Energy Update – Freedom And Balance
by Anastacia,
Many Souls are finding a new space of a very new found FREEDOM…where one’s truth just flows out naturally.
As after/with our Next step of our new found FREEDOM is then very importantly BALANCING our energy – of our Brand New Plan.
(Please know these are the next steps of our souls ascension if one is not feeling this right now, in encouragement and support of all you are experiencing, that this is very worthwhile).
When one reaches or finds this new space of FREEDOM then comes a BALANCE within this that is needed.
As the pendulum swings one way and then the other – to find a very new BALANCE.
This is something that happens time and again when one has been suppressed within for so long, and then they work diligently on themselves, and frees themselves of so much from the past(s), the pendulum then frees up to swing to the other extreme.
And then with that swinging from one end to the other a New BALANCE is needed CONSCIOUSLY.
Some may do this easily, yet others who have been suppressed for so long may need to realize this, to allow themselves to bring this BALANCE in CONSCIOUSLY.
If one is part of a Spiritual Family who are all going through this, all at various stages/phases, there is a LOT of balancing out of energies needed.
And so this is a time for those, where energies are very mixed up and jumbled up while this balancing out is occurring in the Human with Spirit, where the head can feel very ‘fuzzy’ or clouded and this can also be felt as like a migraine.
This is an outline of the bigger picture and so what can we do during this? We can utilize the see-saw method to help balance ourselves out. It is a very ‘basic’ method that is quite powerful and does ‘work’:
In your minds eye, picture a see-saw…with a triangle in the middle and a plank on top.
Then picture you as that see-saw, the center being your body and your arms being the plank either side.
Then ask and feel where is your energy at right now?
When you allow free flowing insight and feeling to come, you will see that the left and right side will show their ‘true’ positions from being horizontal.
Then shift your arms physically to match those positions.
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One arm could be up and the other down…one could be out front and the other up…it is what it is for where one is shown…as we need to just allow the vision to form and not ‘try’ and force to see this…you will instinctively see and have an idea of their positions.
When one’s arms are placed in those positions, then slowly and gently shift your arms to go towards being horizontal….in a straight line out from the sides of your body.
This needs to be done SLOWLY as you can feel the imbalanced energy as you do this…and it allows you to come into balance…readjusting as you go…as one can feel a slight bit woozy briefly when this is being done.
When ones arms are in a horizontal line out from your sides…then clench your fists to ‘hold’ this energy there.
This can be done when needed..and when one does this often, it comes more easily to see and to adjust…every morning or night would be ideal for starters.
This is a very powerful technique that does work and has worked with every soul I have taken through this.
Take a step back and feel and recognize if you are feeling a new found FREEDOM within.
As there will be those who have been so ‘used’ to us being as we were in the past, that will simply not like us finding our New Freedom as they have pigeon-holed us in a box of the past.
As when we come from unconditional love of ourselves and express what something is for us, with a new found freedom and assertiveness, if we are clear within and coming from a loving space -then others ‘stuff’ is not ours.
As we will have grown where this does not affect us now (others reactions) as it may once have.
And we will then be able to feel and see just how FAR we have come and GROWN.
Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty
Ascension Guide/Teacher
Multi-Dimensional Ancient Earth Master
About the author: Anastacia is a Rainbow Bridge in linking our Soul to our Spirit of 6D and 8D -through our Emotions of the Divine – sharing from experiencing energies herself and feeling the energies through her two souls (human 6Dand spirit 8D) as they come to our planet. From 20years of personal experience in linking her soul to her spirit, through her emotions this lifetime and past lives – back to Source through the ‘abyss’ – in service to Humanity and Gaia Guiding/Teaching Humanity. Shaman, Blue Ray Elder, Pleiadian. *Divine 1:1 healings are available, please email: for further information or read pinned post* Please feel free to share this post and others in their entirety. Divine 1:1 healings are available, please email: for further information. All Rights Reserved – 2016 Anastacia