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Search Results for 'how to raise your vibration'

How To Raise Your Vibrations From A 5D Perspective

How To Raise Your Vibrations From A 5D Perspective

By on January 8, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

I want to tell you a story that affects us all, and is a road map to the higher realms, and what is called Ascension. My name is Fred, and in the late 1970’s I had a relationship with a girl that was magical yet was also tumultuous and chaotic at times.

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Release, Feel Better, And Raise Your Vibration!

Release, Feel Better, And Raise Your Vibration!

By on March 31, 2018 in Spiritual Awakening

by Dianne, Contributing Writer, You Can Do This Technique Anywhere and Anytime You Like! The Guidelines: 1. Think of whatever it is that you wish to release. Pick only 1 topic at a time. Think of it as you are there experiencing it all over again. Remember everything you can about it. Use the “who, […]

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How To Never Be Sick Again And Raise Your Vibration, Simultaneously (From A 5D Perspective)

How To Never Be Sick Again And Raise Your Vibration, Simultaneously (From A 5D Perspective)

By on January 27, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

My Story was told in my article “How To Raise Your Vibrations From A 5D Perspective”. I want all to realize though that the information I offer is from the 5D world, and just not an interpretation of events happening in, on or above our planet.

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7 Essential Tools To Raise Your Vibration

7 Essential Tools To Raise Your Vibration

By on January 12, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

We  learnt a lot about ourselves, the matrix we call reality, and the strategies we can use to navigate stormy cosmic waters, karmic clear outs and negative energies. Here are 7 essential tools to help raise your vibrations.

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How To Raise Your Consciousness And Vibration Through Diet

How To Raise Your Consciousness And Vibration Through Diet

By on August 15, 2016 in Health, Spiritual Awakening

The growing question for many people in this time of awakening is, “what is a high vibrational diet?”, and “How to raise your consciousness and vibration through diet?” I have been asking myself since I was a little girl. I was the child who asked for bitter tea, a sprout avocado pita and strawberries for dessert. WHY? One good reason is because my dad put it on my plate, but there was more to it than that!

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20 Things To Do At Bedtime To Raise Your Vibration

20 Things To Do At Bedtime To Raise Your Vibration

By on July 15, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Did you know that bedtime is an awesome opportunity to raise your vibration and to set yourself up for more positive manifestations? While we sleep we disconnect our consciousness from the physical world and instead we connect more deeply with our higher self. This connection helps us create with greater ease.

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An Easy Way To Raise Your Vibration (Guaranteed!)

An Easy Way To Raise Your Vibration (Guaranteed!)

By on December 27, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

A few minutes ago I walked into my local Starbucks, which is where I do quite a bit of my writing. I really like being around the energy of people who are getting ready to start the day. It feels optimistic and hopeful. It’s a lot of fun for me.

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Raise Your Vibration With The Abraham-Hicks Emotional Guidance Scale

Raise Your Vibration With The Abraham-Hicks Emotional Guidance Scale

By on October 25, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

by Andrea Schulman, Contributing Writer, Have you heard of the Abraham-Hicks emotional guidance scale before? For those who haven’t heard of Abraham-Hicks, they are supposed group of non-physical entities channeled by Esther Hicks. While many people may find the idea of “channeling” off-putting or a little too “out there,” the advice that Esther Hicks channels […]

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Embrace Your Pain To Raise Your Vibration

Embrace Your Pain To Raise Your Vibration

By on August 11, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

If you are a follower of the Law of Attraction, you probably already understand that the key to getting what you want is through feeling happy and joyous. However, understanding the Law of Attraction often comes at a cost when it comes to dealing with negative emotions, especially pain.

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How To Raise Your Personal Vibration

How To Raise Your Personal Vibration

By on June 21, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening

Raising one’s vibration is an effective way to live a more balanced and happy life, and also a way to send positive energy out into the universe. While emitting a lower vibration or frequency, one will never really come into harmony and balance and experience a more peaceful and happy life It is the life of discord/dissonance that facilitates lower vibration energy, and can be sensed manifesting in the world today.

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21 Ways To Raise Your Vibration

21 Ways To Raise Your Vibration

By on February 7, 2015 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

The key to ascension is learning how to raise your vibration!

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Full Moon In Gemini – Using The Mind To Your Advantage

Full Moon In Gemini – Using The Mind To Your Advantage

By on December 7, 2022 in Astrology with 0 Comments

Happy Full Moon in Gemini! If you can believe it, it’s the final Full Moon of 2022! This Full Moon at approximately 16 degrees of Gemini becomes exact at 11:07 PM New York time on Wednesday, December 7, 2022 (04:07 GMT on December 8).

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Full Moon Lunar Eclipse In Taurus: Connecting With The Sensual World & Re-exploring Your Relationship With Money

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse In Taurus: Connecting With The Sensual World & Re-exploring Your Relationship With Money

By on November 19, 2021 in Astrology with 0 Comments

Happy Full Moon and Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus! This Full Moon in 27 degrees of Taurus becomes exact at 3:57 AM New York time (8:57 GMT) on Friday, November 19. Taurus is associated with the earthly and the material, including money, clothing, beauty, music and sports. Money can be a taboo topic in the spiritual community, but it doesn’t need to be. Some people still are hanging on to the idea that in order to be enlightened one must let go of all material possessions—or at the very least be poor. This is an outdated idea left over from the Age of Pisces, when the extremely dualistic economic system thrived.

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Remember Everything Is Thought, Vibration, & Choice

Remember Everything Is Thought, Vibration, & Choice

By on April 25, 2020 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Stand in your light, your power, and remember you are a creator of your reality. Pay attention to what is surfacing for you at this time for you to experience, feel, heal, and evolve. Share your experiences if it resonates to do so. Remember that the only thing strong enough and powerful enough to shake you, is you!

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Higher Learning From Your Spirit Guides

Higher Learning From Your Spirit Guides

By on April 22, 2020 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Your spirit guides already know your path and your mission. It is already mapped out in your Akashic Records. They want to teach you what you need to know to accomplish your mission.

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How To Ignite Your Inner Galactic Warrior

How To Ignite Your Inner Galactic Warrior

By on October 30, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Galactic Warriors – This cosmic crossroads we have reached has shown us we can transform our reality by transforming ourselves. To delve into our psyche, to welcome activation of our chakra system, to seek inner peace and stillness. We can soar through the clouds as birds, play in the oceans like dolphins, we can set our spirits free.

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Ascension Field Is Aligning To 5D Baseline Vibration

Ascension Field Is Aligning To 5D Baseline Vibration

By on October 8, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Assimilation into these higher frequencies is where we are at. The ascension field is aligning to fifth dimension baseline vibration. Waves of light are flowing through us and around us. Surrender.

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Heal Yourself BEYOND EFT – Consciousness Transformation Techniques

Heal Yourself BEYOND EFT – Consciousness Transformation Techniques

By on September 20, 2019 in Health with 0 Comments

Consciousness Transformation Techniques is a revolutionary method created by George Duisman inspired by Gary Craig’s Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). After using EFT to attempt to heal a particular issue on himself, George found he was not having any success at resolving the issue.

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As We Raise Our Frequency, There Is No Need For Protection

As We Raise Our Frequency, There Is No Need For Protection

By on June 28, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

by Kim Semetis, Contributing Writer, As We Raise Our Frequency, There Is No Need For Protection Once we reach the fifth dimension and higher we no longer turn to anyone and anything outside of ourselves for protection because we know that we ARE the UNIVERSE. In the third and fourth dimension we may send […]

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New Moon In Aquarius: Your Future Is Now

New Moon In Aquarius: Your Future Is Now

By on February 7, 2019 in Astrology

NEW MOON IN AQUARIUS: YOUR FUTURE IS NOW/TRANSCENDING SELF-SABOTAGE/ENVISIONING A BETTER WORLD FOR ALL by Matthew John, Contributing writer, Happy New Moon in Aquarius! This New Moon becomes exact at 4:04 PM EST (21:04 GMT) on February 4. It marks the end of the Eclipse season which began on December 22. Everyone give yourself a […]

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How To Let Your Vibration Rise With No Effort

How To Let Your Vibration Rise With No Effort

By on December 23, 2018 in Spiritual Awakening

by Mitch Gannon, Contributing Writer, Do you know how easy it is to allow your vibration to rise effortlessly?  It really is quite simple and can be done instantly in any moment of time.  You don’t have to meditate, repeat mantras, or perform breathing exercises. If you already are flying high vibrationally maybe you are […]

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Science To Vibrational Frequencies: Ascension

Science To Vibrational Frequencies: Ascension

By on October 23, 2018 in Spiritual Awakening

by Angel V. Ornedo Jr., Guest writer, THIRD DIMENSION (3D), SPIRITUALITY AND SCIENCE 3D is the physical material world, mind-body-spirit complex where humans with their light body residents at their core experience the senses, a feeling of solidity for Source. All carbon bodies have the speed of vibrating molecules at sub-atomic levels near to 1st-2nd […]

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Your Frequency = Your Reality

Your Frequency = Your Reality

By on October 19, 2018 in Spiritual Awakening

by Wendy Hutchinson, Contributing Writer, Everything is energy.  Our human biology breaks down to energetic particles which hold vibration and/or frequency. The soul is basically energy/frequency and consciousness combined.  As we come into physical form, the soul is contained within the human body.  The energy or vibration we hold in that body determines our current reality […]

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How To Use The Full Moon Illumination To Transform Your Life

How To Use The Full Moon Illumination To Transform Your Life

By on July 24, 2018 in Astrology

by Morag, Contributing Writer, Energetic, psychological, blocks are being highlighted and exposed. Those who are awake on their spiritual journey will be aware of cycles of negativity coming to the surface for clearing. Old algorithms from childhood are being triggered for release (again!). Our heavily programmed ego is in overdrive, pumped up by matrix fear […]

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Energy Update – Your Potential Is Without Limits

Energy Update – Your Potential Is Without Limits

By on July 19, 2018 in Energy Updates

by Pioneer One, Contributing Writer, These humans are a special breed, originally designed as starseeds, yet capable of so much more. Your potential is without limits. Reality exists in layers, like an onion. Your use of higher brainwaves and choice to stay lifted brings you to a whole new layer of existence. Time is not […]

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