Tag: spirit guides

When The Waves Of Energy End Relationships
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com I’ve noticed a lot of people having relationship issues, myself included. I recently went through a breakup and it’s never easy. For whatever reasons, many other people are also going through this and much of it can be attributed to the incoming waves of energy. While […]

Signs That You Are On Or Off Your Spiritual Path
by Ginny Marston, Metamissy.com A follower of Buddha once asked him how he would know the truth when he found it. Buddha responded, “You know the truth, because the truth works”. When you start receiving negative signs, you are receiving messages from the truth. When you have positive signs, you are touching the truth. Signs […]

How To Align Ourselves To The New Frequencies Of Light
Everyone is experiencing the new vibrational frequencies, no one is excluded, all is part of the change, some are aware, others are not. We are being affected, physically, mentally and emotionally, it is evident in everything around us including the collective field, we can see these changes even on a global level. For now, let’s focus on ourselves on how to align to these new frequencies of Light and ride these waves of change.

Summoning Dreams Without Lucid Dreaming
Ask your guides and dream the answer! by Missy Marston, MetaMissy.com Do you ‘dream in color’? Can you often remember your dreams when you wake up? If so, congratulations! If not, check out this article on how to remember your dreams. Now, do you have a question you’d like your guides to answer but you […]

CLAIRVOYANCE – Developing Your Spiritual Spark
The term Clairvoyance comes from the French ‘clair’ meaning “clear” and ‘voyance’ meaning ‘vision’. It is the ability to gain information about an object, person, location, or physical event through extrasensory perception.

How To Hear Your Guides
The most effective way to create a conducive environment to be able to perceive your Guides can be done quite easily after some balancing of the energy field and contemplation of the Self.

Intro To Meditation – The Easiest Way To Clear Your Mind!
by Missy Marston, MetaMissy.com Are you new to meditation? Not sure where to start? That’s okay! Meditation can be as simple as ‘winding down’ and turning off your brain. It’s hard to clear your mind when your environment is cluttered and noisy, so start with a quiet area to relax in. You can be in […]

6 Things You May Not Realize About The Spirit World
The major thing that set me down the path of exploring consciousness was losing my brother Jonathan at aged 16 to a sudden onset of a congenital heart problem previously unknown to our family which swiftly took his life here on earth.

How Do I Know If My Guides Are Contacting Me? 5 Tips And Tricks For Tuning In
A common question that I get from people working on opening up to their spiritual selves is, “How do I know if my spirit guides are contacting me?” Like most things in the spiritual world, who you are and which symbols are meaningful to you will largely determine the pattern that these interactions will take. This list features 5 common ways guides try to contact us.

September 2016 – Powerful Ascension Shifts And Symptoms
By Kim Hutchinson, Contributing Writer,In5D.com If you’re anything like me, then you probably look and feel like you’ve just pulled an all-nighter chaperoning a five year old’s sleepover birthday party. You know the look…frazzled, exhausted, and feeling too stunned to care about anything. This has been one of the most intense and challenging months in […]

How To Contact Your Spirit Guides
To contact your spirit guide, you should sit quietly with no distractions, relax, clear your mind and focus. This possibly could be done when going to bed for the night. It is not necessary to speak out loud. Spirit guides generally use telepathy to communicate because thought has its own energy.

Your Spirit Guides Are Here For You
by Kari Samuels, There’s Some Epic Energy In The Ethers You’re shedding layers and growing faster than your eyes can perceive. When you’re going through such rapid changes, it can feel super scary! Perhaps you feel there’s no one to talk to about what’s happening inside of you (of course you want to give the […]

Starseed Hotline Interviews In5D’s Gregg Prescott – Energy Update, Massive Tidal Waves, Spirit Guides, DNA Upgrades, New Energies
New In5D video! We cover a HUGE range of metaphysical and spiritual subjects in this interview. Starseed Network’s Lavendar and Arielle interview In5D’s Gregg Prescott as we talk about many topics including: Gregg’s dream of 3 tidal waves coming (and it’s not what you think!) Opening your 3rd eye Merging with your spirit guide DNA […]

Top 10 Spiritual Truths We Weren’t Taught In School
by Michelle Walling, CHLC Guest Writer, In5D.com What would our world be like today of these top 10 spiritual truths were taught in our schools, in the mainstream media, and in our history books? How can we change the system to introduce these topics to our future generations? What will the world be like after […]