Tag: New Earth News

New Earth News – Creating A New Earth
My first encounter with the term “new earth” was Eckhart Tolle’s New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose. I encountered it again when A Course of Love, or ACOL, came into my life. Aside from A Course in Miracles, ACOL is one of those books that has most profoundly influenced my perspective and guided me to discover my own life’s purpose: advocating for a new earth consciousness. ACOL does not provide a blueprint for the new earth; it doesn’t say what it will be, except to point out that it is new. There are no models in the old world on which to base the new one.

New Earth News – What is the Fifth Dimension?
Much has been written, spoken and channeled about the Fifth Dimension and humanity’s ascension into this new realm of existence.

New Earth News- New Earth Support System Overhaul
As our souls awaken, our realities start to change. One of the areas that continually gets re-worked is “support”. How we support ourselves, what support means, how we support each other, where we lack support, where we try to over-support, where we do/don’t support, where we don’t realize what support truly is, how our gifts are to support us as we move into service fully…. where others do/don’t…. and it’s a continual process of understanding and changing how we function in these multi-faceted capacities of support….

New Earth News- 5 Things You Must Do to Shift Into New Earth
It’s the era of the universe and its signs. It’s the time of shifting into a new level of consciousness. The days of work, planning, goal setting, preparing and struggling are over. We are now slipping into the realm of the universal laws that have always been in place for us, we’re just finally opening up to receive and believe them.

New Earth News- The Ticket To The New World Is Transformation
The universe took on a new appearance recently as the flow of restoration began. This look resembles individualized osmosis as this process was installed into each vessel in the network. This action of the movement of energy is intact and has begun to generate new beginnings in each moment.

New Earth News – How Your DNA Codons Can Activate Others
As we continue to receive waves of energy that are activating our DNA codons in preparation for the shift into a fifth dimensional New Earth, the “domino effect” causes our auric field to positively affect everyone we come in contact with. Our activated DNA codons can affect the DNA of the gorcery store clerk, the people walking at the mall, schools, and our workplace.

New Earth News – Where Is New Earth?
Among the millions of ideas about the existence of the New Earth, the only one that is important for you to understand is your own. The only way I can explain my point is to share my own version. What if I told you that I believe the New Earth existence can only be found in your own eyes? Although what you see originated out of one, that scene now has compounded into what billions see. In order to expand out of one, the extreme friction of polarity was used and was a necessity. Humanity has forgotten what took place as one collective mind. In turn, that allowed itself to be in the exact position it resides in right this minute.

New Earth News- Shifting Consciousness And The Earth’s Spiritual Energy
The whole of creation is subject to a structure of cosmic cycles that ebbs and flows like the seasons and the tides. Humanity’s growth, development and evolution depends on these cosmic cycles and is connected to these cycles through the Earth. Every 13,000 years there is a sacred event that occurs in the Earth that shifts and evolves the consciousness of both humanity and the Earth. This event is directed by a larger galactic transformation, which shifts the Earth’s spiritual energy from one location to another. The relocation of the Earth’s spiritual energy has occurred every 13,000 years since the creation of the planet itself. It is thus a natural, evolutionary process that ensures the continued existence of the planet.

New Earth News- Dreams About New Earth, 3 Waves, And The Event
I had my first dream of New Earth about 10 years ago. I had been on my awakening journey for about 15 years, most of the awakening revolved around the systems and their mechanisms of control. Politics. Education. Religion. Money. I was not aware of New Earth or the Event and was only slightly aware of Ascension. The dream changed all that.

New Earth News – A Supernatural Event Coming Soon According To Hypnosis Clients
In5d’s Candace Craw Goldman recently interviewed Allison Coe on her show, Quantum Healing With Candace.

New Earth News – The Release Of The FISA Memo And Our Transition Into The New Earth
When it comes to ‘channeled information’ I would always advise discernment. There may be aspects of that channeled material that is coming from the channel’s own subjective thoughts and ideas and truly accurate channeling needs to be as objective as possible.

New Earth News – We Need Your Help!
In5d announces the New Earth News category, where all news will revolve around dreams experiences, observations, and channelings about our transition to the New Earth! We need your help in sharing your articles for all of humanity.