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By on July 7, 2022 in Behind The Matrix, In5D Live with 0 Comments

In5D’s Gregg Prescott brings you news they refuse to tell you about on the MSM. In this show, Gregg covers the incident at the Georgia Guidestones, when fireworks go really wrong, Netherlands PM a satatnist?, Ford’s massive loss, US oil going overseas and some other news I can’t put in print 😉

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Time Travelers, Esoteric #CERN, New Currency, FB Bankruptcy, #Mayan ETs, Occult Library – Behind The Matrix

Time Travelers, Esoteric #CERN, New Currency, FB Bankruptcy, #Mayan ETs, Occult Library – Behind The Matrix

By on July 4, 2022 in Behind The Matrix, In5D Live with 0 Comments

In5D’s Gregg Prescott brings you news they refuse to tell you about on the MSM. In this show, Gregg covers a “hidden immune feature”, Russia’s new Global Reserve Currency, FB facing Bankruptcy, What CERN is doing esoterically, MORE Mayan ET connections, Time Travelers, and a Free Occult Library!

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You’re Worth $100k, CERN, Mayan ET Contact, Shiva, Georgia Guidestones, Serpent – Behind The Matrix

You’re Worth $100k, CERN, Mayan ET Contact, Shiva, Georgia Guidestones, Serpent – Behind The Matrix

By on June 30, 2022 in Behind The Matrix, In5D Live with 0 Comments

You might be worth $100k! In5D’s Gregg Prescott brings you news they refuse to tell you about on the MSM. In this show, Gregg will be talking about how you may be worth $100k, CERN being fired up to full max, Shiva, the Destroyer, Georgia Guidestones, Mayan Extraterrestrial contact, the historical man-eating Serpent, and more!

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WATCH: Floating Helicopter Without Moving Propellers Is Being Called A Glitch In The Matrix

WATCH: Floating Helicopter Without Moving Propellers Is Being Called A Glitch In The Matrix

By on June 8, 2022 in Awareness, Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

A recent TikTok video surfaced showing what appears to be a helicopter floating in the air with its blades remaining stationary. Because of this video, some people are saying this is a glitch in the matrix and that we live inside a simulation.

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DECLASSIFIED: CIA Explains Consciousness, The Matrix, Meditation, Holograms, Telepathy

DECLASSIFIED: CIA Explains Consciousness, The Matrix, Meditation, Holograms, Telepathy

By on March 28, 2020 in Awareness, Enlightening Articles, Science with 0 Comments

The CIA declassified a number of documents that relate to spirituality and consciousness, amongst a number of other fascinating topics!

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Duality’s Equation In The Matrix

Duality’s Equation In The Matrix

By on November 7, 2019 in Exiting The Matrix with 0 Comments

Have you ever wondered how the Matrix works? How did things get this way and how do you “unplug” from the Matrix? The self-appointed rulers of the Matrix don’t want you to know the following secret: the Matrix takes advantage of the balancing principle of duality, which is a mechanical law, not an ethical one.

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Plugging The Light Matrix Into The Mainframe

Plugging The Light Matrix Into The Mainframe

By on September 26, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

We are assimilating into higher realms, lightbody activation and downloads triggered to meet the acceleration of Gaia’s ascension in 2019.

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Leaving the Matrix

Leaving the Matrix

By on September 6, 2019 in Exiting The Matrix with 0 Comments

As the old Matrix slowly unravels before our eyes, the human species has arrived at a pivotal point. It has become quite clear the separation between the evil agenda and the light agenda. From the very beginning since our controllers set up shop on Earth it’s been a Bread and Circus.

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Lucid Dream Abduction – The Matrix Is Real

Lucid Dream Abduction – The Matrix Is Real

By on September 5, 2019 in Exiting The Matrix with 0 Comments

On the 11th of May 2012, was that a group of “beings” abducted me out of a lucid dream and took me to a celestial courtyard that existed in another plane of existence, along with thousands of other people.

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Dark Night Of The Soul – Unraveling The Matrix

Dark Night Of The Soul – Unraveling The Matrix

By on June 23, 2019 in Exiting The Matrix with 0 Comments

I went through the most amazing depression since the beginning of the year. Then for a few days, the “sun came out”—I realized that I was finally able to see beauty and taste my food. Then I realized how long it had been since I last felt this way.

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Imploding The Matrix From The Inside: Your High-Level Lightworker Mission

Imploding The Matrix From The Inside: Your High-Level Lightworker Mission

By on May 9, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening

During the awakening and ascension process, many lightworkers want to EXIT the matrix or leave this planet altogether. The matrix is so incongruent with the Truth that many don’t want anything to do with it when they are realizing their own truth. But the reality is that if you want to collapse a system, the most effective way to do it is from the inside.

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The New Matrix Is Allowing Us To Ascend In Consciousness In A Physical Body

The New Matrix Is Allowing Us To Ascend In Consciousness In A Physical Body

By on March 16, 2019 in Exiting The Matrix

by Teri Wade, Contributing Writer, The Matrix we live in is a grid system that provides the light required to have a physical representation of consciousness in the form of a human body. The Matrix on Earth was hijacked and dominated by those controllers who control us thru frequency. The New Matrix is allowing […]

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How The Matrix Manipulates Sex To Lock Up Your Abundance Codes

How The Matrix Manipulates Sex To Lock Up Your Abundance Codes

By on February 28, 2019 in Exiting The Matrix with 0 Comments

Understanding the quantum physics behind manifestation can be a game changer for you in co-creating your reality but if you want to take it to a whole new level then start unlocking your abundance codes.

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Break Out Of The Matrix – Silica, Crystalline Body, Live In 5D Naturally

Break Out Of The Matrix – Silica, Crystalline Body, Live In 5D Naturally

By on December 19, 2018 in Spiritual Awakening

In5D Note: As with any supplement, use at your own discernment.  by Paraphos, Contributing Writer, Do you meditate and feel nothing? Do you listen for your inner voice and hear nothing? Silica is the answer. Silica is another form of quartz. We all naturally have silica within our bodies. Electromagnetic Frequencies that flood the planet rob […]

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What The Matrix Doesn’t Want You To Know

What The Matrix Doesn’t Want You To Know

By on November 3, 2018 in Exiting The Matrix

Do you believe the sky is blue? Do you believe that humans are naturally violent and abusive? Do you think that without laws and government that the world would go berserk? All of these ideas are beliefs: beliefs are just concepts that we have thought over and over again; like a path worn in our […]

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Seeing Into The Matrix

Seeing Into The Matrix

By on October 7, 2018 in Exiting The Matrix

by Odette Loney, Guest writer, VOOM! I heard a sound of a power outage in my area. EVERYTHING went completely BLACK. Gone is the physicality of my bed and walls, as well as the gold curtained windows. Instead, there they were, the GRID-WORK of the current Matrix programming which runs our world. Picture a totally dark […]

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Transforming The Matrix From The Inside Out – A Vision of the New Earth

Transforming The Matrix From The Inside Out – A Vision of the New Earth

By on August 31, 2018 in New Earth News

The power of your imagination can create worlds. To get a new world, we have to first be able to imagine it, and visualize how the change from an old system to a new system can be accomplished. There is an easy way that we can transform the old Matrix into the new Earth easily, […]

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Unlocking Matrix Codes While On Ayahuasca In The Great Pyramid

Unlocking Matrix Codes While On Ayahuasca In The Great Pyramid

By on August 21, 2018 in Exiting The Matrix

by Nikki Colombo, Editor ContactOnlineMagazine Guest writer, This is an exclusive report and is the first time anyone has done it, but it will be recognized in the future as a great positive event. The time of this event has been distorted on purpose to protect the people involved. I received a phone call from Chris and […]

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How To Be Woke In The Matrix

How To Be Woke In The Matrix

By on July 17, 2018 in Exiting The Matrix

by Morag, Contributing Writer, We are energy. Our bodies vibrate energetically, this frequency is our signature wavelength. Our cellular vibration rolls out to our energy field. Our energy field extends out beyond our bodies. Our energy field acts like a shield protecting us, it also behaves like antennae or feelers checking out the energies in […]

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Energy Update – Upgrades And The Matrix

Energy Update – Upgrades And The Matrix

By on May 30, 2018 in Energy Updates

by Morag, Contributing Writer, Cosmic intervention is activating upgrades for humanity on a cellular level. Coupled with the goddess Gaia’s mission of ascension we are being recalibrated from the inside out. Micro to macro and back again. The elite warlords and corporate kingpins are in overdrive. Their mission is to keep humanity and our planet […]

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6 Signs You Are Falling Into A Phantom Matrix Timeline

6 Signs You Are Falling Into A Phantom Matrix Timeline

By on April 3, 2018 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

As defined by Keylontic Science, the Phantom Matrix is a Black Hole System created by the Fallen Angelics design to continually drain and accrete energy and consciousness from our living Time Matrix. Being in a state of chaos is a signature trait of the phantom matrix.

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Samadhi – How To Spiritually Exit The Matrix

Samadhi – How To Spiritually Exit The Matrix

By on March 15, 2018 in Spiritual Awakening

Most of the world’s population are NOT ready for this. Are you? You might want to consider bookmarking this page for future reference! For many, this will be an inspiration in finding your true self while exiting this matrix in which humanity has been trapped within since the beginning of “time”. The video you are […]

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False Flags, The Matrix, & Shadow Bans – In5D FB Live w/ Gregg Prescott Ep. #15

False Flags, The Matrix, & Shadow Bans – In5D FB Live w/ Gregg Prescott Ep. #15

By on January 28, 2018 in In5D Live with 0 Comments

In5D Founder Gregg Prescott talks about False Flags, The Matrix, Shadow Bans, & Consciousness.

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The New Twin Flame of 2018 – Toppling the 3D Matrix

The New Twin Flame of 2018 – Toppling the 3D Matrix

By on January 17, 2018 in Spiritual Awakening

by Jetson White, Contributing Writer, The numerology of 2018 is 2+1+8=11. Eleven is a master number and represents the Twin Flame, but this year it’s not about lovers or arch enemies. The Twin Flame of 2018 is about the restoration of a balance between masculine and feminine energies within one individual—YOU. One of the main […]

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The Golden Rings Of The New Creation And The New Matrix Of Grace

The Golden Rings Of The New Creation And The New Matrix Of Grace

By on December 20, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

One late evening, laying in bed prepared to go to sleep, I had a very grand experience. This happened about a month ago, just after the new moon in October. I saw these two huge golden fire rings coming out of my higher heart, like water bubble rings moving up to the surface. The week prior to this, I had a vision and a personal experience with a golden egg, that was planet and opened.

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