Tag: consciousness
7 Brilliant Ways To Work With Citrine
I have a confession to make. I have been having a love affair with Citrine for almost two decades now, and we are very happy together. Holding one is like touching the sun itself. Its energy is like crystallized sunbeams that vitalize your cells, outlook, energy, and entire being. Citrine can burn through clouds of negative energy, thoughts, and emotions like a laser, clearing the way for your soul to shine through.
Service To Others Is The Way To Unity Consciousness
by Angel V. Ornedo Jr., Contributing Writer,In5D.com Some of us wonder why we live a life of service to others and service to self has been a second fiddle, always on the sidelines. As a kid at five to twelve, every time our playmate ask for something, anything, I run home to get what he […]
The Future Plans Of The Malevolent ET’s
by Nikki Colombo, Editor – Contact Online Magazine Contributing Writer,In5D.com What saddens me so much is our world is in such peril and so many don’t give a damn, they just go about their unawakened little lives drinking their zero coke aspartame and junk food, fighting their petty differences for these elites and the cabal, […]
5 Reasons Why It Is Challenging To Set Healthy Boundaries
The process of boundary setting and perhaps taking space in relationship or breaks is an important one related to our ascension process and arisement of our 5D self as every relationship we are in is an energy exchange. It is a key aspect of growing and arising into our soul self as every energy we engage with is a reflection of us. This process of sorting through relationships and setting and BEing boundaries is an aspect of the transition and awakening into your 4D self from the 3D self.
The True Secret Of The Universe!
by Jude Fullmer, Contributing Writer,In5D.com If you’re reading this, I’m sure you’ve heard about ‘waking up’ and ‘ascending.’ Do you understand what the end looks like? Do you know where we’re ultimately trying to go? In this article I’m going to do my best to explain what ascending truly is, and how you can help […]
Spiritual Awakening Crash Course – 3 Things You REALLY Need To Know
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com As the world exponentially awakens, many people are trying to find the truth as to why things have played out this way so far as well as finding his or her own inner truth. While the journey of enlightenment is a trip for the sole soul, […]
How To Navigate Into The 5th Dimension
To achieve the state of ascending consciousness is to place your self within the confines of your signature vibration, which is, simply put, the chord you have been naturally tuned in.
Shower Meditation
The following meditation is a simple and easy way to meditate while taking a shower. Water is energy and reacts to thoughts and intentions as proven by the late Dr. Masaru Emoto. Water also has consciousness and memory retention. You can read more about this in the article, “Dr Masaru Emoto On Human Consciousness And […]
You Evolve In Light, As You Become A Light BEing
by Lisa Brown, Yes… as you evolve in light, as you become a Light BEing, those BEings you used to fear, those beings that used to only exist etherically, you are evolving (back) INTO one of “them”. WE, as Light BEings do not have the lower emotions that humans have, WE do not have the […]
Energy Update – StarGates Alignment Of The Physical Body
by Lisa Brown, StarGates Alignment of the Physical Body/Physical Reality World Continually Synchronizing ALL to Higher Frequency Bandwidth Existences NOW The physical body/physical reality upgrades and re-calibrations shall continue to increase as we go. We are in continual Star-Gate alignment, continual crystalline activations, continual upgrade-mode, continual physical reality alignment, continual physical body upgrades/integration process that […]
A Manifesting Prayer for Ascending Earth And The Waking Up Parts of Humanity
From the eternal knowing of my Heart I choose to return to and be what I am as I am seen and known by the Source of all that is.
The Nightmare of Un-Enlightenment And the Two Inner Moves That Initiate It
by Andriana Eloha, Contributing Writer,In5d.com The first inner move that initiates un-enlightenment is attachment to a false self that draws one away from pure awareness of their Consciousness. This attachment creates all other attachments, and all of them are nothing else but a futile attempt to fill the gap between who you are and who […]
The Earth’s Magnetic Field And Consciousness
by Tom Kenyon The magnetic field of earth is involved in a perturbation or morphing. This is taking place interdimensionally, and the net effect is incremental surges in amplitude or strength of the magnetic field. This morphing of earth’s magnetic field is like a wave that rises and falls very quickly, and the oscillations are […]
Are Your Relationships Coming From Your 3D, 4D, Or 5D Self?
by Jelelle Awen, Contributing Writer, In5D.com As your consciousness shifts to higher vibrational frequencies of love, the type of relationships that you are drawn to and that you draw changes. Your third dimensional (3D) self sought comfort, while your awakening self (4D) seeks challenge and growth in relationships. Your 5D self or higher self, as […]
Energy Update – Timeline Energy Has Increased, Positivity Will Increase Into More Positive Manifestations Quickly
by Diane Canfield, Dear Beautiful Souls, I have always kept you up to date on what is happening energetically in this shift. We have reached a new level of awareness this past 2 weeks. The timelines have shifted again in the process of Ascension. They are continuing to shift each day now as we move […]