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Eleven Ways To Boost Your Ascension Process

By on February 27, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Eleven Ways To Boost Your Ascension Process

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by Jelelle Awen,
Contributing Writer,

The Universe is supporting and holding space for the ascension of Gaia as a planetary consciousness. The Universe is inviting humans to come along for the ride: for the upgrade in frequency, for the return to our sacred human consciousness of fully lit up DNA, for the merging of our light body with our physical 3D bodies, and for the embracement of our previously forgotten soul gift expression. This support is showing up in the influx of photonic light waves and energies flooding the grids right now, creating a new crystalline grid over a NEW earth with higher vibrational frequencies and waves of light filled with love.


This can be a lot of energy to let in and integrate into our emotional, spiritual, mental, and physical bodies. Yet, it also provides a wonderful lift to those of us who are on this path of ascension into fourth, fifth dimensional consciousness and beyond. On an energetic level, it feels like instead of moving against the current going upstream, we are starting to feel a flow of resonance that we can ride on in easier ways down steam. It feels more like a glide in smoother waters versus a trudge through knee-deep mud.

Here are eleven ways that you can ride these waves of energetic support and give a boost to your ascension process to advance your consciousness, moment by moment experiencing more and more fifth dimensional frequencies of unity, peace, joy, vulnerability, magic, and love.

1 – Connect With Ethereal Beings And Guides Available to Assist with Global And Personal Ascension –

Access to Ethereal Beings such as archangels, angels, spirit guides, spirit animals, etc. becomes easier when energetics are available that allow for more accessible connection with them. The veil is getting thinner and thinner between the dimensions, heightening our capabilities of clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience. Even if you haven’t been drawn before to claim your gifts as a channel of higher dimensional beings, you really might consider it now as it can provide a visceral and meaningful support to your process. We are ALL channels of higher dimensional beings, so there aren’t those only with ‘special’ gifts who can access the galactic councils and other beings of wisdom that are universally available. Connection with Ethereal Beings is ultimately an experience of our higher self and a reclaiming of our roots as a fractal from Divine Source. It is also a reunion experience of reconnection and reintegration with our star beings aspects and selves.

Particularly eager to assist those engaged in this journey into 5D consciousness is Archangel Metatron. Metatron uses sacred geometry, advanced energy healing methods, and high vibrational frequencies of orangish gold energy (warm like sunlight) to serve individuals and humanity during ascension. Metatron is often the voice of Divine Source and a bridge to make complicated esoteric concepts more relatable and practical. There are many wonderful resources available to connect with him during meditation, yet the main method is to ask to connect with him while you open your heart and your mind while you engage in processes to raise your vibrational frequency and activate your chakras (particularly your third eye or sixth chakra.)

2 – Activate your twelve chakras or ascension chakras –

Many people work with their seven main chakras, which is a critically important aspect of raising your vibrational frequency. Daily cleaning, activation, and protection keeps your energy flowing clear, which impacts the health and consciousness vibration of your emotional, spiritual, mental, and physical bodies. Treating your chakras with self love and care can bring about accelerated experiences of multidimensional realities and raise your frequency. At some point in your ascension process, you will probably begin to become aware of your higher frequency chakras yourself or your guides will offer you a sense of them and invite you to active them.

There are many models for these ‘ascension chakras’ and you’ll draw the one meant for you. I resonate with the one offered by spiritual teacher and author Diana Cooperir?t=bcp11wh33 20&l=ur2&o=1&camp=1789. The ascension chakras were shut down when our DNA strands were deactivated. Reactivating these chakras brings in galactic communication frequencies, opens up light language or multidimensional star language, connects you to your soul group and soul legacy, re-establishes communication with your star family and star being selves, and opens up a deeper access to experiencing Gaia as a consciousness. Each of the seven main chakras also raises its vibrational frequency and consciousness to fifth and beyond, bringing new colors, new energy, and more crystalline appearance overall.


3- Meditate and draw sacred geometry to activate your Merkaba –

Activation of your ascension chakras and connection with Archangel Metatron seems to start to illuminate your Merkaba (or Merkabah as it is also spelled). “Mer” means Light; “Ka” means Spirit; “Ba” means Body. The Merkaba uses counter rotating fields of light to create a high vibrational field that allows for transport to other dimensions. As the ascension chakras activate and your vibrational frequency increases, your merkaba starts rotating and spinning, allowing you to more easily ‘travel’ to other dimensions, planets, galaxies, etc. It seems to act as a sort of equalizer and bridge from one dimensional frequency to another.

Learning about sacred geometry and drawing the shapes of the Seed Of Life, The Flower Of Life, Metatron’s Cube, and others is a meditative practice that can lead to multidimensional travel and a definite increase in your vibrational frequency. This practice of sketching, painting, and coloring sacred geometric shapes seems to transcend the mental body and left side of the brain. This practice can access the right side or intuitive side of the brain while opening up the higher dimensional frequencies of the third eye which allows for a state of ‘waking meditation’ or mindfulness or ‘loose brain’ as I like to call it.

4 – Heal woundings and integrate aspects from your emotional pain body–

The woundings in our emotional body or ‘3D pain body’ act as an anchor to our ascension process. Most of these pains are subconscious to us until we engage in a process of self love and healing to make them conscious and bring them out of shadow. There are many resources and a growing number of healers that offer an emoto-spiritual focus in healing and shadow work that goes beyond traditional psychology and psychiatry. In the process that I offer and hold space for called SoulFullHeart, we connect with aspects of the 3D self pain body, form relationship with them, and experience separation from the triggers and projections of these aspects. Eventually, the aspects integrate into a whole and growing higher self embodiment or 5D (and beyond) version of you.

As you are freed from your emotional pain, you can vibrate at higher and higher levels and take your healing heart with you to truly let in the deep joys and vulnerabilities of the moment that fifth dimensional consciousness offers to you. The emotional work cannot be avoided in another way as it will come out in life circumstances that continue to repeat in suffering loops, frustration, inability to manifest your desires, dysfunctional relationships, etc. Ascension is about being a whole and healthy sacred human embodiment of your higher self on all levels: emotional, spiritual, physical, mental, and social.

5- Heal Karma From Your Soul Group

Karmic binds in our souls can bubble up and greatly impact our experience of relationships and reality in this lifetime. Since time is an illusion, these other lifetimes are happening now and are not ‘past’ at all. Energy can be greatly caught up and stuck in our other lifetimes, which can be on other planets, dimensions, galaxies, eras of ‘time’, etc. We are connected to each fractal that comes off of our soul group, which I call the Metasoul and has also been called the Oversoul and Monad. Visiting the akashic records and accessing your ‘file’ opens the door for you to journey into portals or doorways that open up to visit these other soul fractals of yours or Metasoul brothers and sisters. Connecting with these fractals and helping them heal allows for integration of their multidimensionality and soul gift expression.

If you are vibrating at a higher frequency already, you are able to visit and heal with these soul fractals at a faster and faster rate without being ‘bogged down’ in suffering. Accessing and activating your ascension chakras (including your soul chakra, which is about eight inches above your head) allows you access to the akashic records with direction from your guides. Karmic cycles are needing to be healed in order for ascension and souls not to get ‘stuck’ in the suffering loops and repeated pattern playouts that happen over and over otherwise.

6 – Moving Out Of The Lone Wolf Stage

As I previously wrote in an article on about letting go of the lone wolf stage, moving from a ‘me’ focus to a ‘we’ focus is an aspect of the invitation to embrace more fifth dimensional consciousness. The illusion of separation in 3D reality has led to separate lifestyles, separate financial pictures, separate almost everything. Finding and participating in a community of like-souled people focused on ascension provides an important support to your process and helps hugely with healing of the illusion of separation. To still be an autonomous individual while in community, a conscious community, is the new ground we are exploring as ascending human beings. Many of us have had transitions out of our 3D conditioning around social needs and that may include separation from our birth families. Healing the pain of this space taking can happen when we experience intimacy with those who are in our soul and star family group.

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Moving out of the lone wolf stage may also include asking for support in the form of spiritual teachers, guides, wayshowers, energy facilitators and healers, light and grid workers. Space holders provide a way to digest all that is coming up for you in your ascension process and receive support and guidance for your next steps. It may be especially important to be in a collaborative relationship with a healer who has engaged in their own shadow work and can journey with you into the often intense and painful terrain of the heart and soul. We do not need to go it alone and sometimes it is an aspect of us that doesn’t want to need others that can be resistant to ask for help.

7 – Activate And Use Light Language –

Light language or star language invites us to go beyond the mind, beyond what we have been conditioned to feel as language, what we have learned as language in school. Light language or star language is multi-dimensional, non-linear, and based on wave form energy transmissions. It forms in the higher dimensional throat chakra and is downloaded and transmitted from openings in our 12th chakra or stellar gateway. We pick up these downloads as we tune into them from within, as we connect with our galactic self more and more, and as we feel how our roots are from the stars.

Light language is heard, yet it also comes through in hand and body gestures and movements, and sometimes in written symbols. The written symbols are non-linear, often presented in circular form, and sometimes just ‘appear’ to float in the air. The sounds may be present without the gestures or the symbols without the sounds or vice versa. It seems to come through in the ways that will best land in the heart and soul. During this time of transition to higher consciousness or ascension, light language is one of the things that we are remembering and needing to remember to facilitate our processes individually and collectively.

This is a guided meditation that I did in light language to provide an activation, example, and inspiration for you to access it yourself:

8 –Decalcify And Activate Your Pineal Gland –

The pineal gland is also known as our ‘third eye’ and is connected to our sixth chakra on our forehead. It sits in the center of our brain and is responsible for the production of melatonin, which regulates our dreams states and sleep cycles. It also produces neurotransmitters such as serotonin. The pineal gland actually has photoreceptors that are activated by light transmissions and its activation can help us ‘see beyond’ the physical and open up our clairvoyance. Being able to creatively visualize and receive intuitive visions from our guides is a critical aspect of our ascension process and when the pineal gland is calcified it is blocked from being a clear transmitter. There are many resources available online related to decalcifying your pineal gland but the most important ones seems to be eliminating synthetic fluoride (found in almost all toothpastes and in drinking/bathing water) and synthetic calcium from your diet and lifestyle. Eating turmeric, cacao beans, organic fruits and vegetables, beets, and apple cider vinegar can supposedly help with decalcification as well.

Including your pineal gland in your chakra cleaning meditations can be very effective. Visualize it as a pea-sized shape in the middle of your head and wrap it into your sixth chakra swirling vortex of indigo colored energy. Also, when you are laying out in the sun, visualize the sun’s rays soaking into your pineal gland and charging it up with photonic light. This is actually what is happening when we take in direct sunlight, which probably could be included as a step on this list as it is a good way to boost up your frequency and also to activate latent DNA strands.

9 –Turn off low vibrational entertainment, movies, and news and energetically clean physical spaces and websites –

As you are consciously raising your vibrational frequency, you’ll notice that you become much more sensitive to the energy that you take in. You will probably no longer be able to watch mainstream television programs, sports, entertainment movies, news, etc. Or, if you do choose to take in something, you are guided to do so and can connect the content to your ascension process. The energetic frequency transmitted by mainstream music may become difficult to listen to. You may shift to mostly Solfeggio scale based musical frequencies, which can be found on youtube.

Also, you may be more impacted by the energy in physical places, especially restaurants, stores, parks, malls, etc. Your frequency can be lowered significantly by unconsciously absorbing the energy of those around you and the energies that are stuck in most public spaces since they are rarely or ever cleared out. A simple visualization of a pure white energy tornado swirling through the space can help. I engage with this visualization by closing my eyes for a few seconds in most public spaces that I enter and it seems to help. I also am picky about where I sit in restaurants, feeling out the energy of the waiters, the people sitting nearby, the location, etc. I will often move a few times before finding the spot that feels right and I will also leave if the energy is not good. Websites are also ‘places’ and contain a lot of energy left there by the reactions of every person who has visited and commented. You can use the white energy swirl visualization on websites as well and especially facebook and other social media websites.

10 – Moment by moment awareness of your vibrational frequency –

Moment by moment tracking of your vibrational frequency is important for ascension, for awakening, for remembering. It is the practice of in the moment feeling what is raising your frequency and feeling what is not. Choosing to continue engaging in and with whatever it is or choosing to stop. Awareness is the choice of what you are putting your energy into, what you are participating in and if you want to continue or not. Awareness is realizing the impact of the energy you have taken in, the 3D conditioning you have taken in, and the conditioning you have experienced by often NOT being aware in the past.

Moment by moment awareness is about bringing in higher dimensions, connecting with star family frequencies, angelic realms, Divine source. Also, being aware of how your relationship interactions with others impact your vibrational frequency, your emotional state, and even your physical body health is important so that you can adjust, advocate, or even complete relationships if it is the time to do so.

11 – Transitioning to serving love as your main focus and means of livelihood –

Identifying your soul purpose and reason for being here and starting to move toward earning your livelihood from your soul gifts can produce a big boost to your process and to your overall experience of bounty in your life. When you earn your livelihood from doing something that you aren’t resonant with and even dislike, this energy goes into everything that you spend that money on. The energy for which you earned the money extends into your capacity to enjoy the money or not. As money is an exchange of energy then it becomes more and more important what you are exchanging money for or not. Aligning your money earning with sharing of your soul gifts and with your soul reason for being here supports more expression of those gifts. Gift exchange through a ground of mutual good will is the ultimate 5D expression here, yet we are still as a culture transitioning to this and are in a phase of still needing money as a means for survival in most lifestyles.

Moving toward expression of your soul expression as your means of livelihood can mean making major changes in your lifestyle and completing jobs or careers or businesses that don’t reflect your soul. If you are an energy healer, for example, and you have a full-time ‘office job’ that you don’t like, this is having an impact on your energy healing capacities when you do get the opportunity to offer them. Take a look at your lifestyle needs, let go of material needs as your primary drive, and shift more and more to your soul gift expression. This process will support your ascension and embodiment of your higher self in every day living.

The overall invitation in any moment related to boosting your ascension experience is in choosing your soul, choosing the bigger picture, choosing the higher energy, choosing the self loving, choosing the resonant ground, choosing to serve love above all else, choosing to hold space for your feelings, choosing to go within, choosing to claim your soul purpose. In every moment, the invitation is choosing love.

Jelelle AwenAbout the author: Jelelle Awen is an ascending teacher into 5D consciousness, Divine guide-scribe-author, group facilitator, and co-creator/teacher of the SoulFullHeart Way Of Life. Visit for more information about sessions, online group calls and circles, community, videos, and more.

Image: Pixabay

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