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Your “FREE WILL” Is Interwoven With DIVINE WILL

By on January 9, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

Your "FREE WILL" Is Interwoven With DIVINE WILL

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by Adeana M. Slater,
Contributing Writer,

We experience amnesia with each incarnation so that we can truly be tested by our actions and reactions to each situation. We do have “free will” on Earth, which is a term I’m sure you’ve heard before. However, the idea of ‘free will’ to each individual seems to be much different.


The most popular belief is that each individual can choose and change their ultimate destiny by the choices they make. If you remove the words: “ultimate destiny” and replace it with the word “experience,” then the statement becomes more truthful:

Each individual can choose and change their experience by the choices they make.

As you stand in front of the crossroads so often in your life, you always have the choice as to which path you want to take. Each path will offer you different changes with whom you meet, places you live, jobs etc. As a result, the direction you choose may have been more difficult than what another may have been.

Your ultimate destiny will be the same no matter what choice you make. You will eventually reach your destination when you have climbed mountains, swam through high waters, while accepting and rising above each challenge faced. You do have the “free will” to make your journey as smooth or arduous as you desire, with each decision.

As our individual and collective consciousness begins to rise, we will be more in touch with our heart and soul guided answers. This will come in the form of discernment and intuition. As you begin to trust what you are “feeling” to be the true path for you, the difficulty will be taken out of your journey and you will be able to bypass all of those uncomfortable struggles and turmoil that the ego has created for you.

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In time, your soul will point the way easily and effortlessly, just as an illuminating light from the heavens is lighting the way as you continue to walk forward.


In truth, our free will is guided in the way of God’s Will, as there is no better guidance or direction than that of our divine birthright. ???

~Adeana M. Slater

About the author: Adeana M. Slater is an Empath and Lightworker who enjoys to write spiritual and inspirational articles in her free time. She is a single mother of four children and full time Registered Nurse.

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