Tag: higher self

17 Advanced Signs Of Spiritual Awakening
We’re entering a new spiritual awakening paradigm of thought which is exponentially gaining momentum. People are waking up and are facing their biggest fears, only to find out that this reality is a dream inside of a dream. In other words, we never die and our waking lives are merely a reflection of the subconscious mind which always brings us our biggest obstacles and fears in order to overcome these obstacles and to grow spiritually.

Transcending The Illusion Of Separation Between Light Vs Dark
How does one transcend the illusion of separation between light versus dark? Find out below!

Alchemy Of Light – An Evolutionary Psychology Of Soul Development
Cosmological conceptions around the world have similar paradigms about the creation of the manifested universe. They postulate creation as a series of emanations of energy, principally light energy, in various gradations or levels of manifestation. On the other hand, standard scientific paradigms postulate light as having wave and particle properties, both linear and nonlinear.

5 Signs You Are Experiencing The Shift
What is the Shift? The The Shift is our collective shift in perspective from primitive drives to a higher state of consciousness. The Shift occurs for all species, all multiversal populations in this rich and vast tapestry of existence.

Astral Travel Encounter With The Soul Of Famous Hollywood Actress
I had an astral projection, which for me has happened before, but is not common at all. It’s rare, and the only few times I have had one all I did was “fly”…

2 Oversouls Describing The Upcoming Spiritual Transformation
The following is a telepathic conversation between two oversouls regarding what it was like to have the Earth experience during this time of spiritual transformation. Are you one of the volunteers? Many of us who incarnated here right now, volunteered to come to here to help Mother Earth and her inhabitants ascend.

Awakening Into The 5D Reality
Each are at their own stage, of their FULL awakening. There is ‘awakening’ from a 3D Consciousness perspective that we experience/d in 4D. And then, we enter another ‘awakening’ from 3D / 4D (Ascension Dimension) perspective into 5D conscious perspective. So there are TWO awakenings to this Mass Shift we are in the midst of.

Ascending Into Your Higher Self
You wake up one day and you feel you are totally outside your body. You feel tired, you experience intense headaches that have no explanation. Your entire psyche seems to be floating around in the ambient, something is moving around inside your head, opening and closing parts of your brain and transmitting information on who you are that totally baffles your mind – you are not who you thought you were.

Symptoms of Energy Shifts
As we are heading into the Age of Aquarius, new energies are encompassing our bodies and are reflected in various physiological symptoms. Within this transition of the ages, many people will begin to feel many of these energy shift symptoms on a regular basis as our bodies are adjusting and upgrading to the higher frequencies.

10 Pragmatic Steps For Higher Self-Awareness
As we are in the “flip-around” time from 3D to 5D awareness, these are some pragmatic tips on how to release the old 3D programming.

11 Shocking Things I’ve Learned Since My Spiritual Awakening
In this article I will summarize my spiritual awakening path through article references and will talk about the most shocking discoveries I have had yet.

Are You Ready To Activate Your DNA And Physically Integrate Your Higher Self?
Lightworkers, it is time to answer the clarion call. 6 times they have attempted to bring humanity to light and failed. This is the last and final attempt. The time is now to awaken from the long slumber. To know that we are not alone and there are things available to assist in this turbulent time.

4 Important Tools For Navigating Everyday Life
Using this four step process, we can come back to the present moment, the Eternal Now–the only moment we really ever have.

New Earth News- New Earth Support System Overhaul
As our souls awaken, our realities start to change. One of the areas that continually gets re-worked is “support”. How we support ourselves, what support means, how we support each other, where we lack support, where we try to over-support, where we do/don’t support, where we don’t realize what support truly is, how our gifts are to support us as we move into service fully…. where others do/don’t…. and it’s a continual process of understanding and changing how we function in these multi-faceted capacities of support….