake people, clones, spouting the same grooming slogans, are glitching. The global political stage is a pantomime of scarily outdated programs. Misogyny, racism, elitism run on service to self processing units.

Peace, love and harmony, goddess vibrations, run on the upgraded 5D core processors. We make this transition happen ourselves. Upgrades are there, downloads are ready and waiting, old files can be deleted, rendered obsolete as we upload new skills, our dormant DNA activated in cosmic light frequencies. It’s our choice, how we approach this ascension business.

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The system is crashing. Truths are being used by the cabal against each other. Significant individuals are being hung out to dry as a warning to others considering blowing the whistle, or protected as precious commodities. Truths are being used by the cabal as weapons of mass destruction. Inversion is their core code. Hyenas tearing each other apart, scrapping for their dying race, their wealth, their power. As they attack each other, we, the normal folk, are researching, waking up, using online sources to expand our minds, deepen our understanding of the world and ourselves.

Soul searching on an epic scale has commenced. Gen Z’ers and millennials, teaming with indigos and rainbow children, are trailblazing a spiritual movement built on self respect, boundaries and sovereignty. They have a creative response to all the institutions, linear lockdowns, little boxes society has put previous generations into with relative ease. Their momentum is technology, they adapt to their surroundings anchored to the ever expanding consciousness of cybernet communication. They are immune to much of the loneliness, vulnerability and fear their woke predecessors faced. Their’s is a free flowing, free styling, free wheeling dynamic space of supersonic content creation. We existed in pods, isolated from anything but our immediate surroundings before the technology age was birthed.


Mind control conditioning in religion and education was more intensive because we had nothing to compare it to, it was all we knew. For older generations this new millennia business is an absolute goddess send, the world was so small, limited, boring(!) before the internet. Bring on the ascension and all the ecstatic and exhilarating energies it brings with it.

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Our mind body soul systems are transfiguring to crystalline cores. We are upgrading from primitive programs, to high level, technically advanced, operating systems. All of this, the whole profound transcendental experience we are having is kind of summarized in a nutshell by the coming black invisible super new moon in Virgo.

It’s the macro to the micro, an Easter egg in the game, a grand celestial event of epic proportions and it’s going to shift us to the next level.

The ascension is dropping a gear, gunning her engine, ready for take off. The party really is about to start. Gloves off, masks dissolved, illusions shattered. We all walk our truth from here on. What we did and how we are managing 2019’s 1111 wake up, game changing, quantum leaps of consciousness is going to be magnified by the super new moon.

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We are entering a consolidation period. We experienced activation in April, followed by active learning in the following months, we are moving towards alignment. Alignment with Gaia. Breaking free from the chains of the cabal matrix to raise our vibrations and reach spaces of joy, peace, calm and happiness. These are the goals. The end game.

Don’t lose sight of the light at the end of the tunnel. Make time for meditation, visualize, dreamweave, ritualize, and manifest the timelines our hearts desire. All of them.

New moons are the time to breathe life into new projects, new relationships, new endeavors. Unleash our passions, see where they take us. New moon in Virgo amplifies recent planetary alignments in Virgo. This Shift is about the details, nuance, micro expressions, the fine print, colors and shading, consolidation.

Be specific with the universe, get down to the nitty gritty, even when it makes us feel uncomfortable. Those are the things we should look at most. When we feel resistance, we know there is unresolved karma, blocks to be aired and released. Once cleared we move on into fresh spaces of higher vibratory fields. It all comes back to self care. Self care is divinity. Self care is revolution. Self care is evolution.

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All of light is mirrored in darkness, the key to seeing through illusion. We unravel the mysteries of the matrix when we see through its holographic imprinting. Conditioning works using reinforcement psychology, symbolism, trigger words, grooming and dark magic.

The close of August is the close of our second 333 portal of 2019. What we learned, we live. What we sowed, we pick, what we nourished, we reap. We are heading into September 19th and it’s going to be a big month beautiful people. We did the work, we were present, attended meditative seminars on growth, expansion and energetic welfare. We were conscious of our karma.

The Invisible, Black Super New Moon is planetary dis-alignment. It is the inversion of light filled supermoon gateways. We are heading into a black portal. We witness the cabal go into hyper drive of fear mongering, chaos creation, and destruction. This will play out on any screen, conversation or interaction we allow it to. Its goal is to knock us off our lit perches of divine calm. Its mission is to render fear into the depths of our souls, to corrupt our motherboards with sticky, dense viruses, engineered to clone themselves within our energetic bodies, to lock us down into low vibrations.

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As lightworkers, Earth guardians, volunteers, starseed and indigos we stand in the face of onslaught of darkness with persistent, relentless and complete devotion to Self, to Light and to Peace. We cannot let the black plague of night drown us in its soon to be obsolete algorithms. We are running on much faster processing units, we are riding lightwaves to freedom, emancipation, redemption and reformation. We are building a new earth in our hearts, in our heads, in our lives. We cannot lose sight of the end goal, sustainable, advanced systems, eco balanced, thriving Gaia and her people. It’s all possible, it’s right there, some of it has already been built, created and manifested. The rest is up to us.

Invisible is the mark of the devil. He is the master of trickery, his illusion so great he convinced us he didn’t exist. He is back in the house, after a misplaced absence during which his mini masters lost their tiny minds and created the internet. It is like a Bond movie, or Star Wars or Star Trek, it’s all very dramatic. It’s all about an energetic force that everyone wants to harness for evil.

In truth, it’s about mass slavery focused on children and those in female frequencies. Its got angels and demons all over it. And yeah, we are living it. Woke folk can see through the illusions, so we’re going see some freaky, scary, downright devastating stuff come at us from the worlds of politics, entertainment and sports.

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Some real shockers are coming our way. We witness the breakdown of rationality in economics and social welfare. We see the effects of service to self policies in overdrive on our streets, in our schools and hospitals. It’s going to be hard to maintain optimism, lit from the inside.

As our perspective of our world, our lives, our existence shifts, we are left in an existential no mans land. Go inwards to find faith. Reach for the stars for belief. Hug a tree for Gaia goodness. Stay in heart love and all will be well. Navigate this black portal by channeling the vibration of detachment. Unplug from mainstream narratives whilst remaining super focused on creating the details of our own narrative.

We are writing the synopsis for our book right now. The Akashic records are buzzing with the collective energetic activity vibrating from wakened people as we map out our futures, land on chapter headings, structure the plot, build characters, direction and dialogue into our New Earth dreamscape.

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This is a war for energy. We are not losing our compassion, we are prioritizing Self after many lifetimes of abuse at the hands of a corrupt, soul recycling, karmic assault. Warrior mode is activated.

Energy is neutral. Intent is the activation of positive vibration or negative vibration. It is our mission to stay in positive vibratory fields throughout the coming intensive space. Colliding portals of light and dark are bringing all that is not authentic to the surface. The streets we walk will reflect our internal vibratory field. If we feel negative we will see, experience and be exposed to negativity. The world will vibrate on multiple frequencies. There will be times when interaction is ill advised. Other times when it’s safe to be exposed. For energetic and divine direction and guidance listen to our gut, our guides and our instincts, they see the bigger picture and can be trusted.

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Like all celestial portals the frequencies are cosmic, out of this world and extremely trippy. Dark portals are the mirror, or inversion of light gateways. Those who chose the black pill will revel in the authenticity karma this dark portal will illuminate.

Secrecy is so last century. Devil worshippers, evil doers, pedophiles and rapists will experience a revelation of knowing themselves and accepting themselves. They seek truth, to be recognized for their sins, their scare mongering and power play tactics. They are tired of hiding in the shadows. They want to come out and show their true colors. They want, even crave, recognition for their dedication to darkness. Haters gonna hate, doncha know. The normalization program of pedophilia and rape will step up a gear. Images in advertising, mainstream media, tv, music and movies will trail blaze this agenda.

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For woke people the matrix is going to become a very sinister, disturbing space. Bus shelters, billboards, boardings and hoardings, all in the public domain, will reinforce using sexualized, demonized children, glamorizing suicide and the undead, drug use, and cosmetic surgery. The response to Epstein will be blatant misogyny, hostile assault on the women taking the case to court. Extreme sexualization of children and the act of sex with children impressed on the mass population through subliminal means, observable to the awakened. Discussion and dialogue will be had in mainstream media journals and papers about the ethics, each will reach the same conclusion “aren’t we all simply the children of this world”.

The Zionist, Nazi agenda, superiority of the Aryan race, is also gearing up for hyper drive. Refugees, immigrants and displaced people demonized into nothing better than insects, ants, peasants, dirt on the white man’s shoe, will be public enemy number 1.

The cabal ignite racist hatred in the expectation we will turn on each other and forget about them. Micro dosing fascism through tabloid headlines, prime time talk shows and Hollywood blockbusters, the matrix will heighten its hate algorithms. Blue pillars are the main target, vulnerable in their willful and conditioned subservience to their selfish egos, they will puff themselves up in the face of enlightened people and reassure themselves they are ok because there are others far worse off than them. Security in anonymity is core code in the 1984 matrix.

Isolationism, feral and primitive in its distrust of fellow humans, it’s like trying to run a PS4 game on a PS1. Impossible. The technologies are incompatible. Separation will be frequency. SIMS folk sat in front of their tvs, zonked on big pharma, junk food, alcohol or inertia will remain hooked up, plugged in to the outdated versions. Others are intervening from higher dimensional spaces to disrupt this engineered program. The rest of us, the woke folk and the awakening, we are experiencing these dimensional shifts in our daily lives.

The next few weeks are going to challenge us on every level to stay centered on our cosmic surfboards. Whatever they can throw at us to lower our vibration, they are going to do it. This will happen on the global and local stages but also directly in our lives. The word is out on the astral, the black invisible new super moon is the opening of a dark gateway, all systems go for the dark assault.

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The astral field is interplaying with the material plane. Our light will offend people’s demons. We may find we aren’t even talking to our friend, neighbor, colleague, but their demon, envious, greedy, self serving, bitter attachments who find our happiness infuriating. We should be taking calm and pragmatic responsibility for our energy. Protecting ourselves with high vibration activities, thoughts and behaviors. There is no place for naivety now. We are in a war zone, a hostile environment.

We level up. We prepare. Game on. We choose the vibratory path we walk. We can let others bring us down, lower our mood, drain us, bully us or burst our bubble. Or we can say ‘whatever mate, I’m off, got me some living, got me some lovin’ to do, some dreams to weave, some light magic to manifest‘.

Detach from mainstream anything as much as possible. Be active in positive ways. Sign petitions, pray for peace, challenge folk with compassion and sovereignty intact. We all walk our own path, yet we are integral to the transcendental tapestry of the world. We are part of it. The universe is us and we are it. It’s mystical, infinite and glorious. All we need to do to see it is step into our heart and break the chains of negativity.

Also see6 Ways To Talk To People Who Just Don’t Get It!

So, breathe deep friends, we are heading for a dark energy earthquake, the tremors have already started. We will see the world change before our eyes in the coming weeks, we must not lose focus. This is an illusion, created to make us then co create the illusion. They feed us dark fairy tales, horror films, so we know the demons warlords who rule our world, so we see them in our minds eye, like calling cards we hear their name and boom, they are there and we are haunted by their dense, fearful, negative frequencies. We wake up to and see the matrix to break the matrix.

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Hold onto the light of optimism, love burns bright in positivity, she dwindles and fades in negative vibrations, maaan. Stay tuned to the light, most of all when the lights go out and all goes dark. Our inner light, the angelic light of gratitude and humility, creator source light are all we need to rise from the ashes, the embers of the dying matrix, to build and live our 5D dreams. All of this is entirely possible, because it’s in our heads and our hearts, the change. We transition our head sets to optimism, our hearts to love, and all will be well.

September is coded in manifestation with attention to detail, self care and dreamweaving. Don’t let the ensuing dark madness cloud our creativity, dampen our vision or dissolve our resolve. We are building the new earth come hell or high water and we may well see both! Breath deep, buckle up, and look after yourselves cosmic surfers.

The light is found in meditation, dance, love and laughter. Our inner goddess is unfurling her wings, stirring in her chrysalis, keep feeding her, nourishing her with self love. The divine masculine is stretching his wings, opening his eyes, he too is awakening to Self. Divine balance, harmony and prosperity are our goals, don’t lose sight, keep our head in the game. We create, we make it happen.

Also seeNew Supermoon In Virgo Crystal Synergy

New Moon in Virgo – Cleaning House

In light and love beautiful people.


Image: Pixabay

About the author: I am a dedicated café conspirator, lightworker, metaphysical explorer, teacher, writer and earth mother. Born and bred in Glasgow, Scotland, I spent time traveling in Australia and Europe before moving to East London. After 15 years as an English teacher and head of year in comprehensive secondary schools I left teaching to become a stay at home mum.

I retrained as a meditation teacher and reiki energy healer, using crystals and starseed tarot cards for healing and channeling. Between night feeds and school runs I have been writing and blogging about life, the universe and everything. You can find me on Facebook, wordpress and youtube at awakening5dhealing. Much love and light beautiful people.

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