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Tag: timeline

11:11 And Synchronicity – What Does It REALLY Mean?

11:11 And Synchronicity – What Does It REALLY Mean?

By on November 11, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

What does 11:11 And Synchronicity REALLY mean? How many times have you caught yourself having an 11:11 moment, when you randomly look at the clock and it’s 11:11? How many times has someone said the exact same thing you’re thinking at the exact same moment you thought about it?

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How The Double Slit Experiment Explains Paradoxes And The Law Of Attraction

How The Double Slit Experiment Explains Paradoxes And The Law Of Attraction

By on August 5, 2017 in Science, Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

The double slit experiment is one of the most amazing studies in quantum physics because it shows us the importance of focused intention and how it affects our reality.

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Assisting Humanity Through Timelessness

Assisting Humanity Through Timelessness

By on June 22, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

We are all part of a collective consciousness made up of billions of human souls who have all agreed to experience life in this Earth dimension. We are cohered through a consciousness model that is sustained by basic fundamental structures that form a belief system. Perhaps the strongest of them all is the belief in time, as we have known it.

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Are You Remembering The Past Or Another Timeline?

Are You Remembering The Past Or Another Timeline?

By on May 8, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Are you remembering the past, or another timeline of your life or alternate reality? Here’s a powerful theory that explains why healing one version of the past heals every other reality (and why it doesn’t matter which timeline your “memory” comes from—it all leads to soul growth and miraculous emotional healing.)

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New Earth News – My Visions Of New Earth

New Earth News – My Visions Of New Earth

By on March 31, 2017 in New Earth News, Spiritual Awakening

Last night, after experiencing more (groan) ascension symptoms of body aches and pains and emotional blockage in my heart chakra, I spent some time in quiet, hot buddies on my body, shiatsu massager on my back, and did some necessary purging.  After that, I felt that I either received downloads (are those still coming??) or activated whatever downloads I had already received.  Either way, I received some insights, and coupled with insights and visions I have had throughout the past 10 years, I was able to put some things together and thus, present to you my visions of new earth, what is going on right now, what is important to focus on and what we can let go of.

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February Energy Update On Gridwork, Timelines, And 5D Earth

February Energy Update On Gridwork, Timelines, And 5D Earth

By on February 20, 2017 in Energy Updates

The following are February updates that I posted on my Facebook page about Grid Work and portal activation, major timeline splitting toward the 5d Earth, and what you can do during this ascension time to dissolve the old and create the new.

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Energy Update – Mega-Diamond Razor Frequencies Cutting Through The Veils

Energy Update – Mega-Diamond Razor Frequencies Cutting Through The Veils

By on November 25, 2016 in Energy Updates

by Lisa Brown, These quantum timeline collapses/jumps are huge lately loves. A collapse PUSHES you…. to step it up… these are bigger/huger than ever before, so the push is bigger…. you don’t get to keep playing in the old, you don’t get to slack and live from that safe place of unconsciousness anymore. YOU will […]

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Metatron’s Lesson: Love Versus Fear And Ascension

Metatron’s Lesson: Love Versus Fear And Ascension

By on November 20, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

The Unites States has just endured one of most polarizing elections in modern history. The reverberations from this election are likely far from over. And just like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum, duality, in all of its fading 3D glory, is raising its young head and begging for attention.

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The Art Of Jumping Timelines

The Art Of Jumping Timelines

By on November 19, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

by Tom Kenyon, The Hathors Although it may seem paradoxical to some, your timeline—your life—is only one of many simultaneous possibilities. And it is quite possible, indeed it is your birthright, to alter your timeline and the potentials of your life. Your culture, for various reasons, has hypnotized you into believing that you are limited […]

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Cosmic Call Centers – How To Dial And Connect Using A Crystal Pendulum

Cosmic Call Centers – How To Dial And Connect Using A Crystal Pendulum

By on November 17, 2016 in Meditation, Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Much like Harry Potter when his wand chose him, a crystal pendulum will choose you. When you look at them, note the crystal -is it quartz, amethyst, jade or any other type of crystal? It’s good to know some basics about crystals and the healing properties they have, but if you don’t, it’s okay because your crystal will pick you Anyway! You will be drawn to it. It will feel comfortable in your hand. You will stare at it a lot. This is your crystal.

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Dimensional Overlays Of Each Earth Vibrating NOW

Dimensional Overlays Of Each Earth Vibrating NOW

By on November 17, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

When you see EARTH and all as a myriad of different dimensions and timelines, with multiple universes within it, you will start to UNDERSTAND and REALIZE that Earth is not just one dimension, it’s a gazillion of them. Your OWN experience on this EARTH is your play that plays out for you. Your own dimension/timeline and you don’t get a higher vibrational one UNTIL YOU CHOOSE IT and EMBODY IT from within you.

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Energy Update – Density Changing, Worlds Are Gonna Be Rocked

Energy Update – Density Changing, Worlds Are Gonna Be Rocked

By on November 14, 2016 in Energy Updates

by Lisa Brown, Good morning/afternoon/evening dear sweet LOVE family, Last night I was writing what the frequencies were “doing” and I got tied up on a conference call. Basically is that these are about to “rock worlds” like never before. Shake things up and re-organize lives according to each’s HIGHEST SOUL PATH now. This gets […]

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Energy Update – Political Shocker Reveals New Timeline

Energy Update – Political Shocker Reveals New Timeline

By on November 9, 2016 in Awareness, Energy Updates

by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Editor, The day following the U.S. elections, you could literally feel a change in the collective consciousness. Despite the mainstream media’s desperate attempts to maintain the status quo with the “Establishment“, Donald Trump overcame the biased media and George Soros owned voting machines to beat war-mongerer Hillary Clinton as the […]

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6 Things You May Not Realize About The Spirit World

6 Things You May Not Realize About The Spirit World

By on November 6, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

The major thing that set me down the path of exploring consciousness was losing my brother Jonathan at aged 16 to a sudden onset of a congenital heart problem previously unknown to our family which swiftly took his life here on earth.

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Energy Update – Portal Preparing To Open

Energy Update – Portal Preparing To Open

By on September 20, 2016 in Energy Updates

by Lisa Brown, We have a portal preparing to open… it started a bit ago and stopped. It may be later or in the morning (it’s evening here now). We (me & the Light Team) have been in work-slam-mode for days. A whole week of sessions & events, it’s not letting up! I am in […]

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