Cosmic Reset
by Elocin Ned’RAH,
Contributing Writer,
Cosmic Reset
The lessons that our Higher Power bestows upon us can be challenging yet breath-taking in the same sense. Currently, we have a lot of cosmic energies going on that’s triggering a lot of emotional turmoil that is resurfacing to be released. It’s such a beautiful thing that we are experiencing these events so we can clear our precious vessels of anything and everything that is holding us back, have us stuck and stagnant, and repeating the same cycles over and over again so we can embody our Higher Selves. This is happening because of our limiting beliefs and perceptions and old wounds from childhood and other life experiences.
I feel what’s taking place right now is a cosmic reset. Starting off fresh to experience our new beginnings in the highest vibration of all so that we can create a new paradigm of experience.
What does this Cosmic Reset mean?
Well, with the spring equinox we just experienced, and as of date, the four planets that’s in retrograde (Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn), this means it’s a whole lot of activity going on.
I would like to mention that I am not an astrologer, but I do like to follow the latest planetary moves to confirm that I am right on track with how I am progressing as an individual. I know I am very sensitive to energy and aware to my consciousness, so I may feel certain emotions come up, or see certain things take place. Then a sense of knowing comes to me and informs me of what’s going on. I’m well past the stage of thinking I am crazy for seeing and knowing things that may seem unknown or unbelievable, but I still need a little boost in confidence to really be sure.
Now, in my own words and what I feel, the spring equinox has set fire to our spirits, and granted us the ability to take action into our new beginnings. The retrograde in Venus is allowing us to look within and allowing us to experience the self-love we deserve and standing up for ourselves. We all know about the infamous Mercury Retrograde, some may say that it leads to miscommunications, electronics malfunctions and delays. Which is true.
But it also serves a bigger purpose, to slow you down into a more thoughtful exchange of communication with others, as I see it. Then there is the Saturn Retrograde, which is about being mindful about karma. What goes around, comes around… and being mindful and thoughtful enough to correct your actions especially if you are operating from a place of limiting beliefs and judgments. And finally, my favorite…. Jupiter retrograde, which is the planet of luck. This planet is manifesting things almost instantaneously. Also might I add, we had a full moon in Libra on April 11th, which is releasing and bring things into balance.
So with all of this planetary movement , I am seeing our karma is being returned to us instantly, rather good or bad, especially in regards to our self-beliefs about ourselves and others, and even the way that we speak, and how we express our beliefs about others and our environments, due to the perceptions on how we view things. So this stuff is coming up and out to be release for once and for all.
We have been dealing with this energy to help make us aware of what our limiting beliefs are. Which you may see this manifested in many ways. You may notice that you are getting irritated for having to wait, and then notice you are waiting longer than expected. Or you many cast judgment on someone, and in turn being judged yourself by someone else. Or even saying something or doing something nice for someone, and it being returned back to you.
Also, there is a greater deal of light that is entering the planet, and with the urge to start loving and honoring yourself more, you may have noticed an extreme in emotions. Some days are awesome and others are terrible. This is a fight within. Light is being shed on all those dark places and it is resisting to transmute in love . Fear vs. Love. And this is okay. Be easy on yourself.
Being mindful, aware, compassionate, forgiving and allowing, brings on a whole new perspective to life.
The biggest thing at this time is to allow yourself to experience this. This is part of the human experience. Feeling. Forgiveness is huge as well. Forgive yourself and others. Breathe. Get fresh air, sunshine and water. And ground yourself.
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Most importantly honor yourself. Whatever it is that you may be feeling. If you are feeling that a certain situation or person isn’t serving your highest good any longer, release and surrender that person or experience to Source and trust that Source has your back in manifesting your greatest good.

We are in a great time of change. Things are shifting. People are shifting. We are all moving into the light. Darkness can no longer hide or our feelings. We are becoming more heart centered beings. And operating from a place of light, we are able to complete the work that is within each of us. We are experiencing our new beginnings and fulfilling our soul’s mission.
May love and light cover you!
I love you guys!
Signing off until next time……
Elocin Ned’RAH (Voice of TRUTH)
About the auther: Elocin Ned’RAH is Psychic Medium, Intuitive Life Coach, Spiritual and Energy Healer, Teacher and Writer. Her intuitive and healing abilities help many realize and assist in reaching their highest potential in becoming their BEST VERSIONS. You can visit her on Facebook at or visit her website at
Additional In5D Mercury Retrograde Resources
What You Need To Know About MERCURY RETROGRADE!
TOP 10 Things NOT To Do During A Mercury Retrograde!
How To Reprogram A Mercury Retrograde
Why I Love Mercury Retrograde And Why You Could Too!
Mercury Retrograde – The Planetary Transit We Love To Hate!
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